serin trouble with PIC16F877A

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  1. #1

    Default serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    I am trying to build a two part system where I will have a MC on a self-acquire satellite dish, and another MC in a handheld unit joined by BT. (This also allows for BT control from a phone or other SPP device) I fried my LCD, so I changed my attack plan to work from a terminal for now. I am having trouble getting the menu system to react properly so I hooked up another BT module TX/RX reversed and opened another terminal. I can see the terminal sending out "1" or "2" but the chip is registering it as [00]. I figured this out by putting in a debug line to echo it back before continuing the loop. I'm sure it's probly some formatting issue, but I sure don't see my error......



    TX var PORTC.6
    RX var PORTC.7
    CNT var word
    cereal var word
    i var byte

    goto MainMenu

    For i = 0 to 30
    serout TX, 2, [10]
    next i

    gosub CLR
    serout Tx, 2, ["******** MAIN MENU ********", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 1. Start Homing Sequence", 13, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 2. Manual JOG Mode", 13, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 3. Auto-Acquire Satellite", 13, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 4. Stow Dish for Travel", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, ["Enter Your Selection:", 13, 10]
    Serin RX, 2, cereal

    If cereal = "1" then goto HomeDish
    If cereal = "2" then goto JogMode
    If cereal = "3" then goto AutoAcquire
    If cereal = "4" then goto StowDish
    serout TX, 2, [cereal] 'For debugging only
    pause 500
    goto MainMenu

    gosub CLR
    serout Tx, 2, ["******** HOME DISH ********", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 1. Start Homing Sequence", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 2 Abort Homing", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, ["Enter Your Selection:", 13, 10]
    Serin RX, 2, cereal
    if cereal = "1" then goto StartHoming
    if cereal = "2" then goto MainMenu
    serout TX, 2, [cereal] 'For debugging only
    pause 500
    goto HomeDish

    gosub CLR
    serout TX, 2, [" JOG MENU ", 13, 10, 10]
    serout TX, 2, ["*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION *** ", 13, 10]
    pause 3000
    goto MainMenu

    gosub CLR
    serout TX, 2, [" AUTO-ACQUIRE ", 13, 10, 10]
    serout TX, 2, ["*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION *** ", 13, 10]
    pause 3000
    goto MainMenu

    gosub CLR
    serout TX, 2, [" STOW DISH ", 13, 10, 10]
    serout TX, 2, ["*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION *** ", 13, 10]
    pause 3000
    goto MainMenu

    gosub CLR
    serout TX, 2, [" Begin Homing, Homie ", 13, 10, 10]
    serout TX, 2, ["*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION *** ", 13, 10]
    pause 3000
    goto MainMenu

  2. #2
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    Move the pause statement

     gosub CLR
     serout Tx, 2, ["******** MAIN MENU ********", 13, 10, 10]
     serout Tx, 2, [" 1. Start Homing Sequence", 13, 10]
     serout Tx, 2, [" 2. Manual JOG Mode", 13, 10]
     serout Tx, 2, [" 3. Auto-Acquire Satellite", 13, 10]
     serout Tx, 2, [" 4. Stow Dish for Travel", 13, 10, 10]
     serout Tx, 2, ["Enter Your Selection:", 13, 10]
     Serin RX, 2, cereal
     If cereal = "1" then goto HomeDish 
     If cereal = "2" then goto JogMode
     If cereal = "3" then goto AutoAcquire
     If cereal = "4" then goto StowDish
     serout TX, 2, [cereal] 'For debugging only
     pause 500
     goto MainMenu
    to before the serin statement. Also with serial communication I always use timeouts and qualifiers where I can.

  3. #3

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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    OK, I put a pause 500 in front of the serin command with no change. Two questons... 1.Why did you think that would work? (Not being smart here, I assume you had logical reasoning or experience that might be of some use someday) 2. Can I use multiple qualifiers? Like if I want to reject everything except 1 2 3 or 4?? thanks!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    Quote Originally Posted by thasatelliteguy View Post
    OK, I put a pause 500 in front of the serin command with no change. Two questons... 1.Why did you think that would work? (Not being smart here, I assume you had logical reasoning or experience that might be of some use someday) 2. Can I use multiple qualifiers? Like if I want to reject everything except 1 2 3 or 4?? thanks!
    You have made my day

  5. #5
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    You have a loop that is constantly being executed except for the 500 pause. You Tx then instantly Rx with no time for a response to be sent.

    Well that was my thinking but obviously there is more to it than I first thought.


    Serin RX, 2, 500,MainMenu,cereal

    serin will wait 500 msecs waiting for data to come in. cereal you have as a word it only needs to be a byte.

  6. #6

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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    serout Tx, 2, [" 3. Auto-Acquire Satellite", 13, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 4. Stow Dish for Travel", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, ["Enter Your Selection:", 13, 10]
    pause 500
    Serin RX, 2, 500, MainMenu, cereal

    If cereal = "1" then goto HomeDish
    If cereal = "2" then goto JogMenu
    If cereal = "3" then goto AutoAcquire
    If cereal = "4" then goto StowDish
    serout TX, 2, [cereal] 'For debugging only
    serout TX, 2, ["Dingleberry"]
    pause 1500
    goto MainMenu

    Now I can see the 500 passing as the Main Menu 'blinks' from being called over and over, but still no go. The above code still yields:

    instead of 1Dingleberry

  7. #7
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    Let me get this correct

    you are sending 1 from the terminal?

    but receive nothing?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    and you send the menu instructions and receive them on the terminal?

    Are you sure this is not a hardware issue? Wires not connected to correct pins or something like that.
    Last edited by EarlyBird2; - 23rd May 2014 at 10:43.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    TRISC=%10000000 is missing to set portsc.7 as input.

  10. #10

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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    I did the input thing both ways...TRISC.7 = 1 and TRISC=%10000000 - no change

    I have two HC-05's hooked up to the RX and TX ports. They are hooked up backwards from one another. So I see the menu show up on one terminal screen, and I see the echo of what I type(a mirror of what the MC is receiving) show up in the other terminal on my screen on a different BT-com port. The second BT (as well as the MC presumably) receives 1 or 2 or whatever I type. But the when the menus didnt respond, I added the SEROUT and 1500 pause (to read it) and underneath the menu it'll only output [00] everytime no matter what key I hit. Just to be certain I added the next line for a total of:
    serout TX, 2, [cereal]
    serout TX, 2, ["Dingleberry"]
    pause 1500
    and I get


    then after 1.5 seonds, it dissappears and the Main Menu is reborn to await another keystroke.....

  11. #11
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    Serin RX, 2, 500, MainMenu, cereal

    This line goes to MainMenu if nothing is received after 500 ms therefore [00]Dingleberry will only be printed if something is received.

    What is going on?

    Can you send the whole code again please?

  12. #12

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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    you are correct. However, when that didnt work, I removed it again. But when its there, it just cycles back (basically blinks) to the Main Menu unless you send a keystroke, in which case you get [00]Dingleberry.

    [00] is Null is it not? Is it possible somewhere in the serin process it's trying to take the char before or after my keystroke? I tried 11, and 23 tho and still returns [00] even though 11 and 23 showed on the receiving terminal. I even tried it with a wait command llike wait for "A" then take the next char. Still same thing. And that was straight from the PBP manual....



    el var PORTD.7
    TRISD.7 = 0
    low el
    az var PORTB.5
    TRISB.5 = 0
    low az
    dir var PORTD.5
    TRISD.5 = 0
    low dir
    TX var PORTC.6
    TRISC.6 = 0
    RX var PORTC.7

    CNT var word
    cereal var byte
    i var byte

    goto MainMenu

    For i = 0 to 30
    serout TX, 2, [10]
    next i

    gosub CLR
    serout Tx, 2, ["******** MAIN MENU ********", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 1. Start Homing Sequence", 13, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 2. Manual JOG Mode", 13, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 3. Auto-Acquire Satellite", 13, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 4. Stow Dish for Travel", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, ["Enter Your Selection:", 13, 10]
    pause 500
    Serin RX, 2, 500, MainMenu, cereal

    If cereal = "1" then goto HomeDish
    If cereal = "2" then goto JogMenu
    If cereal = "3" then goto AutoAcquire
    If cereal = "4" then goto StowDish
    serout TX, 2, [cereal] 'For debugging only
    serout TX, 2, ["Dingleberry"]
    pause 1500
    goto MainMenu

    gosub CLR
    serout Tx, 2, ["******** HOME DISH ********", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 1. Start Homing Sequence", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, [" 2 Abort Homing", 13, 10, 10]
    serout Tx, 2, ["Enter Your Selection:", 13, 10]
    Serin RX, 2, cereal
    if cereal = "1" then goto StartHoming
    if cereal = "2" then goto MainMenu
    serout TX, 2, [cereal] 'For debugging only
    pause 500
    goto HomeDish

    gosub CLR
    serout TX, 2, [" JOG MENU ", 13, 10, 10]
    serout TX, 2, ["1. Elevation", 13, 10]
    serout tx, 2, ["2. Azimuth", 13, 10]
    serout tx, 2, ["3. Skew", 13, 10]
    serout tx, 2, ["4. Main Menu", 13, 10, 10]
    serout tx, 2, ["Enter Your Selection:"]
    serin RX, 2, cereal
    goto MainMenu

    gosub CLR
    serout TX, 2, [" AUTO-ACQUIRE ", 13, 10, 10]
    serout TX, 2, ["*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION *** ", 13, 10]
    pause 3000
    goto MainMenu

    gosub CLR
    serout TX, 2, [" STOW DISH ", 13, 10, 10]
    serout TX, 2, ["*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION *** ", 13, 10]
    pause 3000
    goto MainMenu

    gosub CLR
    serout TX, 2, [" Begin Homing, Homie ", 13, 10, 10]
    serout TX, 2, ["*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION *** ", 13, 10]
    pause 3000
    goto MainMenu

    HIGH el
    pause 1000
    low el
    pause 1000
    high dir
    pause 50
    high el
    pause 1000
    low el
    low dir
    pause 1000
    HIGH az
    pause 1000
    low az
    pause 1000
    high dir
    pause 50
    high az
    pause 1000
    low az
    low dir
    pause 1000
    goto TestPattern

  13. #13

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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    Man! I know this has to be something crazy simple to fix. This was the basis of my very first PIC project 6 weeks ago when I used a PICaxe 20M2 to build a BT controlled tank to pull wire under houses. It worked beautifully! But alas, PICAXE is a lil different from PBP, and I wiped the bootloader from that chip as soon as I got my picKIT3. It sux too cuz I want my tank running again and I cant do that either until I solve this same issue.......

  14. #14
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    Quote Originally Posted by thasatelliteguy View Post
    Man! I know this has to be something crazy simple to fix. This was the basis of my very first PIC project 6 weeks ago when I used a PICaxe 20M2 to build a BT controlled tank to pull wire under houses. It worked beautifully! But alas, PICAXE is a lil different from PBP, and I wiped the bootloader from that chip as soon as I got my picKIT3. It sux too cuz I want my tank running again and I cant do that either until I solve this same issue.......
    I agree with you it has to be something simple.

    Cut down the program to the bare minimum and test.

     DEFINE OSC 12
     TX var PORTC.6
     RX var PORTC.7
     cereal var byte
     i var byte
     For i = 0 to 30
     serout TX, 2, [10]
     next i
      serout Tx, 2, ["******** MAIN MENU ********", 13, 10, 10]
     serout Tx, 2, [" 1. Start Homing Sequence", 13, 10]
     serout Tx, 2, [" 2. Manual JOG Mode", 13, 10]
     serout Tx, 2, [" 3. Auto-Acquire Satellite", 13, 10]
     serout Tx, 2, [" 4. Stow Dish for Travel", 13, 10, 10]
     serout Tx, 2, ["Enter Your Selection:", 13, 10]
      Serin RX, 2, 500, MainMenu, cereal
      serout TX, 2, [cereal] 'For debugging only
     serout TX, 2, ["Dingleberry"]
     goto MainMenu

  15. #15
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    I do not understand how you are getting [00]Dingleberry surely it should be 00Dingleberry.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    Your comment about getting "[00]Dingleberry" makes me wonder...

    Why would you get two zeros? Your not formatting "cereal" with DEC - or any qualifier. Perhaps you should; perhaps you are getting an ASCII non printing character "printed" to your output (a non-printing character of ASCII value 1 for example)? It seems to me that somewhere, something is happening as the 00 is coming from somewhere.

    You might also try adding a cereal = 65 prior to MainMenu; if you get an "A", then you'll know the serial input is getting nothing in the loop. If you don't... then something is changing the value...

  17. #17
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A


    I really do not understand the []. Where do they come from?

  18. #18
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    Quote Originally Posted by EarlyBird2 View Post

    I really do not understand the []. Where do they come from?
    I don't know... I was quoting the OP. If the output is a direct quote, there is much about it I don't understand. Why TWO zeros (in addition to the brackets)? PicBasic doesn't default to double digit display; perhaps the subroutine fails and runs through another subroutine or the WDT causes a second response. Perhaps the brackets were only added for clarity.

    For myself, I think that I'd:

    1) Set a default value for Cereal, so as to know it was changed (or not).
    2) Extend the timeout so that I could be sure that no amount of key-banging elicited an input.
    3) Format the output as DEC or BIN so as to standardize the output.

  19. #19

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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    It was the pins. I was on the hardware TX/RX pins and I guess it didnt like it.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: serin trouble with PIC16F877A

    Do you mean it works now?

    I wouldn't repaint the menu in my loop, I'd return right below it.


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