Hi Guys , would like to get some input on implementing a Voltage monitor on a battery powered pic on the 16F1825

The Battery source produces 7.2V - 7.4v Fully charged ,

I use a Low drop Voltage regulator to produce 3.3v , via a schottky diode ( Forward V Drop of 0.4v) to ensure polarisation, so voltage presented into the regulator is about 6.8V - 7V

The pic (16F1825) and associated ccts run on the 3.3v ,

All the I/O pins are in use as digital outputs with Mosfets connected . ICSP header is also connected , so there are 10K resistors on PortA.0 ,portA.1 feeding the P ch mosfets on those ports

As the PIc has Fixed Voltage Ref that i would select to VDD as Vref

The plan is to feed the voltage from the input side of the regulator via 47K resistor ( to limit current when i/o low ) to the 10K resistor connected to PortA.0 and the Pch mosfet

but the concern is the expected voltage difference between VDD to I/O pin on the PIC both for ADC input , the digital output high and low ( active Low to use Pch mosfet)

I will have to turn on / off ACD and work out all that side during the times i dont have to digital output on this port.

but any thoughts on this proposel and a better way to go on how to get the voltage monitor to work / connect

