Hello all,
I wonder if someone can help me with this problem.

I'm storing manualy some values to 24LC256 with an external programmer and editor like this :

:020000040000FA ' THis line was from a blank memory - not changed
:1000000048454C4C4F21FFFF4B4D31375753FF00 'This is the line I edit with my values
:00000001FF ' THis line was from a blank memory - not changed

This is text "HELLO!" for address 0 - 5 and text "KM17WS" for address 8 - 13.

With the following code I'm trying to read the stored text but it seems the address is wrong

addr var WORD

For addr = 0 TO 5                                        '  
I2CRead memSDA,memSCL,$A1,addr,[STR TEXT\6]     '$A0 does the same as $A1  
pause 10 
Next addr
serout2 lcdp,lcds,[i,line1,"LOC : ",STR TEXT\6]             ' Display TEXT
With the above code i was expecting to see "HELLO!" but instead i see "M__KM1" !!
If i change addr values to 3 - 8 then i can see the whole text "KM17WS", but this is supposed to be at locations 8 - 13.
What am I missing here ?

PS. There are pullup's to both lines and tried all relative DEFINE's, just in case

Thank you in advance