Hello everyone,

I've got a bit of a problem getting my USART TX interrupt working correctly (using DT_INTS), something that I've done numerous times before. This is on a 18F25K20 (on the AMICUS 18 board) and here the piece of code I'm using as a base for testing:
DEFINE LOADER_USED 1            ' We're using a bootloader.
DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h           ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h           ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1           ' Clear overflow automatically
DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 138           ' 115200 Baud @ 64MHz, -0,08%
BAUDCON.3 = 1                   ' Enable 16 bit baudrate generator
INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas"        ' Include Darrels interrupt engine.
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas"     ' And the stub needed for interrupts in PBP 
ASM                             ; Set up the USART transmit interrupt.
INT_LIST  macro     ; IntSource,   Label,    Type, ResetFlag?
        INT_Handler    TX_INT,   _USART_TX,   PBP,    no
    INT_CREATE                  ; Creates the interrupt processor
String_1    VAR BYTE 50       ' Array to hold string.
TXPointer   VAR BYTE           ' Pointer into array
HSEROUT["Program start",13,13]
ArrayWrite String_1, ["This is the content of String_1",13,0]
HSEROUT["First test:  "]
Pause 200
HSEROUT["Second test: "]
TxPointer = 0
While String_1[TxPointer] <> 0
  TxPointer = TxPointer + 1
Pause 200
HSEROUT["Third test:  "]
TxPointer = 0
Pause 200
HSEROUT["Fourth test: "]
TxPointer = 0
While String_1[TxPointer] <> 0
  TxPointer = TxPointer + 1
Pause 200
'-- Interrupt service rotuine for USART TX Interrupt ---------------
  TXReg = String_1[TxPointer]       ' Load character from array into USART TX register
  If String_1[TxPointer] = 0 then   ' If that character was a NULL we're done so we.....
@   INT_DISABLE  TX_INT             ; ...disable the any further USART TX interrupts.
  ELSE                              ' If the character was not a CR we.....
    TxPointer = TxPointer + 1       ' ...increase the pointer, prepare to send the next character.
  ENDIF                             ' As soon as the TX-reg is empty the interrupt will fire again. (~1ms at 9600baud)
As you can see I load an array with a short string and then I send it out using various methods. This works exactly as I want, on the serial terminal I get the following, each time I reset the device:
Program start

First test: This is the content of String_1
Second test: This is the content of String_1
Third test: This is the content of String_1
Fourth test: This is the content of String_1
However, if I now increase the size of the array to 100 it messes up and I get this instead:
Program start

First test: This is the content of String_1
Second test: This is the content of String_1
Third test: TFourth test: T
As you can see something is now messed up and I don't understand what and why. The interrupt routine seems to disable the interrupt after the first character and then, what previously worked fine in Test2, no longer works either. As if the array got corrupted.

As a debug aid I then added a fifth output as follows:
HSEROUT[13, "Fifth test",13]
For TXPointer = 0 to 35
  HSEROUT [DEC TXPointer,": ", DEC String_1[TXPointer],13]
Pause 200
The output of this clearly shows why the interrupt routine (and the following WHILE-WEND routine) stops sending - there's now a NULL at location 1 in the array - the array has somehow gotten corrupted:
First test: This is the content of String_1
Second test: This is the content of String_1
Third test: TFourth test: T
Fifth test
0: 84
1: 0
2: 0
3: 115
4: 32
5: 133
6: 0
7: 32
8: 116
9: 104
10: 0
The 25K20 used here has 1536 bytes of RAM so I can't imagine it's running out of room - in which case I should've gotten a message about it not being able to fit the array, which I don't.

This was initially with 2.60A but I've tried with 3.01 and I get the same results.

I've tried declaring the array as various sizes. At 50 bytes everything works, so does 63 but at 64 bytes it "starts" to fall apart, the output then becomes:
First test: This is the content of String_1
Second test: This is the content of String_1
Third test: This is the content of String_1
`Fourth test: This is the content of String_1
What am I doing wrong here? Why is the ISR corrupting my array? I've got the ISR declared as type PBP so it's not that. What is that I'm not seeing here?
