Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?) - Page 2

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  1. #41
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    I have done a couple small projects for fun but always wanted to do that self made home security/automation system. I know, I know, there are plenty of companies selling them and a few home brew projects. The general operation of the pieces are the easy part. The missing part is web interface for setting up the system and monitoring remotely.

    I purchased a Netburner kit but decided it would be nicer if it could be a complete PBP project and not a mix. Then my 2 and 4 year old boys decided to put the project on hold a year ago....

    I have been following this thread closely. Your work is very impressive.

    Thank John

  2. #42
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)


    Would you mind sharing your code through your Oct 25th 2011 post (or after) that included SMTP and SNTP. I would like to start working on sending simple variables and I/O status between two modules and your code around that point really would be a great starting point for me.


  3. #43
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    Hi John,
    Sorry for the late reply. It's not really ready for "release", it needs some proper documentation and I've found making posts here is not the way. I'll need to put in a pdf and host it where I've got control over it - not enough time but I'm getting there.

    Are you going to email the variables etc between the two units or why do you want/need SMTP? The core functionallity is already posted.

    Finally, which version of PBP do you have? I'm asking because the code requires PBP3 due the conditional compilation statements thru out.


  4. #44
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)


    For now I really do not need the SMTP or SNTP part but was thinking that that version would have more information on making connections to other devices. I am hoping in the end to have it working but only emailing alarm updates. I have been playing with HTTP_part_ 1 and 2 waiting on the second shield to come in (came yesterday). I get to use my wire wrap tool again..

    I did have to change (version 2)

    If WizData = Socket_CLOSED THEN
    GOSUB Init_Socket_0


    If WizData = W5100_SOCK_CLOSED THEN
    GOSUB Init_Socket_0

    is that right..

    To send my variables back and forth I guess I will parse the data like what you did for the get. First part of the data is the var name with some type of marker after with the var data right after. Does that make since or am I offtrack.

    I am using PBP3. Thanks John

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    Hi John,
    Looking at the W5100_defs.pbp file both SOCKET_CLOSED and W5100_SOCK_CLOSED are defined as the value 0 so it should have worked in both cases. Are you saying it didn't? (I'm not at home so I looked at the file in DHCP_Demo package.)

    If the operation prior to the IF statement you show is to read the sockets status register then W5100_SOCK_CLOSED 'looks' more right but again, there really should be no difference since they are both effectively replaced with IF WizData = 0 THEN...

    Your approach sounds OK to me, build a packet at one end, load it to W5100 buffer and send it off, at the other end retrieve it from the buffer and parse it. If the package is always "the same" you could create aliases pointing into the buffer and just read out the data as normal variables.

    There's no real changes to any of the core socket interface. SNTP and SMPT are both extra and separate "modules" and I don't think they'll do you any good at this stage but if still want it you can PM me your email adress and I'll send it to you.

    Last edited by HenrikOlsson; - 10th February 2012 at 07:13.

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    I was using the original W5100_defs.pbp post #8 way back in May 2011, that may have been the difference.

    Thanks John

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    Hello Henrik!

    I would like to congratulate you for your very nice work here!
    You made me, buy a shield, modify the code and get it worked!
    Thank you that. I prefer that to a ready solution.

    What i did is i translated your code into Proton+ Compiler and made:
    a) a server, a simple web page with dynamic variables and
    b) a client, which loads values into cosm database (ex pachube).

    So, i would like to ask two questions:
    a) Do you use multisocket operation? Or only one socket? If yes, what is the basic concept? Opening all 4 sockets, set to listen and wait by looping pediocally to sockets wait for a "GET"request?
    b) There is a thought of opening a thread at Proton+ Compiler's forum with OF COURSE reference to you (your name and this thread's address) with some translation of your code into Proton. But i have to have your permission first.
    Take a look here:
    Last edited by VaGyver; - 6th September 2012 at 16:07.

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    Thank you, nice job on porting the code!

    I'm interested in how you implemented the dynamic variables. It's been quite some time since I worked on this code but last time I did work on it (back in January) I went of on a tangent starting to implement a subset of the Microchip File System for storing the webpage content in external flash instead of in the PIC. Geez, can't even remember where I left off....

    So, your two questions:
    a) The code should work for multiple sockets. I've not used it for multiple connections to a web-server but I've had one socket to DHCP, one socket DNS, one socket SNTP and one socket SMTP - at the "same" time.
    I don't think you should open all socket in listen mode at the same time though. If your device is acting as a server to serve up the web-page (or webpages) then you open a socket (say socket 0) and wait for a connection. When you get a connection on socket 0 you can open a second socket and wait for a connection on IT. That's probably how I'd try it as a start.

    b) Sure, go ahead! (Thank you for asking, I appreciate that!) If you build upon the code and post in the Proton forum perhaps there are ideas and implementations I can "convert back" into the PBP code and so on. That was kind of the idea of this thread from the start - to build a base or "framework" (popular word) for the W5100 which others could build "applications" around (web-server, emailer, twitter client etc). Obviously I would've preferred if you did it in PBP but you can't have it all ;-)

    If you do put something up please send me a link!

    Damn, now you resparked my interest in this... I even got a couple of WIZ820IO with the (now no longer brand new) W5200 chip that I was going to implement in the same code. Too many projects...


  9. #49
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    Smile Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    - About dynamic variaables:
    What i did is not effective, but works. I converted the variables to strings and then i just added to the rest string, meaning the Str Buffer.
    Fore example:
    StrN Buffer = Str$(Dec variable_to_publish)
    GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    - About multisocket:
    I am also searching this. The issue here is that i need to also pass dynamic variables as well. So, this means i must control all sockets simultanously (and my microchip chip also does other task too). Anyway, i will make some test on this and tell you the results.

    - Publish your (modified for Proton+ compiler) code:
    Of course i will do that (inform you). By the way, i intent, for start, only to publish a simple code that makes a web page with dynamic variables only (without DHCP). And i found out that these two compilers have very little differences.

    - I would like to ask a little help for a snippet. Why you are doing this in DHCP code, because i couldn't convert it with easy way?

    ' Get second Bit in DHCP_LeaseTime And copy it To first Bit of Buffer And so On.

    For DHCP_i = 0 To 30
    Buffer.0[DHCP_i] = DHCP_LeaseTime.0[DHCP_i + 1]

    Thank you in advance.


  10. #50
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    Thanks! Actually I was more aiming at what format you used to "place" a variable in the actual HTML and how you detect that when the program parses the HTML page to replace the "dynamic variable identifier" with the actual variable value. Does that make sense?

    Anyway, regarding the DHCP code:
    The lease time received from the DHCP server is a 32bit variable stored in the DHCP_LeaseTime array (4 bytes). The IP-adress lease must to be renewed before the lease time expires. What I do is simply divide the actual lease time in half, when that time (half of the actual lease time) expires the code triggers a renew of the lease.

    The code snippet you ask about performs that divide by 2 operation by shifting the value one step to the right. It uses the Buffer array as a temporary storage for moving Bit1 in LeaseTime to Bit0 in Buffer and so on. Finally it copies the shifted result back to DHCP_LeaseTime.

    The reason for doing it this way is that I wanted to avoid using LONGs (32bit variables) in PBP because it adds quite a bit of overhead. Using a LONG for the lease time and doing LeaseTime=LeaseTime/2 or LeaseTime=LeaseTime >> 1 would result in the same thing.

    Looking at the code now I could probably do something like this instead of using Buffer as a temporary storage
    For DHCP_i = 0 To 30
      DHCP_LeaseTime.0[DHCP_i] = DHCP_LeaseTime.0[DHCP_i + 1]
    DHCP_LeaseTime.0[31] = 0
    Anyway, I hope that explains the what and why.


  11. #51
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    I think that i understood it (the issue about dividing the time by 2).

    What i will do is that i will simply rotate each byte by 2 to the right individually. So it will be divided by two. The DHCP_LeaseTime[3] by 2, then the DHCP_LeaseTime[2] by 2, ........ lastly the DHCP_LeaseTime[0].
    I think it will have the same result.

    For the dynamic variables:
    I am not sure that i understood correctly what you are saying, but what i exactly do is placing the following html command. With this, the web page gets refreshed each 5 seconds.

    Str Buffer="<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\">",13,10,0 'refresh every 5 seconds
    GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    You could select other time too, if you wish.
    So, the client (the person who sees your web page) will load again all the web page with the new variables (every 5 seconds). This is not quite effective since, sometimes, it makes a flashing on the page. But the data get refreshed correctly.
    There is also an other (more effective) way to do that (in order to avoid the flashing), with xml requests, but i am yet enough familiar with it.
    Last edited by VaGyver; - 7th September 2012 at 09:12.

  12. #52
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    I'm afraid it's not quite that simple. Here's an example...

    24h = 86400 seconds

    86400 in binary:
    00000000 00000001 01010001 10000000
    If you actually rotate each byte (ie the LSB gets moved to MSB) individually the result becomes:
    00000000 10000000 10101000 01000000
    Which in decimal is: 8431680 seconds or 2352h
    If you instead of rotate simply shift each byte individually (or divide each byte by 2 individually) the result becomes:
    00000000 00000000 00101000 01000000
    Which in decimal would be 10304 seconds or 2.9h
    As you can see neither of the above results is the expected 43200 seconds or 12h.

    You need to make sure that the LSB of each significant byte get moved into the MSB of the less significant byte so that result with the above numbers becomes:
    00000000 00000000 10101000 11000000
    Which in decimal is: 43200 seconds or 12h

  13. #53
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    Well, i solved this problem (i created a large variable and shift it -all together- one position to the right).
    I also verified it. It works.

    Now i am doing some testing with the W5100 as client to be connected to servers.

    I'll be in touch!

  14. #54
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    Quote Originally Posted by HenrikOlsson View Post

    Damn, now you resparked my interest in this... I even got a couple of WIZ820IO with the (now no longer brand new) W5200 chip that I was going to implement in the same code. Too many projects...

    For your info:

  15. #55
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)


    Henrik bravo !

    a wonderful project, a project I need my mail sender'm using 18F4620. I have W5100 or Amicus.

    henrik can help me?

  16. #56
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    Sure, no problem, give me an hour and I'll write it up for you.
    Where do you want me to send it when it's finished?

    No, really. I'm trying to help as much as I can but it doesn't work like that. You give some and you get some.

    With that said, getting SMTP to work is not a simple task and it will not work with SSL or any other encryption. If you haven't done anything with the W5100 previosuly, like set it up to respond to a ping, serve a simple web page etc (the stuff that already IS detailed in this thread) then forget SMTP. At least untill you HAVE done the previous stuff and know a Little bit of how it works. I'm not saying that you don't, I'm just saying that if you DO then post your effort and I or someone else might be able to help you out.


  17. #57
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    I agree absolutely with you the same ...

    I did, the web page, UDP, TCP, with ENC28J60. but the W5100. liked very much.

    I'm done with ping 5100.

    I'm done with protons + 18F4620 software. I've revised your ping code for the proton.

    I must take a little more now.

    I bought a new module., PR-1389.html

    then I'll continue with this module.

    I wrote you about my progress from time to time. maybe I can come to the smtp portion.

    You have to believe that I'm the one who worked very hard

    ty for help.. If there is a flow diagram with smtp me if he could be good enough for me.


    Name:  foto?raf 1.jpg
Views: 1652
Size:  667.5 KB

  18. #58
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    Ah, excellent work! Too bad you're using the wrong compiler. ;-)

    Everything you need to know is in the RFCs covering the SMTP protocol but they can be a bit "much" from time to time. I also, strongly suggest that you do some "manual" emailing using telnet to your intended server, that way you get a feel for the protocol and what it "looks like". Anyway, here's a list from my notes
    • Setup a free socket with IP adress and port (usually 25 or 2525) of remote SMTP server.
    • Open the socket and wait for it to initialize.
    • Issue the sockets connect command, ARP request resolves the remote MAC adress and populate the W5100 registers.
    • Wait for remote server to return a response 220. If it doesn't the remote server probably isn't a SMTP server.
    • Send EHLO adress.domain
    • Wait for remote server to return a response 250
    • Send AUTH LOGIN
    • Wait for server remote server to return a response 334
    • Send the username of the email account, BASE64 encoded
    • Wait for server remote server to return a response 334
    • Send account password, BASE64 encoded
    • Wait for remote server to return a response 235 - when received the connection is authenticated.
    • Send the Mail From: command
    • Wait for remote server to return a response 250
    • Send the Rcpt To: command
    • Wait for remote server to return a response 250
    • Send the DATA command
    • Wait for remote server to return a response 354
    • Send a <CR><LF>, a valid email header, the content of the email, followed by <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> (note the dot)
    • Wait for remote server to return a response 250
    • Send the QUIT command
    • Wait for remote server to return a response 221 (bye bye).
    • Close the connection.

    A complete email including the header might look like this, note the blank lines and the dot at the end.

    Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:18:00 +0200
    Message-Id: <1234>
    From: Your W5100
    To: Someone <[email protected]>
    Subject: Test

    This is a test.

    If you don't want to use authenticated login the use the HELO command instead of EHLO.

    And again, note that the above will not work with email servers requiring SSL or other encryption.


  19. #59
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    hello henrik

    thanks you for help and the pbp source code,

    i was modifie your code for proton basic , and i was use 18F4620 , now wprking very stabile.

    my web server
    Name:  1.bmp
Views: 1652
Size:  1,005.7 KB

    - ping it is ok!
    - web server it is ok
    - send get ang command it is ok
    - response and data it is ok

    but i have any problem,

    it is my html code,

    how to use scrip in to do code?


    Buffer = "<html>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer
    Buffer = "<body>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer
    Buffer = "<title>my server</title>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    Buffer = "<h3>My Mini Web Server Alive</h3>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    Buffer = "<img src= >" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    Buffer = "<p>Thenk you Henrik Olsson 2014</p>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    Buffer = "<form name=input action=/ method=get>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer
    Buffer = "<input type=submit align=center name=tst1 value=3 />" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer
    Buffer = "</form>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    Buffer = "<form name=input action=/ method=get>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer
    Buffer = "<input type=submit align=center name=tst2 value=5 />" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer
    Buffer = "</form>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    Buffer = "<a href=>Go To Google</a>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    'Buffer = "<p> toplam request = " + Str$(Dec RequestCount) + "</p>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    Buffer ="<p>AN2 Data= </p>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer
    Buffer ="<script src=/s></script>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer
    Buffer ="<p><script>document.write(AN2)</script></p>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    Buffer = "</body></html>" : GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer


    i wat to use <script src=/s></script> and turn the back "<p><script>document.write(AN2)</script></p>" AN2 = 27 for exp. what you thing about?

    i was receive "s" and portc.2 led is blinking but, i dont send the AN2 data to back.

    my data receive code,


    If Buffer[11] = "3" Then
    PORTC.2 = 1'led aç
    If Buffer[11] = "5" Then
    PORTC.2 = 0'led kapat
    If Buffer[5] = "s" Then
    PORTC.2 =1
    DelayMS 500
    PORTC.2 =0

    Last edited by tayfun; - 27th April 2014 at 17:26.

  20. #60
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    Nice work! I'm glad the code is getting some use!

    I know very little about HTML and even less about JAVA Script (which I suspect is what Document.Write() is?

    However, doing document.write(AN2) where I'm guessing AN2 is a variable in you PBP (Proton) program probably isn't working the way you expect. For it to work the way you've coded it the PutStringInTxBuffer routine would need to be able to decode and understand Java Script, find AN2 and put its content, as a string into the buffer - that's obviously NOT how it works or is intended to work.

    Again, I'm very green on this HTML and JAVA stuff so I may be wrong but that's how I think it works.

    In PBP, to load a "value" from a variable into an array as a string you could use ArrayWrite, I'm not sure how to do that in Proton but I'm sure there's some ToStr or whatever.

    Does that make sense?


  21. #61
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    it is ok, is ok! work fine...

    i will new stage , w5100 use with sd card, and screen any picture or complicate html pages. ty .. bye.

    this is code,


    RequestCount = RequestCount + 1
    GoSub GetFreeTXSize
    TotalCount = 0

    Buffer = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK "+13+10+0
    GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer
    Buffer = "Content-Type:text/html"+13+10+13+10+0
    GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    '---------server side------------------------------------client side----------------------------------------------------

    If Buffer[5] = "s" Then '<--------------------- send me "s" block <script src=s></script>"

    Buffer = "var AN2=" ' <------------send me AN2 variable <script>document.write(AN2)</script
    GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    Buffer = "1977" '-------------------> put string "1977" or any string variable
    GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer

    Buffer = ";"
    GoSub PutStringInTXBuffer' -------------------> and put end of the string.


    '--------------------------------------- end of the cominicate

    WizPtr = WizPtr + TotalCount ' load others... end.

    WizAdress = W5100_S0_TX_WR0 : WizData = WizPtr.HighByte : GoSub Write_W5100
    WizAdress = W5100_S0_TX_WR1 : WizData = WizPtr.LowByte : GoSub Write_W5100

    ' Issue a SEND command.
    WizAdress = W5100_S0_CR : WizData = W5100_Sn_SEND : GoSub Write_W5100

    GoSub Read_W5100
    If WizData <> 0 Then GoTo WaitForCompletion2

    ' Then disconnect from the client.
    WizAdress = W5100_S0_CR : WizData = W5100_Sn_DISCON : GoSub Write_W5100

    ' And close the socket. We'll reopen the socket again in the main routine.
    WizAdress = W5100_S0_CR : WizData = W5100_Sn_CLOSE : GoSub Write_W5100

    GetRequest = 0


  22. #62
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)


    In this project, every socket been defined as 2K, but 2Kb web page is a very short size..

    i want to change 8kb RX buffer and 8 Kb TX buffer, because total buffer size 16 Kb.

    i was change ;

    WizAdress = W5100_TMSR : WizData = $03 : GoSub Write_W5100
    WizAdress = W5100_RMSR : WizData = $03 : GoSub Write_W5100


    W5100_S0_RX_START CON $6000 'Start adress of Socket 0 (not changeable)
    W5100_S0_RX_END CON $7FF9
    W5100_S0_RX_MASK CON $1FFF 'Mask value for 8k


    W5100_S0_TX_START CON $4000 'Start adress of Socket 0 (not changeable)
    W5100_S0_TX_END CON $5FFF 'End adress of Socket 0 (depends on the TMSR register)
    W5100_S0_TX_MASK CON $1FFF 'Mask value for 8k

    but not work :S have other configration? or I'm doing wrong in somewhere!
    Last edited by tayfun; - 5th May 2014 at 12:52.

  23. #63
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    Default Re: Using the Arduino Ethernet shield with AMICUS18 (Joint forum project?)

    First of all I need to admit that I'm not sure if I've actually tested with anything except the default 2k per socket so it's quite possible something isn't correct there. The phrase but not work isn't much help though, do you have any other leads or hints, what does it do or what does it not do?

    With that said, one thing I do see is
    W5100_S0_RX_START CON $6000 'Start adress of Socket 0 (not changeable)
    W5100_S0_RX_END CON $7FF9      ' <----- Shouldn't this be 7FFF?
    W5100_S0_RX_MASK CON $1FFF 'Mask value for 8k
    but I'm not sure if that IS the only problem or not.


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