PIC with Automatic Context Saving

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  1. #1

    Default PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    As a matter of curiosity I recently tested a 16F1828 device. This is one of the newer PICs having interrupt capability with automatic context saving. In this case, the new device replaced a 16F690, a 20 pin chip with the same pinout. The original PBP program (too long to include here) incorporates a DT_INT utility to service a change on porta.1 interrupt. The actual functioning circuit works well and as expected.

    With the 16F1828 software I removed all the DT_INT stuff, and rewrote the program in PBP to include a DEFINE INTHAND pointing to a short ASM handler routine. Didn't do much else ... the new device took care of context saving. With this in place the circuit again worked well. The difference was that the new program complied with 625 fewer program words. This may be of interest in situations where you are tight on code space.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Why not post he new code for members to have it as a reference?


  3. #3
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Hi, Ioannis

    That looks like simply using asm interrupts as stated in the 9.3 Chapter of the Manual ...

    as it is a 4k memory device ... PBP will include the context saving stubb by itself ... like for the elder devices ...

    nothing exceptionnal here ...

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  4. #4

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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    delete --------

  5. #5
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Does PBP automatically insert a context saving stub for enhanced 14-bit core types, and does chapter 9.3 apply to these..

    I thought the post was pretty helpful, but do agree it would be more helpful to show how he structured his .asm int handler.
    Last edited by Bruce; - 18th March 2011 at 21:31.

    tech at rentron.com

  6. #6
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Hi, Bruce

    I had read the relevant chapter of the Databook ...

    8.5 Automatic Context Saving
    Upon entering an interrupt, the return PC address is
    saved on the stack. Additionally, the following registers
    are automatically saved in the Shadow registers:
    • W register
    • STATUS register (except for TO and PD)
    • BSR register
    • FSR registers
    • PCLATH register
    Upon exiting the Interrupt Service Routine, these registers
    are automatically restored. Any modifications to
    these registers during the ISR will be lost. If modifications
    to any of these registers are desired, the corresponding
    Shadow register should be modified and the
    value will be restored when exiting the ISR. The
    Shadow registers are available in Bank 31 and are
    readable and writable. Depending on the user’s application,

    other registers may also need to be saved

    Was not so clear from me ... I do agree !!!

    just meant : it is like for other 4K devices, No need to care about asm Context saving ...

    But the really interesting point is, RESTORING is done by itself ... a contrario than elder devices ...

    Ok ... no need to reserve RAM nor ...


    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  7. #7

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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    '*  Name    : Test RDT Interrupt for one-time use                   
    '*  Author  : Dick Ivers                                                         
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2011                                             
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                                              
    '*  Date    : 1/30/2011                                                         
    '*  Version : 1.0                                                                   
    '*  Notes   : 112 words                                                         
    '*  Device  : 16F1828                                                           
    'set configurat1on
    @  __config _CONFIG1, _FOSC_HS & _MCLRE_ON & _CLKOUTEN_OFF & _WDTE_ON
    @  __config _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_OFF & _LVP_OFF
    'set registers
        ANSELA = 0           'all digital inputs
        ANSELB = 0           'all digital inputs
        ANSELC = 0           'all digital inputs
        OPTION_REG.7 = 0     'global pullups enabled
        CM1CON0.7 = 0        'comparator1 off
        CM2CON0.7 = 0        'comparator2 off
        TRISA = %110         'set porta pin 0 as output
        TRISB = %11111111    'set all portb pins as inputs
        TRISC = %11000000    'set portc pins 0,1,2,3,4,5 as output
        WPUA = %110          'porta pins 1,2 pullups enabled 
        WPUB = %11110000     'portb pin pullups enabled
        INTCON = %10001000   'global int enabled, IOCI enabled, IOCI flag bit 0 clr
        IOCAF.1 = 0          'flag bit for porta int pin 1 cleared
        IOCAN = %00000010    'porta pin 1 enabled for negative change
        DEFINE OSC 16         '16 Mhz oscillator
        portc.3 = 1           'turn off beeper
    'declare variables
        LED VAR PORTC.5
        j   var byte 
        LED = 0      'flash red LED for 0.5 sec to check circuit function
        pause 500
        LED = 1
        pause 2000    'delay 2 seconds    
      gosub beep            'play beep for 1/8 second
      PAUSE 1000            '1 second delay
      GOTO Main
      BCF   IOCAF,IOCAF1   ;clear IOCA negative change interrupt flag
      BCF   INTCON,3       ;disable interrupt on change by clearing INTCON bit 3
      BCF   PORTC,5        ;turn on led solid 
      RETFIE               ;return to main
    beep:   for j =1 to 240      'buzzer sound for 1/8 second
            portc.3 = 0          'buzzer on
            pauseus 180          '2.73 khz half period
            portc.3 = 1          'buzzer off
            pauseus 180          '2.73 khz half period
    halt:   END

  8. #8
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Forgive me for digging up an old thread, but this really interests me.

    I've also a stash of 16f1828s and the auto context register saving intrigues/appeals to me ... my ultimate goal is getting in/out of a timer based interrupt as fast as possible - ie miniscule overhead (the interrupt rate will be happening at about 50khz)....the thought of learning assembly is quite a hurdle, but this seems like this could be a way of easing myself into it...ie my main code can be picbasic with the interrupt being a little bit of assembly.

    But I'm lost!

    How do I set up an interupt, so that when say timer1 overflows it jumps to an assembly type interrupt in my code (all my interrupts to date have been using DT's most excellent interupt routine, but if I'm understanding correctly that way adds some overhead which could be avoided with these new type PICs?)...in the example above it wasn't clear to me how that ASM part was called/found by the PIC/program.
    Last edited by HankMcSpank; - 24th August 2011 at 20:20.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    You define your interrupt type on the top, you may have many interrupt source, but once in the ISR you need to test them.

    Once an interrupt is fired, it will jump the the ISR label specified by the DEFINE INTHAND line. Here RDT

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Thanks, funny now you mention it, it's there I just didn't leap out at me...

    but there's no colon after the nominated handle/label at the top of the subroutine?

      BCF   IOCAF,IOCAF1   ;clear IOCA negative change interrupt flag
      BCF   INTCON,3       ;disable interrupt on change by clearing INTCON bit 3
      BCF   PORTC,5        ;turn on led solid 
      RETFIE               ;return to main
    also, I'm figuring it must be necessary to have that 'ASM' entered immediately above?

    thanks again looking forward to having a a dabble
    Last edited by HankMcSpank; - 24th August 2011 at 20:34.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    DT_INTS-14 uses the auto context saving in the 16F1's.

    Since you already know how to use them, try them first.
    There are still a few instruction cycles that can be saved by doing it manually, but you probably won't need to.
    Just use an ASM type INT_Handler. They do not have to save PBP system variables.

    50Khz should be no problem.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    never mind, Thanks Darrel

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Thanks Darrel.

    my fixation is that I want to generate sine waves to very high resolution (DDS) - and all the stuff that abounds on the net seems to be assembly....they all typically generate a fixed timebase by way of an interupt & then in the interupt add a number to an accumulator, do a look up from the result then get out asap. I agree that 50khz is not that onerous...but this is just the first step to total world domination (Mwuahahahaha.) & the interrupt rate will inevitably crank up.

    Towards helping me understand this area, (actually I'm just curious) when you say there are still a few cycles that can be saved by going the way I asked about ....do you have a ballpark figure for the auto context saving and your (still excellent!) auto context embracing routine?
    Last edited by HankMcSpank; - 24th August 2011 at 20:55.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Well, if you're only going to be using 1 interupt source, it will be better without DT_INTS since you don't need to test for which interrupt was triggered.

    I just did a quick test with an incrementing variable and a SIN lookup with an 1827 running at 32Mhz.

    With DT_INTS ... max = 140Khz
    Without ... max = 220Khz

    With 2 interrupt sources the difference is not as pronounced since it has to check which one triggered and jump over the handler that wasn't. DT_INTS always does that.

    The PWM will have to be running much faster than the interrupts or it will be changing dutycycles before a single cycle has completed. Could be trickey.

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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Cool (& thanks) ....as it goes I will need two interrupts, one to generate the timebase, plus one UART interrupt, so I can feed in required frequency changes externally.

    I will really only need up to 18khz(ish), so your quoted 140khz max is well above what I need....so I'll stick with DT_INTS!

    As an aside, for anyone who holds an interest in DDS for PIC, the best I've found to date is this chap's site....

    http://www.g4jnt.com/pics.htm (specifically, this http://www.g4jnt.com/PIC_DDS.pdf and his accompanying zip file http://www.g4jnt.com/PIC_DDS.zip which has his assembly source code for a 16f628 DDS ....it'll probably a while before I get to try my DDS exploits, becuase I'm still trying to wrap my head around how he made a pseudo 32 bit accumulator on a 16f628 by lobbing together four 8 bit registers & then making them dance)

    I can feel a serious amount of plagiarism coming on though!
    Last edited by HankMcSpank; - 24th August 2011 at 23:35.

  16. #16

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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Hank, Please note from the first post that an advantage of interrupts without DT_INTS is a major saving in code space. My sample program compiled with 625 fewer program words when using the 16F1828 vs. a 16F690.

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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Hi Dick....thanks point noted. As it goes, while saving space is always welcome the 16f1828 has a reasonable amount - plus, my intended program is going to be very small.

    While I've got you ear....do I just use the syntax exactly as per your example, ie.....

      BCF   IOCAF,IOCAF1   ;clear IOCA negative change interrupt flag
      BCF   INTCON,3       ;disable interrupt on change by clearing INTCON bit 3
      BCF   PORTC,5        ;turn on led solid 
      RETFIE               ;return to main
    ie headed up by an ASM label with no colon, then on the following line the label as defined by the DEFINE INTHAND command?

    Any idea how two interrupts are catered for? (yes, I know DTS_INT handles multiple interrupts already, but just wondering how to do it manually)

  18. #18
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Ivers View Post
    Hank, Please note from the first post that an advantage of interrupts without DT_INTS is a major saving in code space. My sample program compiled with 625 fewer program words when using the 16F1828 vs. a 16F690.
    The test program I ran in post #14 compiled to 133 words without DT-INTS, and 153 words with DT_INTS.
    I don't think the code savings was due to not using DT_INTS.

    That's using an ASM type INT_Handler. If using a PBP type handler, it goes up to 285 words.
    But that's not a good comparison, because if you want to do PBP type interrupts without DT_INTS the program will get huge from all the checks placed between every line of code.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    FYI: BCF IOCAF,IOCAF1 in your int handler is probably not doing what you think. IOCAF is in bank 7 on the 16F1828, and PBP resets the bank to 1 when you use ASM. It's up to you to make sure you're in the correct register bank in your .asm routines.

    tech at rentron.com

  20. #20

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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Bruce, Thanks for the info re. IOCAF bank switching in the handler. Actually, I don't think I need that line of code anyway. As stated in the header, the test program is for one-time use only. The circuit works correctly as is.

    Hank, With two interrupt sources you would first go to the handler identified after DEFINE INTHAND. Once there, set up a test to determine which interrupt occurred by polling the interrupt flags. Then carry out the appropriate interrupt action. I have never done this, so maybe Bruce or Darrel could help with a better explanation.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    Hint: BTFSS or BTFSC, or BIT?GOTO
    ;************************************************* ***************
    ;* BIT?GOTO : Macro - Bit test and Long Goto *
    ;* *
    ;* Input : Cstate = constant desired state for goto *
    ;* Regin = register *
    ;* Bitin = bit *
    ;* Label *
    ;* Output : None *
    ;* *
    ;* Notes : Preserves C, Z, handles page boundaries, resets bank.*
    ;************************************************* ***************

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  22. #22

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    Default Re: PIC with Automatic Context Saving

    16F1828 now working with two interrupt sources.
    BTFSS works well as a source selection tool ... thanks Steve.
    Automatic context saving feature of the chip working.
    End of story.

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