Help with Circuit

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Help with Circuit

    Hi Guys,
    Not PBP specific, but I'm trying to make a pic powered voltmeter using an LCD display and Pic 16F876.
    and then hope to go on to log voltages, display averages, predict battery behavior, etc.

    A couple of the panel voltmeters sold at Jaycar are powered from the line being measured.
    I'm wondering if they go about this by regulating the line with a 7805 or similar to power the device,
    and then also feed the unregulated side of the 7805 through a voltage divider,
    and then straight into one of the ADC channels without being regulated???

    Also.. I have an ADC variable being readout to LCD for experimentation.
    The LCD shows zero when the ADC is grounded, and 255 when connected to +5 Volts.
    Is this what I should be using for a voltmeter? (once some calculation is done)
    Cheers, Art.
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  2. #2
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    Wellton, U.S.A.

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    Do you have a data sheet for that Jaycar part or a part number?

    8 bit or 10 bit?
    Hard to say. Depends on the resolution you want.
    Here is something to look over.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  3. #3
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    Turns out I might by lying about the Jaycar panel meter.
    Looking back, I found a picture with a 7805 I used to power it.

    It's a 10 bit ADC I think since it's a 16f876.
    I have it working as far as it returns 0 if the ADC line is grounded,
    and 255 if It's connected to the pic circuit's 5 Volt power.

    Re: your link, I've seen many 5 Volt Voltmeter circuits on the net,
    but this is to operate in the range of 12 Volt batteries.
    I've found a few hints about that on other forums.. ie:
    Ok, so you've decided on 0.1V resolution. Set the A-D ref volt to 5V and construct a voltage divider on the A-D input with a mid-point voltage of 5V when 25.5V is applied at the top-end e.g 15k fixed resistor at the top, 10k multi-turn pot at the bottom and take the output off the wiper. (you can refine this but just as an example)

    I believe the PIC has a 10-bit A-D converter so RRF the result to give an 8-bit result. You now have a 0-25.5V voltmeter with a 0.1V resolution and a direct relationship between the value returned by the A-D and the input voltage i.e. 125 = 12.5V, 147 = 14.7V ....
    I have sound now, and an I2C EEPROM for logging. I'm just ready now to play with voltage dividers
    to prepare a voltage input.

  4. #4
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    Yup, a voltage divider is the way to go.
    Do a search on this forum and what you are planning has been talked about.

    The link I referred to was more for the ADC explanation part and not the circuit.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  5. #5
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    I wonder why did you solder components on the copper side of the board.


  6. #6
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    I always surface mount everything on prototype boards.
    I like to have one flat side sitting on the desk.

    I have a working Voltmeter unit now
    It also has an interrupt/timer driven real time clock.
    I guess the next thing is to start the logging, and make it smarter.

  7. #7
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    The only issue I'd complain about now is that the ADC result used for the
    Voltage readout is not stable where an off the shelf Multimeter/Voltmeter would be.
    This doesn't seem to happen if the pic circuit is powered by a separate battery.

    I used a voltage divider to scale down the input voltage from the battery as
    described in the quote (from another forum) in one of my above posts.

    What does it mean when it says "Set the A-D ref volt to 5V" ?
    Cheers, Art.

  8. #8
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    Try a capacitor of maybe 10 to 22uF from the ADC pin to the zero rail. Should help smooth things out.

    VREF needs to be stable/steady. If the voltage swings the ADC will also. Some will power the pic at 5.2 or so. If that is the case then the VREF needs addressed.

    Many times if I am powering the PIC at ~5 volt I will have the VREF at 3 or 4 volts. That way if VDD changes a little it will not cause a problem with the ADC reading.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  9. #9
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    Thanks, I'll try adding the capacitor.

    By VREF, you mean pin 5?
    Should I connect it to the 5 Volt rail?
    I imagine the 5 Volt power supply should be stable since it is now powered from the 7805.

    Do I need to do anything to tell the pic that I'm providing the + 5 Volt reference voltage?

    The red wire currently connects the battery to the ADC pin.
    Cheers, Art.

  10. #10
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    I would have to check the data sheet to see which pin the ADC VREF is on. But if you did not tell the PIC different it will use VDD as a VREF. Show use you code and we can be exact.

    Just for giggles check the voltage from the 7805 to see if it swings under a load. It probably is not 5 volt to begin with but if it is stable it might be close enough.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  11. #11
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    The output of the 7805 does seem to sit on 4.90 when the circuit is operating.

    I tried the capacitor, and it didn't seem to have any effect.
    Studying the datasheet a little revealed the correct settings for ADCON registers.
    I'm using an0

    I have come across one solution using software to display the mean average
    of the last ten readings instead of just the current reading.
    So when you turn the unit on that way, it takes ten cycles to display the steady voltage.
    I'd prefer a proper fix though.

    '          Battery Monitor 2009
    '                    Art
    wsave var BYTE $020 SYSTEM
    wsave1 var BYTE $0a0 SYSTEM
    wsave2 var BYTE $120 SYSTEM
    wsave3 var BYTE $1a0 SYSTEM
    ssave var BYTE BANK0 SYSTEM
    psave var BYTE BANK0 SYSTEM
    i_hour var BYTE
    i_minu var BYTE
    i_sec var BYTE
    i_tic var BYTE
    GOTO AFTERINT 'Jump past interrupthandler
    ; interrupcode follows here
    	movlw 0x58
    	movwf TMR1L
    	movlw 0x9e ;restart timer from ffff - 9e58 => 5Hz if using 4MHz
    	movwf TMR1H
    	decfsz _i_tic,f
    	goto slutint
    	incf _i_sec,f
    	movlw 5 ;5 = 1Hz if using 4MHz (change to 10 for 8MHz and so on)
    	movwf _i_tic
    	movf _i_sec,w
    	sublw 60
    	btfss STATUS,Z ;check for 60 sec
    	goto slutint ;no
    	clrf _i_sec ;yes
    	incf _i_minu,f
    	movf _i_minu,w
    	sublw 60
    	btfss STATUS,Z ;check for 60 minutes
    	goto slutint ;no
    	clrf _i_minu ;yes
    	incf _i_hour
    	movf _i_hour,w
    	sublw 24
    	btfss STATUS,Z ;check for 24 hours
    	goto slutint ;no
    	clrf _i_hour ;yes
    	bcf PIR1,0 ;zero tmr1 interrupt flag
    ;end of interruptcode
    ; restorecode follows here
    	movf psave,w ;restore
    	movwf PCLATH
    	swapf ssave,w
    	movwf STATUS
    	swapf wsave,f
    	swapf wsave,w
    INTCON = %00000000 'all interrupts off
    PIR1 = %00000000 'zero tmr1 interrupt flag
    PIE1 = %00000001 'enable timer1 interrupt
    TMR1L = $58
    TMR1H = $9e
    i_hour = 0
    i_minu = 0
    i_sec = 0
    i_tic = 5 'this value should be the same as the value of line 8 in the ISR
    T1CON = %00110001 'timer1 on, prescaler=1/8
    INTCON = %11000000 'interrupt on
    @ DEVICE LVP_OFF,BOD_OFF,LP_OSC				'set device configuration
    TRISA = %111111						'Set porta to all imputs
    ADCON1 = %10001001					'configure ADC port pins
    ADCON0 = 0						'
    DEFINE LCD_DREG PORTB					'set LCD display congiguration
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT 4					'
    DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 1					'
    DEFINE LCD_EBIT 0					'
    DEFINE LCD_BITS 4					'
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2					'
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50					'
    DEFINE ADC_BITS 10					'set ADC configuration
    DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 0					'
    WORK0 var word						'
    LAST0 var byte						'padding buffers
    LAST1 var byte						'
    LAST2 var byte						'
    LAST3 var byte						'
    LAST4 var byte						'
    LAST5 var byte						'padding buffers
    LAST6 var byte						'
    LAST7 var byte						'
    LAST8 var byte						'
    LAST9 var byte						'
    DAT0 var byte						'define variables
    DAT1 var byte						'
    DAT2 var byte						'
    ADDR var byte						'I2C variables
    CONT var byte						'
    CNT0 var byte						'counters
    CNT1 var byte						'
    CNT2 var byte						'
    CNT3 var byte						'
    SNDF var bit						'sound flag
    CHAR var byte						'LCD character
    scomp var byte						'second compare
    TENS var byte						'
    UNTS var byte						'
    DECS var byte						'
    DAT0 = 0 : DAT1 = 0 : DAT2 = 0				'reset variables to zero
    ADDR = 0 : CONT = 0 : CNT0 = 0				'
    CNT1 = 0 : CNT2 = 0 : CNT3 = 0				'
    SNDF = 0 : CHAR = 0					'
    LAST0 = 0 : LAST1 = 0 : LAST2 = 0			'
    LAST3 = 0 : LAST4 = 0 : WORK0 = 0			'
    LAST5 = 0 : LAST6 = 0 : LAST7 = 0			'
    LAST8 = 0 : LAST9 = 0					'
    PAUSE 1000						'LCD startup time
    LCDOUT $FE,1						'clear LCD
    CONT = %10100000					'set I2C control variable - %1010bbb0
    'FOR CNT1 = 0 TO 255					'write loop
    'ADDR = CNT1						'
    'I2CWRITE PORTC.4,PORTC.5,CONT,ADDR,[ADDR]		'test write
    'PAUSE 10						'
    'NEXT CNT1						'
    'CNT1 = 0						'
    LCDOUT $FE,$40,128,138,138,128,145,145,142,128		'set LCD custom smiley character
    SOUND PORTB.2,[20,10,70,10]				'make startup sound
    LCDOUT $FE,2						'LCD cursor return home
    CNT3 = CNT2						'store current scroll position
    FOR CNT1 = 0 TO 15					'
    READ CNT2,CHAR						'read character from on-chip EEPROM
    LCDOUT CHAR						'print character
    CNT2 = CNT2 + 1						'
    IF CNT2 > 254 THEN CNT2 = 0				'
    NEXT CNT1						'
    CNT2 = CNT3						'restore scroll position
    CNT2 = CNT2 + 1						'advance scroll position
    IF CNT2 > 254 THEN CNT2 = 0				'
    scomp = 0
    IF scomp = 0 THEN
    ADCIN 0,DAT0						'read ADC to variable
    'ADDR = CNT0						'set EEPROM address
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0						'second line
    IF i_hour < 10 THEN LCDOUT "0"				'
    LCDOUT #i_hour						'print variables
    LCDOUT ":"						'
    IF i_minu < 10 THEN LCDOUT "0"				'
    LCDOUT #i_minu						'
    LCDOUT ":"						'
    IF i_sec < 10 THEN LCDOUT "0"				'
    LCDOUT #i_sec						'
    LAST9 = LAST8						'
    LAST8 = LAST7						'
    LAST7 = LAST6						'
    LAST6 = LAST5						'
    LAST5 = LAST4						'
    LAST4 = LAST3						'
    LAST3 = LAST2						'
    LAST2 = LAST1						'
    LAST1 = LAST0						'
    LAST0 = DAT0						'
    WORK0 = LAST0 + LAST1 + LAST2 + LAST3 + LAST4		'calculate mean average
    WORK0 = WORK0 + LAST5 + LAST6 + LAST7 + LAST8		'
    WORK0 = WORK0 + LAST9					'
    WORK0 = WORK0 / 10					'
    DAT0 = WORK0						'
    TENS = DAT0 DIG	2					'get separate digits
    UNTS = DAT0 DIG	1					'
    DECS = DAT0 DIG	0					'	
    LCDOUT "   "						'print Voltage
    IF DAT0 < 100 THEN					'
    LCDOUT " "						'
    ELSE							'
    LCDOUT #TENS						'
    ENDIF							'
    LCDOUT #UNTS						'
    LCDOUT "."						'
    LCDOUT #DECS						'
    LCDOUT "V"						'
    IF DAT0 = 0 THEN
    SOUND PORTB.2,[100,10,50,10]				'sound alarm for zero Volts
    PAUSE 150						'
    ELSE							'
    PAUSE 300						'
    ENDIF							'
    SNDF = 1						'set sound flag
    CNT0 = CNT0 + 1						'increment counter
    ENDIF							'
    IF SNDF = 0 THEN
    PAUSE 300						'delay
    SNDF = 0
    goto cycle
    Last edited by Art; - 19th December 2009 at 01:28.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    It seems the problem was solved when I soldered in the 0.1uF cap at the pic's vdd/vss pins !

  13. #13
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    Default Ammeter

    So now the Volt meter is ok, I'd like to add an Ammeter into the same circuit to
    display the current output of whatever device is being used to charge the battery (probably solar).

    I've never tried to make an ammeter before. This is a little hint I found off the net:
    put a small value precision resistor (like a 0.01 ohm 5-20W)in series with the load and measure the voltage drop across the resistor. Let's say the voltage across the resistor is 1 Volt, then 1V/0.01=100 Amps.
    So it sounds like I could read the voltage across the resistor with another
    ADC input pin.
    This being an independent supply from that powering the pic circuit,
    I should be able to connect directly to the resistor?
    Thanks, Art.

  14. #14
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    I hope you did not tried it yet!

    In that case, think to put this resistor on the ground terminal and not on the + line.

    After this an op-amp I think is necessary to amplify the signal by a factor of X to raise the voltage from the resistor (a few mV) up to the max level the ADC will need.

    A good op-amp might be the LMC66x series from National or the Microchip's low voltage op-amps (not tried them yet).


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the hint

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