Hi all
(sorry about the long post!)

Thanks to all those who have helped me and lots of late nights reading and 'PIC'-ing, I have finally reached a stage where I have and LCD connected, a keypad, capturing input from the keypad and have been playing around with SEROUT with the intention of transmitting a byte or a few bytes wirelessly.
To begin testing (after playing around with serout) I have interconnected my two pics (16f887 and 18f4520) by mean of wires.
Like this :
PIC 16f887 PIC 18F4520

I have setup my code to send "key pressed or received value is" as a loop text string using serout from
PIC 16f887 to the 18f4520.
high LED ' First LED on
        Pause 1000       ' Delay for .5 seconds
	low led
         Pause 1000       ' Delay for .5 seconds
          SerOut PORTC.6,T2400,["are you receiving this tx from 16f887 ",datatx]
        pause 1000
           Goto loopy  ' Go back to loop and blink LED forever
The 18f4520 is set to receive using serin
SerIn PORTC.7,T2400,DataRX
I press a key on the 4x4 keypad connected to the 18f4520,
the keypress is stored as a variable (myvar) and myvar is made to equal datatx)
I then display datatx (the keypress) on the lcd)
Then I fetch the input (RX) from the other PIC using SERIN
The input is held in variable datarx.
I then display datarx on the LCD

Once that's done I send the same variable datarx to the PC's com port using serout.

And end off with the string "end of transmission" on LCD.
I then use the serout line

Well .... it works.

Problem is it only happens once ! yes one time and then LCD goes blank and no matter how many keystrokes I press nothing else happens :-(

So.... I think perhaps the serout/serin where my problems lie.
Maybe full RX buffers or something else.
Maybe I'm not passing the variables correctly.

I would really appreciate if somone could have a quick look at my code and possibly tell me what I am missing or doing wrong.

Kind regards


Here is the code for each PIC
'Transmit to PIC 18f4520 serout loop
'Ocsillator selections here
  'OSCCON = %01100001 for 4mhz, or OSCCON = %01110001for 8mhz
'        OSCCON = %01110001           'Int CLK 8MHz
'        ANSEL= %11111111       '$0F = disable A/D converter
'        option_reg = 7     'switch pull-ups ON
'END of oscillator selections
  'timer/oscillator defines 
 '       define osc 8        '8MHz
'END of timer/oscillator defines
'clear the ports

OSCCON = %01110001          'Int CLK 8MHz
ANSEL = %00000000           'All digital
OPTION_REG.7 = 0            'Weak pull-ups enabled

DEFINE OSC 8                '8MHz
'end of port clear

'Port IO directions and presets for port pins begin here
'TRISX = %76543210   << tris bit order numbering
'TRISA = %11111111    <<   'All pins are outputs
'// Define port pins as inputs and outputs ...
        TRISA  = %00000000 'example only - TRISB = %00001111 ;Make B4-B7 outputs, B0-B3 inputs, 
        TRISB = %11111111  'for 4x4 keypad all input
        TRISC = %10000000
        TRISD = %00000000
        TRISE.0 = 0
        TRISE.1 = 0
        TRISE.2 = 0
'End of Port IO directions and presets for port pins begin here

'variables begin here
        myvar var byte
        datatx var byte
        datarx var byte
'end of variables

LED var PORTd.0   ' Alias PORTD.0 to LED

high LED '  LED on
        Pause 1000       ' Delay for .5 seconds
	low led 'LED off
         Pause 1000       ' Delay for .5 seconds
          SerOut PORTC.6,T2400,["are you receiving this tx from 16f887 ",datatx]
        pause 1000
           Goto loopy  ' Go back to loop and blink LED forever
'End of all code
PIC 18F4520
'Keypress display on LCD and TX to wherever

'Ocsillator selections here
        OSCCON = $70            'Int CLK 8MHz
        OSCTUNE.6 = 1           'PLL 4x
        ADCON1= %00001111       '$0F = disable A/D converter
        cmcon   =   7 
        INTCON2.7 = 0     'switch pull-ups ON
'END of oscillator selections
  'timer/oscillator defines 
        DEFINE OSC 32            '4x 8MHz
'END of timer/oscillator defines

'Port IO directions and presets for port pins begin here
'TRISX = %76543210   << tris bit order numbering
'TRISA = %11111111       'All pins are outputs
'// Define port pins as inputs and outputs ...
        TRISA  = %00000000 'example only - TRISB = %00001111 ;Make B4-B7 outputs, B0-B3 inputs, 
        TRISB = %11111111  'for 4x4 keypad all input
        TRISC = %10000000
        TRISD = %00000000
        TRISE.0 = 0
        TRISE.1 = 0
        TRISE.2 = 0
'End of Port IO directions and presets for port pins begin here

'variables begin here
        myvar var byte
        datatx var byte
        datarx var byte
'end of variables

'LCD defines begin here   
        DEFINE LCD_BITS 4 	'defines the number of data interface lines (4 or 8) 
        DEFINE LCD_DREG PORTD 	'defines the port where data lines are connected to
        DEFINE LCD_DBIT 4 	'defines the position of data lines for 4-bit interface (0 or 4)
        DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTD 	'defines the port where RS line is connected to
        DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 2 	'defines the pin where RS line is connected to 
        DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTD 	'defines the port where E line is connected to 
        DEFINE LCD_EBIT 3 	'defines the pin where E line is connected 
        'DEFINE LCD_RWREG 0 	'defines the port where R/W line is connected to (set to 0 if not used)
        'DEFINE LCD_RWBIT 0 	'defines the pin where R/W line is connected to (set to 0 if not used)
        DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000 	'defines the delay after LCDOUT statement 
        DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 200 		'delay in micro seconds

'includes begin here
        INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"
        include "c:\pbp\samples\keypad.bas"
'end of includes

'Keypad code begins here
        DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW        4        ' 4 ROW keypad       
        DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW_BIT    0        ' ROW0 = PORTB.4
        DEFINE KEYPAD_COL        4        ' 4 COL keypad
        DEFINE KEYPAD_COL_BIT    4        ' COL0 = PORTB.0
        DEFINE KEYPAD_DEBOUNCEMS 200      ' debounce delay = 200 mSec
        DEFINE KEYPAD_AUTOREPEAT 1        ' use auto-repeat feature
'end keypad code

'Main code begins here       

        Pause 2000       ' Wait for LCD to startup
        'read keypress variable 
        @ READKEYPAD _myvar 
        LOOKUP  myvar,[0,"123A456B789C*0#D"],myvar 'use lookup table to diplay proper keypress
        datatx = myvar 'pass the variable to solve strange character problem
        lcdout datatx 'display the variable on the LCD
        lcdout $fe,1          'clear lcd screen
   'receive section 
         SerIn PORTC.7,T2400,DataRX  'receive data from other pic (16f887) and store as variable datarx    
         LCDOUT datarx          'displays data received from serin datarx
         pause 2000             
         lcdout $fe,1          'clear lcd screen
    'receive section ends
   'transmit section
        'send datarx(received data from toher pic) to pc serial port 
        serout PORTC.6,T2400,["the key pressed or received value is ",datarx] 'SerOut PinNumber2,T2400,DataRec (FIXED!!
        pause 1000
   'transmit section ends
        LCDout "end of transmission"
        lcdout $fe,1          'clear lcd screen
goto start

'End of all code