I'm using a PIC18F8722 at 40 MHz to display data on 7-Segment displays.
There are 8 digits on each display
Each display is driven by a MAX7219 driver.
Initially, I had three displays, each on it's own port - all worked OK.
Then, to save ports, I daisy-chained the displays (Data_out of one MAX7219 to Data_in of the next). Clock and Data in parallel to all three MAX7219
Initially, all worked Ok with this chain and then:

1. After a few minutes, the third display (last in the chain) went blank.
2. Over the next half hour the second display dimmed and finally turned off.
3. Then the first display froze on '88888888'

The voltage without the displays connected in 4.97 and with all three displays connected it is 4.94, so i don't think suppy voltage is the problem?

Too high a load for the port?
Recompiling to run at 10 MHz makes no difference.
The connections between the PIC and displays is via 10-way IDC and ribbon cable.

Anyone experienced difficulties daisy-chaining displays/MAX7219?

' *****************************************************************************
' *                                                                           *
' * File...... 8722 Segments  Daisey chained displays with MAX7219            *
' * Purpose... PIC18F8722 on BIGPIC5                                          *
' * Date...... July 2009                                                      *
' *                                                                           *
' *****************************************************************************

' 1. PIC18F8722 on BIGPIC5 @ 40 MHz
' 2. Three display boards each with 8 digits controlled by MAX7219 drivers
' 3. All displays daisy-chained (Data_out to Data_in) on PORTE

define OSC 40	' Define Xtal as 20 MHz, use "HSPLL" for programming
include "modedefs.bas"      ' Include serout defines

Z		var	word
I		var	byte

DataPin     var PORTE.0		' For ETT display
ClockPin    var PORTE.2		' For ETT display
Load        var PORTE.1		' For ETT display

ADCON1	= %00001111			' All ports digital
CMCON	= $07     			' Comparators OFF
INTCON	= $80            	' Turns off interrupts. See PBP page 187                  

' Clear displays:

    low load    
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0F, $00]	' 3rd Display	Test mode off
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0F, $00]	' 2nd Display	Test mode off
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0F, $00]	' 1st Display	Test mode off
    high load
    low load    
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$09, $FF]	' Decode register - decode all 8 digits
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$09, $FF]	' Decode register - decode all 8 digits
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$09, $FF]	' Decode register - decode all 8 digits    
    high load
    low load
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0A, $0F]	' Intensity register - 32/32 brightness
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0A, $0F]	' Intensity register - 32/32 brightness
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0A, $0F]	' Intensity register - 32/32 brightness    
    high load
    low load
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0B, $07]	' Scan limit register - display all digits
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0B, $07]	' Scan limit register - display all digits
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0B, $07]	' Scan limit register - display all digits    
    high load
    low load
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0C, $01]	' Shutdown register - normal operation
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0C, $01]	' Shutdown register - normal operation
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0C, $01]	' Shutdown register - normal operation	    
    high load
    for i=1 to 8
    low load
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[i,  $0F]	' Clear all digits
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[i,  $0F]	' Clear all digits
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[i,  $0F]	' Clear all digits    
    high load
    next I

' *****************************************************************************
' *                                                                           *
' *                                    MAIN                                   * 
' *                                                                           *
' *****************************************************************************

	for Z= 0 to 64000
		for I=0 to 4
			low load
			shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[I+1,Z dig I]	' 3rd Display					
			shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[I+1,Z dig I]	' 2nd Display
			shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[I+1,Z DIG I]	' 1st Display
			high load
			next I
		pause 300
	next Z
    for i=1 to 8
    low load
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[i,$F]	' Clear all digits
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[i,$F]	' Clear all digits
    shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[i,$F]	' Clear all digits    
    high load
    next I	
	goto main