Parsing Serial data stream

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Wellton, U.S.A.


    if SerialData = "U" then GoodSync
              if serialdata = ID then GoodAdr  
                 if state = %00000011 then GoodCmd
    What if
    if state
    was changed to
    if serialdata
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Colorado Springs


    Hi boroko,

           While RCIF = 1                    ' clear the buffer
           HSERIN 100,error,[Serialdata]     ' Get serial
           led2count = led2count + 1         ' Incr heartbeat
    You're throwing away perfectly good data with that.
    You need to process everything that comes in, even if it's not for this chips address.

    And you don't need a Timeout in the HSERIN, because it's guaranteed to have a byte in the USART if it triggers an interrupt.

    Well, I wrote this last night. I thought I'd get a chance to test/debug it. But today I've got 5 people coming at me from 4 different directions.
    Makes me wonder what those 2 are doing together.

    Hopefully, what I was trying to say will show through, if it doesn't work.

    Basically it's, make the Handler as fast as possible. Get in, do your thing, and get out.
    No PAUSES, no HSEROUTS, nothing that will keep it from leaving the interrupt as fast as possible.

    Anything that needs to take time, should be done in the main loop. Where it can be interrupted again..
    Flags are used to trigger those "Main Loop" processes.

    Hope it gives some direction ...
    If nothing else, note the changes to the Getbytes: handler.
                'Based on Hserin with Darrel Taylor's Instant Interrupts
    '    Program to echo incoming serial data.
    '  RX SYNC byte, if good: ADDRESS byte, if good: COMMAND
    '   MPASM, LabX-1 , PBP2.47, Using PIC 16F877A @ 4mHz, 9600 Baud
    '   Using Hardware USART and MAX232 to MCS Serial Communicator on PC
    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' enable serial port, 
    define HSER_TXSTA 24h ' enable transmit, 
    define HSER_BAUD 9600 ' set baudrate to 9600                   
    DEFINE HSER_CLOERR  1 ' automatic clear overrun error  
    TRISD = $00000000     'D to outputs for the LEDs
    TRISC  = %10000000    ' PORTC.7 is the RX input, PORTC.6 is the TX output
    ADCON1 = %00001111    'Set up ADCON1 register no matter what yr doing!!!                      
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"     ' Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"     ' Include if using PBP interrupts
        '   Variable definition
    led0       var     PORTD.0
    led1       var     PORTD.1
    led2       var     PORTD.2
    led7       var     PORTD.7
    ERROR_LED  VAR led7            ' rename the LED's
    LATE_LED   VAR led2
    HEART_LED  VAR led0
    CmdBuf     var     byte       'command for the pwm or acknowledge
    SerialData var     byte       ' 
    ERRORtime  var     byte
    LATEtime   var     byte
    HEARTtime  VAR     BYTE
    state      VAR BYTE
      Sync     VAR state.0        ' Sync byte rcvd
      ForMe    VAR state.1        ' Packet is for this device
      CmdRcvd  VAR state.2        ' Command has been rcvd
      ERROR    VAR state.3        ' Sync rcvd out of order
      LATE     VAR state.4        ' command rcvd before last one was processed
    SyncByte   CON "U"
    ID         CON "A"
    state = 0
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler     RX_INT,    _Getbytes,    PBP,  no
            INT_Handler   TMR0_INT, _TMR0handler,    PBP,  YES
        INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor
    @   INT_ENABLE  RX_INT          ; enable RX_INT interrupts
    @   INT_ENABLE  TMR0_INT        ; enable TMR0_INT interrupts 65.5ms
    hserout ["start"]               'splash screen to verify comm
    HSEROUT [13,10]                 ' CR to start new line on terminal program
        IF CmdRcvd THEN GOSUB ProcessCMD       ' Process any incomming data
        IF ERROR THEN                          ' if there's been an Error
            HIGH ERROR_LED                     '   Turn ON ERROR LED
            ERROR = 0                          '   reset the error flag
            ERRORtime = LEDonDELAY             '   start countdown till LED-OFF
            HSEROUT ["Error",13,10]
        IF LATE THEN                           ' if command took too long
            HIGH LATE_LED                      '   Turn ON LATE LED
            LATE = 0                           '   reset the LATE flag
            LATEtime = LEDonDELAY              '   start countdown till LED-OFF
            HSEROUT ["Late",13,10]
    GOTO Mainloop
    '*********** Process received command **************************************
        hserout ["Cmd: ",CmdBuf, " [", _       ' send Command and CR/LF
                 DEC CmdBuf,"]",13,10]         
        CmdRcvd = 0                            ' indicate CMD has been processed
    '*********** 'ISR for TMR0_INT interrupt ***********************************
        IF ERRORtime > 0 THEN                  ' if the Error LED is ON
            ERRORtime = ERRORtime - 1          '   decrement the count
            IF ERRORtime = 0 THEN              '   when it reaches 0
                LOW ERROR_LED                  '   turn the Error LED OFF
        IF LATEtime > 0 THEN                   ' if the LATE LED is ON
            LATEtime = LATEtime - 1            '   decrement the count
            IF LATEtime = 0 THEN               '   when it reaches 0
                LOW LATE_LED                   '   turn the LATE LED OFF
        HEARTtime = HEARTtime + 1              ' Toggle heartbeat ~.5sec
        IF HEARTtime = 7 THEN
            HEARTtime = 0
            TOGGLE HEART_LED
    '*********** 'ISR for RX_INT interrupt *************************************
        HSERIN [Serialdata]                    ' Get the serial data
        IF Serialdata = SyncByte THEN          ' if it's a Sync byte,
            IF Sync THEN ERROR = 1             '   last command was corrupted
            Sync = 1                           '   indicate Sync was rcvd
            ForMe = 0                          '   ID has not been rcvd
            IF Sync THEN
                IF !ForME THEN                 ' if we haven't rcvd the ID
                    IF Serialdata = ID THEN    '   and this byte matches the ID
                        ForMe = 1              '     indicate ID rcvd
                        Sync = 0               ' Not my packet
                        ForMe = 0              '   reset receive state    
                    ENDIF                      '   and wait for next Sync
                    CmdBuf = serialdata        ' store the command
                    IF CmdRcvd THEN LATE = 1   '   last command not finished
                    CmdRcvd = 1                '   indicate a command was rcvd
                    Sync = 0                   '   reset receive state
                    ForMe = 0                  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Michigan, USA


    Hi All,

    I sure appreciate that you all were willing to look at my question. I got the first response from skimask, and it prompted me to throw myself at the wall again and see if I could find the door. At some point, you feel that you have explored it to the limits of your ability, but you have to try again. I slowed down and tried to remember advise that I had gotten here by reading through anything that seemed relevant. I could send some data, so send registers to see where they were before they locked or corrupted. That started to reveal some interesting things that didn't have obvious answers.

    By adding the last part to these lines:
    hserout ["Cmd: ",DEC SerialData," ",BIN3 STATE]

    I was able to see that there was a "13" being sent (Line Feed). Hmmmm....

    Looking at MicroCode Studio Serial Communicatior's transmit window: A right click opens a selection

    window. an option is there for Line Terminator where you can select CR, CR+LF, Null,or NO

    terminator. Guess I found my "13" and why nothing was showing until I added DEC to see it.

    Further testing is showing that I'm throwing a ONERR even though "DEFINE HSER_CLOERR 1" is in there.
    Added "RXbyte = RCREG" to read the receive register but I still get the overrun.

    Tried 2400 baud, still acts the same.
    tried setting DT's Instant Interrupts macro to ResetFlag = yes: still over-runs the buffer.

    Why is it that 20 quick "A"s or "U"s don't over-run the buffer and any data does?

    Just as a way to check some of the questions, I closed Communicator and tried talking to it with RealTerm. I'll be darned if that didn't clear things right up. Evidently, after cleaning up a bit, it actually works!

    I'm going to look carefully at your feedback and incorporate it, but I wanted to show what I have working so far:
    hserout ["start"]               'splash screen to verify comm
    HSEROUT [10,13]                 ' CR to start new line on terminal program
            for holdoff = 1 to 500
            pause 1
            next holdoff
            led0count = led0count + 1
            led0 = led0count.0      'toggle led every loop for heartbeat  
            goto Mainloop
    '*********** 'ISR for RX_int interrupt ***************************************
           While RCIF = 1                    ' clear the buffer
           HSERIN 100,error,[Serialdata]     ' Get serial
           led2count = led2count + 1         ' Incr heartbeat
           led2 = led2count.0                'led to confirm program went to RX ISR
           if SerialData = "U" then GoodSync   'must have good sync: 01010101 
              if SerialData = "=" then GoodaDR 'BROADCAST address to all units
              if SerialData = ID then GoodAdr  'unique address for each slave
                 if state = %00000011 then GoodCmd 'good sync and address(ID)
           addr = 0                          'If not Sync & ID, clr addr good flag
           sync = 1                          'set sync good flag
           hserout ["Sync: ",SerialData]
           HSEROUT [10,13]                      'Carriage Return                                     
           addr = 1                           'got a good address
           hserout ["Adr: ",SerialData]
           hserout [10,13]
            cmd = 1
            CmdBuf = SerialData
            hserout ["Cmd: ",SerialData," ",DEC CmdBuf]'send Command and CR
            HSEROUT [10,13]
            addr = 0                          'reset the address verification 
            CMD = 0                           'reset the command received flag  
    Well I am going back into non-internet land for the day, so I'll update after I get back.

    Again. I can't thank you and the list enough. I strive not to be a "code-sucker" but there really is a lot of stuff that can trip you up and a lot of tiny things that will frustrate you greatly. Think of it as raising the next generation of question answerers ;-)


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