
I've (finally!!!!) got a working "FS PICDEM" type 18F4550 protoboard (I made my own) with rb4 and mclr using pushbuttons to set bootloader mode etc. It works great (finally, 3 protoboards and a breadboard circuit later).

I've got DT's Instant Interrupts working to service the usb instead of polling, I think it's working - my device is recognized and stays connected.

Now, what I would like to do is get farmiliar with this USE_SELF_POWER_SENSE_IO operation. I've read the Microchip C18 user guide that describes the functions, but I still don't get how it's going to work - there's mention of a sense I/O pin, I happen to have RA2 reading my "AA" battery voltage b4 it goes into a maxim boost chip (max756). I have a maxim boost IC on my board and a 7805 regulator for some options for power... so far I've only managed to have the pic be recognized in "bus powered" mode. I.E. When I've commented out the power sense / bus sense definitions.

Can anyone shed light on how to make my device operate in "self powered" mode and get recognized, anyone doing anykind of autoswitching for supply power?

Any help is appreciated - I've googled can't seem to find anyone getting into the specifics of USE_SELF_POWER_SENSE_IO.

Darrel T, Bruce, Melanie, Mister_e, skimask, or any other PIC genious care enlighten the noobery on how to use this feature / setting.

Thanks in advance,.. RYTECH