Allegro A6280 with PICBASIC

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Red face Allegro A6280 with PICBASIC

    HI there, I'm very new in picbasic and need to have some expert's advise in here. I wish to drive an Allegro A6280 with PIC16F628 by using shiftout. It seems that the data can be sent but the problem is I need to continuously pulse the clock with the code below to keep the A6280's PWM in order to run.

    high clk
    low clk
    goto clksend

    It seems that when I execute this command, my pic is busy with the code and I can't send the next data to the A6280. Anyone can give me a good suggestion in here as I'm lost in no where right now. Thanks in advise.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Colorado Springs


    Hi makson,

    Not the easiest way to drive 3 LED's is it?

    Well, I'm going to make it sound even harder.

    The 6280 has 10-bit PWM counters. So, to get around 100hz PWM to the LED's, you'll need about 100 Khz going to the clock input continuously.

    This can be easily acheived with the CCP module of the 16F628, but you can't use the HPWM command because the frequency is too high, so the registers will have to be set manually.

    Now for the hard part.

    Using SHIFTOUT to send the data may cause blinking when you update the PWM values. You would need to turn off the CCP module to allow SHIFTOUT to control the clock pin, shift the data out, then turn on the CCP module again to keep the clock going.

    It's possible that you may not even be able to see it because it will be more of an elongation of 1 PWM cycle, so you should try that way first.

    If it is noticable, you'll need to manually shiftout the data "In Sync" with the CCP clock cycles, which can be done with the TMR2IF flag. But try it with SHIFTOUT first to see if there's a problem or not. If there is, I can show you how to "sync" the data.


  3. #3
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    Red face

    Dear Darrel,

    Thousand thanks to your reply. I really appreciate your help and I'm now going to try the method you mention. Before that, I've encountered that when the circuit is power on, there's 5V in the OEI pin of a6280. I don't really understand how to operate with OE. Do I need to sink it to ground with a resistor in order for the LED to light up? Please kindly advise. Thanks & hope u enjoy your weekend.

    Warmest Regards,
    Kevin Loh

  4. #4
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    Colorado Springs


    You can just tie the (OEI) Output Enable Input to ground. (No resistor required)

    If you want more control later, you can connect OEI to a PIC pin. Then HIGH is LED"s OFF, and LOW is LED's ON.

    But, you can still turn them ON/OFF by putting 0 or 1023 in the PWM register, so using OEI doesn't help all that much. Which is why I say, Just ground it.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default shiftout doesn't run as expected

    Dear Darrel, sorry for the trouble again, below is the code that I'm trying to work with but it doesn't light up the led as expected. Please kindly advise. Thanks in advance.

    include "bs1defs.bas"

    CMCON = 7 ' PortA = digital I/O
    VRCON = 0 ' A/D Voltage reference disabled
    TRISB = %00000000 ' B.3=PWM,B.0,B.1,B.2 blink LEDs
    PR2 = 25 ' Set PWM for approximately 38KHz
    CCPR1L = 13 ' Set PWM Duty-Cycle to 50%
    CCP1CON = %00001100 ' Mode select = PWM
    T2CON = %00000100 ' Timer2 ON + 1:1 prescale

    d2pin var portb.0
    c2pin var portb.3
    latch var portb.4
    'oe var portb.1

    funct var byte
    rvar var word
    gvar var word
    bvar var word

    funct = 0
    gvar = %0011111111
    rvar = %0000000000
    bvar = %0000000000

    high porta.0
    pause 1000
    low porta.0

    CCPR1L = 0
    shiftout d2pin, c2pin, 1, [funct\1,gvar\10,rvar\10,bvar\10]
    gosub latching

    pause 1000
    gosub bringpwm

    goto begin

    PR2 = 25 ' Set PWM for approximately 38KHz
    CCPR1L = 13 ' Set PWM Duty-Cycle to 50%
    CCP1CON = %00001100 ' Mode select = PWM
    T2CON = %00000100 ' Timer2 ON + 1:1 prescale

    high latch
    pause 500

    low latch

  6. #6
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    Colorado Springs


    Putting 0 in CCPR1L just stops the output with a 0% duty cycle. The pin is still controlled by the CCP module.

    CCP1CON = 0   Will allow SHIFTOUT to use the PIN.

    And for 100Khz, use PR2 = 9 and CCPR1L = 5.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Thanks Darrel........

    Dear Darrel,

    Thanks to you. The code running well now. I can turn the color from Red to green and to blue. You are really good. Thanks again. But now, the story continue...... I need to know how to use the Dot Correction because I don't really understand the concept. Besides that, Do I really need to use the Dot Correction? Please kindly advise.

  8. #8
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    Colorado Springs


    Great! Glad you got it working.

    Besides that, Do I really need to use the Dot Correction?
    I guess you don't "really need" to use them. You could just set the current with the REXT resistor, and use the PWM like normal. But if you want to match the brightness of the 3 LED's, then you'll need to set the DOT correction registers.

    They Power-up at 36% of the REXT current setting.
    So be sure you don't have too much current set-up before trying this. I don't want to blow up your LED's.
    But this should set the DOT registers to full current.
    Rdot VAR BYTE
    Gdot VAR BYTE
    Bdot VAR BYTE
    Zeros VAR BYTE : Zeros = 0
    Rdot = 127  ; Set these to match LED brightness (max 127)
    Gdot = 127
    Bdot = 127
        funct = 1
        CCP1CON = 0
        shiftout d2pin, c2pin, 1, [funct\1,Zeros\3,Gdot\7,Zeros\3, _
        high latch
        @ NOP
        low latch
        CCP1CON = %00001100
        funct = 0
    Then just GOSUB SetDots


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Red face

    Dear Darrel, thanks for the code so I think maybe you're right. The dot correction might not playing a necessary character in here. I still have a question if you don't mind, I'm trying to dim the led by decreasing the value of bvar (let say from 1023 to 0) but no luck. May I know why? Besides that, do u have a complete set of code for this IC's controller for sale? Hope you have a good day.

  10. #10
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    Colorado Springs


    I don't know why it wouldn't, except maybe for the PAUSEs.
    The last code posted would take over 42 minutes to dim from 1023 to 0 with the included pauses.

    Can you post your code again the way it is now?


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Red face

    BVar = 1023

    shiftout d2pin, c2pin,1 [funct\1,Rvar\10,Gvar\10,Bvar\10]
    gosub latch
    gosub BringUpPWM
    pause 100
    Bvar = Bvar - 2
    if bvar < 3 then goto end
    gosub blue


    I was expecting gradual dimming of the LED, but it pulsates and intensity seems the same.

  12. #12
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    Colorado Springs


    END is a reserved word and can't be used as a label.

    The blue loop is GOSUBing back to itself. It should be GOTO.

    And, it needs to turn off the CCP module before shifting any data.

    Make sure the PAUSE 500 is NOT in the latching: subroutine anymore.

    BVar = 1023
        CCP1CON = 0
        shiftout d2pin, c2pin,1 [funct\1,Rvar\10,Gvar\10,Bvar\10]
        gosub latch
        gosub BringUpPWM
        pause 100
        Bvar = Bvar - 2
        if bvar < 3 then goto BlueDone
    GOTO blue

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Ok, I'll try the code tomorrow morning as it is too late now. Hope it works, thanks and I'll let you know the result by tomorrow. Thanks

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Thumbs up

    BINGO! Darrel, you're the best! Thank you again for the code, now I can dim the LED. Now, the only think in my concern is that when I control too many clusters, the PIC might not be able to store that much of data isn't it? Do you have any recommendation? Hehehe, sorry if I ask too much but really appreciate your help. God bless. Thanks again.

  15. #15
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    Colorado Springs



    Not bad for someone that's never seen that chip before. eh

    Well, as far as the memory requirements go. At 6 bytes per cluster (PWM only), you can run an awful lot of clusters with just about any chip. But if it gets to be too many, just throw on a serial FRAM, and you could light up several hundred or thousand clusters, easily.

    Well, assuming you had that may pins on your PIC.
    Since each cluster needs it's own Latch line, it's kind of limiting.
    Of course you could always run the devices in series with a common latch, or add some shift registers to increase the Latch count, but now I'm getting into a whole different area.


  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Default Help

    Dear Darrel, I still need some help here. Can you kindly give me your email address? I need to send some attachment to you. Thanks & have a great weekend.

    Warmest Regards,
    Kevin Loh

  17. #17
    makson2's Avatar
    makson2 Guest

    Unhappy how to use TMRIF2 to synch with serial data send

    Using SHIFTOUT to send the data may cause blinking when you update the PWM values. You would need to turn off the CCP module to allow SHIFTOUT to control the clock pin, shift the data out, then turn on the CCP module again to keep the clock going.

    It's possible that you may not even be able to see it because it will be more of an elongation of 1 PWM cycle, so you should try that way first.

    If it is noticable, you'll need to manually shiftout the data "In Sync" with the CCP clock cycles, which can be done with the TMR2IF flag. But try it with SHIFTOUT first to see if there's a problem or not. If there is, I can show you how to "sync" the data.


    Dear All, especially to DT,
    My brother had tried out the shiftout part of the codes, it worked perfectly. But to my calculation, that will be way to slow for our requirement, pausing to wait for the shiftout to complete will take impractically long in our project.
    You mentioned of using TMR2IF flag. Both me and my bro are new. I tried playing with the TMR2 to synch the data send: ie using the PWM as clock drive. But seems like my understanding of the TMR2 is wrong. Please correct:

    1. TMR2 counts from 00 to value in PR2 then resets.
    2. If TMR2 count reaches value in CCPR1L, then duty cycle is completed, hence going to the low cycle of the PWM and therefore our "clock"

    So my aim is to send the data on the duty cycle time via the data pin and prepare for the next data bit in the low time. I set the PR2 = 9 and CCPR1L =5 as in your earlier code with the above assumption. Thinking the Low time will be after TMR2 = 5, so I wrote:

    For Counter = 1 to 31
    while TMR2 <= 5 then
    high DataPin
    low DataPin
    next Counter

    Will this work?
    Didn't use TMRIF2 as I am still struggling to understand the interrupts.
    Can you show how to synch CCP with the TMRIF2 as you have mentioned?
    Thanks a lot.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default multiple pixels


    I don't understand the principle of the shift register of the A6280. I need to control 20 RGB pixels separately. Is this principle work ? :

    1) Load RGB data of pixel 1
    2) Load RGB data of pixel 2
    ..) ...
    20) Load RGB data of pixel 20
    21) Latch
    22) Load RGB data of pixel 1

    Thank tou for your help

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Colorado Springs


    If pixel 1 is the LAST one in the string, then yes.
    Send the data for all pixels then latch it. All pixels update at the same time.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Thumbs up

    ok, thank you for this fast reply,
    A6280 is perfect for my application : (low resolution screen).

    I'm going to test it soon

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    I know I'm coming in on this thread a little late, but I'm trying to control the A6280 as well. I'm using a PIC16F873a which has a SPI port. Supposedly it is very easy to use the SPI port because it handles the serial clocking of the data and such. I was wondering if someone could clarify something though. Does the SCK pin maintain a constant clock pulse. I believe how it's setup is to deliver OSC/4 to that.

  22. #22
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    Colorado Springs


    Quote Originally Posted by Photovor View Post
    Does the SCK pin maintain a constant clock pulse.
    It Does NOT.

    It only puts out a CLK when data is being sent.
    The A6280 needs a CLK all the time though, not just when there's data.


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Thanks for the clarification. Is there a way to utilize the oscillator that is supplying the clock for the PIC to also supply the clock pulse for the A6280, and use the SPI functions as well? Or would SPI not work at all in this example? It's a shame that the A26281 just comes in a QFN package, considering it has its own internal PWM counter.

  24. #24
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    Colorado Springs


    Quote Originally Posted by Photovor View Post
    ... Is there a way to utilize the oscillator that is supplying the clock for the PIC to also supply the clock pulse for the A6280, and use the SPI functions as well? ...
    It's possible, with external hardware, extra pins on the chip, and a great deal of thoughtful programming.

    But since you can use the CCP module in co-operation with SHIFTOUT commands on 2-3 PINs and no external hardware .... Why?


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    I was just curious if it was possible or not. I'll have to play with the examples above and see what I can get out of it. I've never used the CCP module, but I like the idea of not having to rely on any external clock sources.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Ok, I got around to trying the example in this thread. I had to change a piece or two because I'm using a PIC12F683. The main changes were to change TRISB to use TRISIO (since there is only one GPx PORT), and of course the SHIFTOUT command to use the correct pins on that port as well.

    I'm getting no results, and it doesn't seem that the CCP module is working correctly. Is there a way I can test this individually?

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