Dear Helpful People:

I am trying to interface a PIC16F874A with an ID2 RFID reader (Mannings RFID;, and am having no luck. The RD2 outputs a "start of text" code ($02) followed by 10 ASCII characters (an identification code) then a carriage return and a line feed. As a first step in a more in depth project, I want to read in those ten ascii characters and send them to a PC via another rs232 line. I have gotten all the components to work, but the whole thing won't come together.

I can send and recieve data from the PIC to a PC, and when I hook the ID2 up directly to the computer, I can read in the 10 character codes no problem at 9600 baud. So why can't the PIC read the codes in as well??

Here is some code I would like to use:

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO VAR portb.0 ' Define serial out pin
SI VAR portb.1 ' Define serial in pin
RI VAR portb.3 ' serial in from reader
RR VAR portb.2 ' reader reset
B0 VAR byte 'byte variable
tag VAR BYTE[10] ' Creates a byte array of 10 bytes

HIGH RR 'reset Reader

loop: Serin SI,N9600,B0 ' B0 = input character
PAUSE 1500 'wait a sec
Serout SO,N9600,["ready", $0A, $0D] 'Send ready
SERIN2 RI, N9600,[WAIT($02),STR tag\10] 'get tag code
SEROUT SO,N9600,["got the code", $0A, $0D] 'acknowledge reciept
print: Serout SO,N9600,[tag,$0A, $0D] 'send code
Serout SO,N9600,[" done", $0A, $0D] 'send done
Goto loop 'do it again

I just can't get past the serin from the reader. I have tried T9600, and I've tried adding a pullup resistor to the line between the ID2 output and PIN B3. Also, I know that the reader is working because it has an LED indicator.