Quote Originally Posted by Homerclese View Post
Good, That worked. However, when I add a line to the top of the program as simple as :
TRISA = %00000000

I get

Error[113 cbp\pbpic14.lib 1588 : Symbol not previously defined (port A)
Error[113 cbp\pbpic14.lib 1612 : Symbol not previously defined (port A)
Error[113 cbp\pbpic14.lib 1619 : Symbol not previously defined (port A)


Also, going back to the previously working "elapsed timer demo" and using the MPASM settings I get the same type of errors there if I try to add a port reference.

I can get the result box into Photoshop but can't get the edited image to paste into the forum.

You said you were using the 16F877. Are you sure it's not the 16F877A?
'cause if it is, you need to upgrade your PBP. You said you've got PBP 2.40. The 16F877A isn't supported until PBP 2.42