Hello to the community

I used to control my servos with a PIC12F675 (internal 4MHz clock) with the PULSOUT command, renewed every 20 msec.

However, I could see, with a logical analyzer, that the impulses were not always perfectly identical, thus causing a "dusy" of the servos.

I could then hear that it was possible to control these servos using the Timer(s) of the PIC ... (?)
Unfortunately, I know nothing about the use of these timer(s) and their configurations to use in PBP.

Could a good soul provide me with a small explanatory program incorporating the elementary commands of configurations of the timer(s) to distinctly pilot two servos?

I will assimilate it and then use it by completing it with my needs.

Thank you in advance for your help.

(User: PicBasicPro Compiler V:2.40)