Good evening to the community.

PIC12F675 is not planned to operate with an external quartz.
It does not have pin dedicated to an external quartz.
The Datasheet specifies, however, that this little peak can work at 20mHz!?

So, is it enough to use the DEFINE OSC 20 command to operate at 20mHz ??

Indeed, the Picbasic Pro Compiler manual specifies this (§2,3,1): [Note that" DEFINE OSC "does not fix or does not change the real clock frequency! He only indicates to PBP what he should expect.
The actual frequency is defined by choosing a crystal, by changing the configuration of the device, by defining registers in your program, or (most often) a combination of all this.]

But the PIC 12F675 has no pins specifically provided for such an external quartz!?

So how actually run a PIC12F675 in 20mHz and which programming lines should be put in a BasicPro Compiler program?

Thanks for your help.