What does this error message mean?

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  1. #1

    Default What does this error message mean?

    [ASM ERROR] Argument out of range (2135 not between 0 and 2047) (0) : Error[126]

    When I click "compile" the progress bar gets all the way up to 100% and then it goes from green to red and I get this message at the bottom.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What does this error message mean?

    Since you haven't shown the relevant code fragment, I suspect you are getting an error at a branch instruction that is branching past the 2048 bytes page size.

  3. #3

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    How do I locate the relevant code fragment?

  4. #4
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    Post your code. It is easier for experienced members to help you as they might be able to try out the code to see the issue you have.

  5. #5

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    Sorry. It's pretty long. This is for use with an electronic music effect device - and echo module. It's doing 3 main things. The first is a signal routing/bypass that uses A5, C3, and C5 to turn various JFETs on and off. The second is controlling a digital potentiometer to control the delay time of two delay chips in series. The delay time can be manipulated with either an analog pot which is read at pin A1. The other is by tapping out the tempo on a push button switch connected to A0. The third main thing that this program does is use an interrupt to count the time between tempo taps and translates that into the wiper position on the digital pot. There's a couple other minor things too, like making LEDs blink and such.

    The base of this program works just fine. But recently, since production of semiconductors started back up after COVID, the specs of the delay chip I'm using are not as tight anymore. This has required me to add a "calibration" feature to the program. So it's only after adding this calibration feature that I've gotten the error messages.

    ADCON0 = %00000000
    ADCON1 = %00110000
    ANSEL = %00000110
    define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50
    define ADC_BITS 8
    CMCON0 = %00000111         
    TRISA = %00001111       
    TRISC = %00000000
        ' Set TMR0 interrupt prescaler to 1:32
        OPTION_REG = %10000100        ' Set TMR0 configuration and enable PORTB pullups
        INTCON = %10100000           ' Enable TMR0 interrupts
        On Interrupt Goto tickint
        define WRITE_INT 1
        '    Hardware connection
        '    ===================
        CS          VAR PORTA.5
        SCK         VAR PORTC.2
        SDI          VAR PORTC.1
        tempoLED var PORTC.0
        tempobutton var PORTA.0     
        bypassbutton var PORTA.3    
        bypassLED var PORTC.4
        fetA var PORTC.5
        fetB var PORTA.4
        fetC var PORTC.3
        ;pot is on   porta.2  an2
        '    Variables definition
        '    ===================
        x var word
        y var word
        w var byte 
        z var byte
        a var byte              ' ADC in variable for tempo LED calibration
        b var byte              ' tempo LED calibration variable used in main program
        c var byte              ' ADC in variable for tap calibration
        d var byte              ' tap calibration variable used in main program
        plusORminus var bit
        plusORminus1 var bit
        plusORminus2 var bit
        plusORminus3 var bit                
        ticks var word
        LEDcounter var word     
        LEDrate var word
        trailsmodecounter var word
        trailsmode var bit
        xprevious var byte
        override var bit
        analogpot var bit
        footswitch var bit
        analogpot = 1
        footswitch = 0
        LEDadj var byte
        LEDadj1 var byte
        tapadj var byte
        tapadj1 var byte
        calibrationcounter var byte
        calibrationon var bit
        '                 Calibration check
    calibrationon = 0
    read 1, calibrationcounter
    if bypassbutton = 0 then         'hold down bypass button on power up to calibrate
        goto bypassbuttonrelease
        calibrationon = 1
        '    begin in "bypass" state
        '    ====================
        tempoLED = 0
        fetA = 0
        fetB = 0
        fetC = 1
        bypassLED = 0
        trailsmode = 0
        override = analogpot
        pause 1000
        gosub readpot
        gosub movepot
        pause 100
    '                     MAIN PROGRAM
        gosub potcheck
        if LEDcounter < 3  then
                tempoLED = 1
                tempoLED = 0
        if tempobutton = 0 then
            if calibrationon = 1 then
                goto subtractfromcalibrationcounter
                goto tempopress
        if ticks > 400 then
            ticks = 300
        if LEDcounter > LEDrate then
            LEDcounter = 0
        if bypassBUTTON = 0 then
                if calibrationon = 1 then
                    gosub addtocalibrationcounter
                    gosub bypasspress
                gosub bypassbuttonrelease
    goto main
           gosub readpot
           if abs (xprevious-x) > 4 then
                override = analogpot
                gosub movepot
        adcin 1,x
        x = x * 10
        x = x/17
        'x = 1 max x
            x = x + calibrationcounter
            CS = 0
            shiftout SDI, SCK, 1, [00000000,x]
            shiftout SDI, SCK, 1, [00010000,x]
            CS = 1
            x = x - calibrationcounter
            if override = analogpot then                    'checks to see if the delay time was set by the pot or switch
                xprevious = x
            gosub tempoLEDadjust
    tempoLEDadjust:                                           '  compensate for TMR0 not being 1:1 with actual delay time
       if x < 25 then
            LEDrate = x + 16
       elseif x >= 25 and x < 50 then
            LEDrate = x + 18
       elseif x >= 50 and x < 75 then
            LEDrate = x + 20
       elseif x >= 75 and x < 95 then
            LEDrate = x + 22      'noon to 2 o'clock
       elseif x >= 95 and x < 130 then
            LEDrate = x + 24    '2 o'clock to 3 o'clock
       elseif x > 130 then
            LEDrate = x + 26    '3 o'clock to FTCW
        if ticks >= 180 then              ' if longer than 3 45bpm since last press assume this is first press and start ticks counter over
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks <= 157 and ticks > 60 then              '  set delay time on this press based on how much time has elapsed since last press
            x = ticks - 20                  ' compensate for TRM0 being slightly faster than 10ms when tempo is slower than 100bpm
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks <= 60 and ticks > 57 then      'tempo between 100bpm and 110bpm
            x = ticks - 7                  
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks < 57 and ticks > 15 then          'tempo faster than 110bpm
            x = ticks - 15                  
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks < 180 and ticks > 157 then     ' if tap duration is slighlty longer than max delay time, then set to max delay time.
            x = 157 - 7
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks <= 15 then          'tap too fast
            x = 3                  
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
    goto main
    division:                                                          ' tap multiplier subroutine
        div var byte
        adcin 2, w                                                      ' read toggle switch on channel 1 and store in w
        if w < 51 then                                                     ' 1:1 ratio or quarter note
             x = x
        if w >= 51 and w < 102 then                                 ' 1:1.5 ratio or dotted eigth note
            lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,13,14,15,15,16,16,17,17,17,18,19,19,20,21,22,22,23,_
            76,77,77,78,78,79,80,81,82,82,82,82,83,84,84,85,86,86,87,88,89,89,90,91,92,92,92,93,93,94,94], div
            x = div
        if w >= 102 and w < 153 then                                 '1:2 ratio or eigth note
            lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8,9,10,11,11,12,13,14,14,15,_
            57,58,58,58,58,60,60,60,60,62,62,62,62,4,64,64,64,66,66,66,66,68,68,68,68], div
            x = div
        if w >= 153 and w < 204 then                                '1:3 ratio (triplets)
            lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,_
            34,35,35,35,35,36,36,36,36,37,37,37,37,38,38,38,38,39,39,39,39,40,40,40,40], div
            x = div
        if w > 204 then                                             ' 1:4 ratio or 16th note
            lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,_
            27,27], div
            x = div
    tempobuttonrelease:                                          ' debounce subroutine for tempo button
        returnTOpotCounter var word
        returnTOpotCounter = 0
        tempoLED = 1
        do until returnTOpotCounter >= 200
            if tempobutton = 1 then exit
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10                                            ' pause 30ms.  Break up into 10ms to not interfer with interrupt timer
            returnTOpotCounter = returnTOpotCounter + 3
        tempoLED = 0
        pause 10
        pause 10
        pause 10
        if returnTOpotCounter >= 200 then
            gosub returnTOpot
        gosub readpot
        gosub movepot
        onORoff var bit
        onORoff = bypassLED
        m var byte
        for m = 1 to 5
        bypassLED = 1
            pause 200
        bypassLED = 0
            pause 200
        next m
        bypassLED = onORoff
        pause 10
        pause 10
        trailsmodecounter = 0                                      ' waits to see if you want to switch between normal or trails mode
        do until trailsmodecounter = 200
            if bypassbutton = 1 then exit
            pause 10      
            trailsmodecounter = trailsmodecounter + 1
        if trailsmodecounter = 200 then
            goto trailmodechange
        if trailsmode = 1 then
            gosub trailsbypass
        elseif trailsmode = 0 then
            gosub normalbypass
    trailmodechange:                                                ' subroutine that occurs when bypass button is held long enough to change between normal or trails mode
        if trailsmode = 1 then
            trailsmode =  0
        elseif trailsmode = 0 then
            trailsmode = 1
        for z = 1 to 5
        tempoLED = 1
            pause 200
        tempoLED = 0
            pause 200
        next z
    goto main   
    normalbypass:                                                       ' subroutine for normal bypass
        if bypassLED = 0 then
            fetA = 1
            fetB = 1
            fetC = 0
            bypassLED = 1
        elseif bypassLED = 1 then
            fetA = 0
            fetB = 0
            fetC = 1
            bypassLED = 0
    trailsbypass:                                                       'subroutine for trails bypass
        if bypassLED = 0 then
            fetA = 1
            fetB = 1
            fetC = 0
            bypassLED = 1
        elseif bypassLED = 1 then
            fetA = 0
            fetB = 1
            fetC = 1
            bypassLED = 0
    bypassbuttonrelease:                                               '  debounce subroutine when bypass button is pressed
        do until bypassbutton = 1
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10
        bypassbuttoncounter var word
        bypassbuttoncounter = 0
        do until bypassbutton = 1
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10
            bypassbuttoncounter = bypassbuttoncounter + 1
        if bypassbuttoncounter > 200 then
            write 1, calibrationcounter
            calibrationon = 0
            calibrationcounter = calibrationcounter + 1
        calibrationcounter = calibrationcounter - 1
        do until tempobutton = 1
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10
    Disable                                 ' Disable interrupts during interrupt handler
    tickint:                                    ' Interrupt routine to handle each timer tick     
        ticks = ticks + 1
        LEDcounter = LEDcounter + 1
       INTCON.2 = 0                             ' Reset timer interrupt flag

  6. #6
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    the most vital info is missing , what pic chip ?
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  7. #7

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    Duh. Sorry. I'm a pretty much a newb and it's been at least a year since I've used PBP. It took me like 2 days to figure everything that was going on here, and I was the one that wrote it.

    I'm using the PC16F684

    If it helps, here's link to the schematic http://byocelectronics.com/echoroyalschematic.pdf

  8. #8

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    I'm using the PIC16F684. The previous version of this code worked just fine when the PT2399 delay chip had a very precise delay time, but they have become inconsistent which causes the tap tempo feature to be slightly out of sync with the delay time. I'm trying to add a "calibration" feature to sync the actual delay time with the tap tempo by adding or subracting postions on the digital potentiometer.

    I've reposted the code and highlighted the parts that have been added or modified in blue. Here's a link to the schematic http://byocelectronics.com/echoroyalschematic.pdf The idea is that if the user is holding down SW2 during power up, it will go into "calibration mode". SW2 should now add 1 movement on the digital pot and SW1 should remove one movement. Holding down SW2 for 3 seconds should WRITE calibrationcounter to memory and return to normal function.

    I forgot to mention the VR6 "tap multiplier" function, in case you're wondering what all the weird lookup tables are there for. This is a feature commonly requested by guitar players when using a delay/echo effect. It's used with the tap tempo. It sets the delay time so that the echoes will beat at straight quarter note, dotted eighth note, triplet, or 16th intervals and the user only needs to tap out a straight quarter note beat.

    ADCON0 = %00000000
    ADCON1 = %00110000
    ANSEL = %00000110
    define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50
    define ADC_BITS 8
    CMCON0 = %00000111         
    TRISA = %00001111       
    TRISC = %00000000
        ' Set TMR0 interrupt prescaler to 1:32
        OPTION_REG = %10000100        ' Set TMR0 configuration and enable PORTB pullups
        INTCON = %10100000           ' Enable TMR0 interrupts
        On Interrupt Goto tickint
        define WRITE_INT 1
        '    Hardware connection
        '    ===================
        CS          VAR PORTA.5
        SCK         VAR PORTC.2
        SDI          VAR PORTC.1
        tempoLED var PORTC.0
        tempobutton var PORTA.0     
        bypassbutton var PORTA.3    
        bypassLED var PORTC.4
        fetA var PORTC.5
        fetB var PORTA.4
        fetC var PORTC.3
        ;pot is on   porta.2  an2
        '    Variables definition
        '    ===================
        x var word
        y var word
        w var byte 
        z var byte
        a var byte              ' ADC in variable for tempo LED calibration
        b var byte              ' tempo LED calibration variable used in main program
        c var byte              ' ADC in variable for tap calibration
        d var byte              ' tap calibration variable used in main program
        plusORminus var bit
        plusORminus1 var bit
        plusORminus2 var bit
        plusORminus3 var bit                
        ticks var word
        LEDcounter var word     
        LEDrate var word
        trailsmodecounter var word
        trailsmode var bit
        xprevious var byte
        override var bit
        analogpot var bit
        footswitch var bit
        analogpot = 1
        footswitch = 0
        LEDadj var byte
        LEDadj1 var byte
        tapadj var byte
        tapadj1 var byte
        calibrationcounter var byte
        calibrationon var bit
        '                 Calibration check
    calibrationon = 0
    read 1, calibrationcounter
    if bypassbutton = 0 then         'hold down bypass button on power up to calibrate
        goto bypassbuttonrelease
        calibrationon = 1
        '    begin in "bypass" state
        '    ====================
        tempoLED = 0
        fetA = 0
        fetB = 0
        fetC = 1
        bypassLED = 0
        trailsmode = 0
        override = analogpot
        pause 1000
        gosub readpot
        gosub movepot
        pause 100
    '                     MAIN PROGRAM
        gosub potcheck
        if LEDcounter < 3  then
                tempoLED = 1
                tempoLED = 0
        if tempobutton = 0 then
            if calibrationon = 1 then
                goto subtractfromcalibrationcounter
                goto tempopress
        if ticks > 400 then
            ticks = 300
        if LEDcounter > LEDrate then
            LEDcounter = 0
        if bypassBUTTON = 0 then
                if calibrationon = 1 then
                    gosub addtocalibrationcounter
                    gosub bypasspress
                gosub bypassbuttonrelease
    goto main
           gosub readpot
           if abs (xprevious-x) > 4 then
                override = analogpot
                gosub movepot
        adcin 1,x
        x = x * 10
        x = x/17
        'x = 1 max x
            x = x + calibrationcounter
            CS = 0
            shiftout SDI, SCK, 1, [00000000,x]
            shiftout SDI, SCK, 1, [00010000,x]
            CS = 1
            x = x - calibrationcounter
            if override = analogpot then                    'checks to see if the delay time was set by the pot or switch
                xprevious = x
            gosub tempoLEDadjust
    tempoLEDadjust:                                           '  compensate for TMR0 not being 1:1 with actual delay time
       if x < 25 then
            LEDrate = x + 16
       elseif x >= 25 and x < 50 then
            LEDrate = x + 18
       elseif x >= 50 and x < 75 then
            LEDrate = x + 20
       elseif x >= 75 and x < 95 then
            LEDrate = x + 22      'noon to 2 o'clock
       elseif x >= 95 and x < 130 then
            LEDrate = x + 24    '2 o'clock to 3 o'clock
       elseif x > 130 then
            LEDrate = x + 26    '3 o'clock to FTCW
        if ticks >= 180 then              ' if longer than 3 45bpm since last press assume this is first press and start ticks counter over
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks <= 157 and ticks > 60 then              '  set delay time on this press based on how much time has elapsed since last press
            x = ticks - 20                  ' compensate for TRM0 being slightly faster than 10ms when tempo is slower than 100bpm
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks <= 60 and ticks > 57 then      'tempo between 100bpm and 110bpm
            x = ticks - 7                  
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks < 57 and ticks > 15 then          'tempo faster than 110bpm
            x = ticks - 15                  
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks < 180 and ticks > 157 then     ' if tap duration is slighlty longer than max delay time, then set to max delay time.
            x = 157 - 7
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks <= 15 then          'tap too fast
            x = 3                  
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
    goto main
    division:                                                          ' tap multiplier subroutine
        div var byte
        adcin 2, w                                                      ' read toggle switch on channel 1 and store in w
        if w < 51 then                                                     ' 1:1 ratio or quarter note
             x = x
        if w >= 51 and w < 102 then                                 ' 1:1.5 ratio or dotted eigth note
            lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,13,14,15,15,16,16,17,17,17,18,19,19,20,21,22,22,23,_
            76,77,77,78,78,79,80,81,82,82,82,82,83,84,84,85,86,86,87,88,89,89,90,91,92,92,92,93,93,94,94], div
            x = div
        if w >= 102 and w < 153 then                                 '1:2 ratio or eigth note
            lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8,9,10,11,11,12,13,14,14,15,_
            57,58,58,58,58,60,60,60,60,62,62,62,62,4,64,64,64,66,66,66,66,68,68,68,68], div
            x = div
        if w >= 153 and w < 204 then                                '1:3 ratio (triplets)
            lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,_
            34,35,35,35,35,36,36,36,36,37,37,37,37,38,38,38,38,39,39,39,39,40,40,40,40], div
            x = div
        if w > 204 then                                             ' 1:4 ratio or 16th note
            lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,_
            27,27], div
            x = div
    tempobuttonrelease:                                          ' debounce subroutine for tempo button
        returnTOpotCounter var word
        returnTOpotCounter = 0
        tempoLED = 1
        do until returnTOpotCounter >= 200
            if tempobutton = 1 then exit
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10                                            ' pause 30ms.  Break up into 10ms to not interfer with interrupt timer
            returnTOpotCounter = returnTOpotCounter + 3
        tempoLED = 0
        pause 10
        pause 10
        pause 10
        if returnTOpotCounter >= 200 then
            gosub returnTOpot
        gosub readpot
        gosub movepot
        onORoff var bit
        onORoff = bypassLED
        m var byte
        for m = 1 to 5
        bypassLED = 1
            pause 200
        bypassLED = 0
            pause 200
        next m
        bypassLED = onORoff
        pause 10
        pause 10
        trailsmodecounter = 0                                      ' waits to see if you want to switch between normal or trails mode
        do until trailsmodecounter = 200
            if bypassbutton = 1 then exit
            pause 10      
            trailsmodecounter = trailsmodecounter + 1
        if trailsmodecounter = 200 then
            goto trailmodechange
        if trailsmode = 1 then
            gosub trailsbypass
        elseif trailsmode = 0 then
            gosub normalbypass
    trailmodechange:                                                ' subroutine that occurs when bypass button is held long enough to change between normal or trails mode
        if trailsmode = 1 then
            trailsmode =  0
        elseif trailsmode = 0 then
            trailsmode = 1
        for z = 1 to 5
        tempoLED = 1
            pause 200
        tempoLED = 0
            pause 200
        next z
    goto main   
    normalbypass:                                                       ' subroutine for normal bypass
        if bypassLED = 0 then
            fetA = 1
            fetB = 1
            fetC = 0
            bypassLED = 1
        elseif bypassLED = 1 then
            fetA = 0
            fetB = 0
            fetC = 1
            bypassLED = 0
    trailsbypass:                                                       'subroutine for trails bypass
        if bypassLED = 0 then
            fetA = 1
            fetB = 1
            fetC = 0
            bypassLED = 1
        elseif bypassLED = 1 then
            fetA = 0
            fetB = 1
            fetC = 1
            bypassLED = 0
    bypassbuttonrelease:                                               '  debounce subroutine when bypass button is pressed
        do until bypassbutton = 1
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10
        bypassbuttoncounter var word
        bypassbuttoncounter = 0
        do until bypassbutton = 1
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10
            bypassbuttoncounter = bypassbuttoncounter + 1
        if bypassbuttoncounter > 200 then
            write 1, calibrationcounter
            calibrationon = 0
            calibrationcounter = calibrationcounter + 1
        calibrationcounter = calibrationcounter - 1
        do until tempobutton = 1
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10
    Disable                                 ' Disable interrupts during interrupt handler
    tickint:                                    ' Interrupt routine to handle each timer tick     
        ticks = ticks + 1
        LEDcounter = LEDcounter + 1
       INTCON.2 = 0                             ' Reset timer interrupt flag
    Last edited by keithv; - 9th December 2021 at 23:03.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I'm using the PIC16F684
    i should have asked what version of pbp also , not that it matters in this case the problem is that the code will no longer fit in the chip
    you need to trim the code down or get a bigger chip
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    i should have asked what version of pbp also , not that it matters in this case the problem is that the code will no longer fit in the chip
    you need to trim the code down or get a bigger chip
    I was worried about that. I'm using PBP3.0 midrange edition. I seem to recall a little counter in the lower left hand corner of the dev environment that told you how much space your code was using. I can't find it now.

  11. #11
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    typo ?

    if w >= 102 and w < 153 then                                 '1:2 ratio or eigth note
    lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8,9,10,11,11,12,13,14,14,15,_
    57,58,58,58,58,60,60,60,60,62,62,62,62,4,64,64,64,66,66,66,66,68,68,68,68], div
    x = div
    Last edited by richard; - 9th December 2021 at 23:28.
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  12. #12
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    can't find it now.
    you only get it if it's an ok compile
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  13. #13

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    Default Re: What does this error message mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    typo ?

    if w >= 102 and w < 153 then                                 '1:2 ratio or eigth note
    lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8,9,10,11,11,12,13,14,14,15,_
    57,58,58,58,58,60,60,60,60,62,62,62,62,4,64,64,64,66,66,66,66,68,68,68,68], div
    x = div
    Wow. Nice catch. Eighth is spelled incorrectly too.

  14. #14

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    Default Re: What does this error message mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    you only get it if it's an ok compile
    That explains a lot. I should have realized what the problem was since the flash on the 16F684 is 2048 and the compiler was complaining about something being more than 2047.

  15. #15
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    A lot has transpired while I was asleep in my TimeZone. I think you found your answer.

  16. #16
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    you can always replace pbp's highly inefficient lookups with asm tables for byte sized data
    just make sure the index will not to exceed the table's number of entries

    this is a slightly incomplete and untested example of asm table

    since your table data never exceeds 7 bits a packed 14 bit "DA" table could be used also
    halving the data size yet again [see my packed fonts for ssd1306 etc ] an unpacking routine
    is simple and quick

    ADCON0 = %00000000
    ADCON1 = %00110000
    ANSEL = %00000110
    define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50
    define ADC_BITS 8
    CMCON0 = %00000111 
    TRISA = %00001111 
    TRISC = %00000000
        ' Set TMR0 interrupt prescaler to 1:32
        OPTION_REG = %10000100        ' Set TMR0 configuration and enable PORTB pullups
        INTCON = %10100000           ' Enable TMR0 interrupts
        On Interrupt Goto tickint
        define WRITE_INT 1
        '    Hardware connection
        '    ===================
        CS          VAR PORTA.5
        SCK         VAR PORTC.2
        SDI          VAR PORTC.1
        tempoLED var PORTC.0
        tempobutton var PORTA.0
        bypassbutton var PORTA.3
        bypassLED var PORTC.4
        fetA var PORTC.5
        fetB var PORTA.4
        fetC var PORTC.3
        ;pot is on   porta.2  an2
        '    Variables definition
        '    ===================
        LU_TMP  var word   temporary   storage for tables
        x var word
        y var word
        w var byte 
        z var byte
        a var byte              ' ADC in variable for tempo LED calibration
        b var byte              ' tempo LED calibration variable used in main program
        c var byte              ' ADC in variable for tap calibration
        d var byte              ' tap calibration variable used in main program
        plusORminus var bit
        plusORminus1 var bit
        plusORminus2 var bit
        plusORminus3 var bit 
        ticks var word
        LEDcounter var word 
        LEDrate var word
        trailsmodecounter var word
        trailsmode var bit
        xprevious var byte
        override var bit
        analogpot var bit
        footswitch var bit
        analogpot = 1
        footswitch = 0
        LEDadj var byte
        LEDadj1 var byte
        tapadj var byte
        tapadj1 var byte
        calibrationcounter var byte
        calibrationon var bit
        '                 Calibration check
    calibrationon = 0
    read 1, calibrationcounter
    if bypassbutton = 0 then         'hold down bypass button on power up to calibrate
        goto bypassbuttonrelease
        calibrationon = 1
        '    begin in "bypass" state
        '    ====================
        tempoLED = 0
        fetA = 0
        fetB = 0
        fetC = 1
        bypassLED = 0
        trailsmode = 0
        override = analogpot
        pause 1000
        gosub readpot
        gosub movepot
        pause 100
    '                     MAIN PROGRAM
        gosub potcheck
        if LEDcounter < 3  then
                tempoLED = 1
                tempoLED = 0
        if tempobutton = 0 then
            if calibrationon = 1 then
                goto subtractfromcalibrationcounter
                goto tempopress
        if ticks > 400 then
            ticks = 300
        if LEDcounter > LEDrate then
            LEDcounter = 0
        if bypassBUTTON = 0 then
                if calibrationon = 1 then
                    gosub addtocalibrationcounter
                    gosub bypasspress
                gosub bypassbuttonrelease
    goto main
           gosub readpot
           if abs (xprevious-x) > 4 then
                override = analogpot
                gosub movepot
        adcin 1,x
        x = x * 10
        x = x/17
        'x = 1 max x
            x = x + calibrationcounter
            CS = 0
            shiftout SDI, SCK, 1, [00000000,x]
            shiftout SDI, SCK, 1, [00010000,x]
            CS = 1
            x = x - calibrationcounter
            if override = analogpot then                    'checks to see if the delay time was set by the pot or switch
                xprevious = x
            gosub tempoLEDadjust
    tempoLEDadjust:                                           '  compensate for TMR0 not being 1:1 with actual delay time
       if x < 25 then
            LEDrate = x + 16
       elseif x >= 25 and x < 50 then
            LEDrate = x + 18
       elseif x >= 50 and x < 75 then
            LEDrate = x + 20
       elseif x >= 75 and x < 95 then
            LEDrate = x + 22      'noon to 2 o'clock
       elseif x >= 95 and x < 130 then
            LEDrate = x + 24    '2 o'clock to 3 o'clock
       elseif x > 130 then
            LEDrate = x + 26    '3 o'clock to FTCW
        if ticks >= 180 then              ' if longer than 3 45bpm since last press assume this is first press and start ticks counter over
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks <= 157 and ticks > 60 then              '  set delay time on this press based on how much time has elapsed since last press
            x = ticks - 20                  ' compensate for TRM0 being slightly faster than 10ms when tempo is slower than 100bpm
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks <= 60 and ticks > 57 then      'tempo between 100bpm and 110bpm
            x = ticks - 7                  
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks < 57 and ticks > 15 then          'tempo faster than 110bpm
            x = ticks - 15                  
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks < 180 and ticks > 157 then     ' if tap duration is slighlty longer than max delay time, then set to max delay time.
            x = 157 - 7
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
        if ticks <= 15 then          'tap too fast
            x = 3                  
            gosub division
            override = footswitch
            gosub movepot
            ticks = 0
            gosub tempobuttonrelease
            goto main
    goto main
    division:                                                          ' tap multiplier subroutine
        div var byte
        adcin 2, w                                                      ' read toggle switch on channel 1 and store in w
        if w < 51 then                                                     ' 1:1 ratio or quarter note
             x = x
        if w >= 51 and w < 102 then                                 ' 1:1.5 ratio or dotted eigth note
            call lu1
            @   MOVE?AB _x 
        if w >= 102 and w < 153 then '1:2 ratio or eighth note
            call lu2
            @   MOVE?AB _x                              
        if w >= 153 and w < 204 then                                '1:3 ratio (triplets)
            lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,_
            34,35,35,35,35,36,36,36,36,37,37,37,37,38,38,38,38,39,39,39,39,40,40,40,40], div
            x = div
        if w > 204 then                                             ' 1:4 ratio or 16th note
            lookup x, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,_
            27,27], div
            x = div
    tempobuttonrelease:                                          ' debounce subroutine for tempo button
        returnTOpotCounter var word
        returnTOpotCounter = 0
        tempoLED = 1
        do until returnTOpotCounter >= 200
            if tempobutton = 1 then exit
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10                                            ' pause 30ms.  Break up into 10ms to not interfer with interrupt timer
            returnTOpotCounter = returnTOpotCounter + 3
        tempoLED = 0
        pause 10
        pause 10
        pause 10
        if returnTOpotCounter >= 200 then
            gosub returnTOpot
        gosub readpot
        gosub movepot
        onORoff var bit
        onORoff = bypassLED
        m var byte
        for m = 1 to 5
        bypassLED = 1
            pause 200
        bypassLED = 0
            pause 200
        next m
        bypassLED = onORoff
        pause 10
        pause 10
        trailsmodecounter = 0                                      ' waits to see if you want to switch between normal or trails mode
        do until trailsmodecounter = 200
            if bypassbutton = 1 then exit
            pause 10      
            trailsmodecounter = trailsmodecounter + 1
        if trailsmodecounter = 200 then
            goto trailmodechange
        if trailsmode = 1 then
            gosub trailsbypass
        elseif trailsmode = 0 then
            gosub normalbypass
    trailmodechange:                                                ' subroutine that occurs when bypass button is held long enough to change between normal or trails mode
        if trailsmode = 1 then
            trailsmode =  0
        elseif trailsmode = 0 then
            trailsmode = 1
        for z = 1 to 5
        tempoLED = 1
            pause 200
        tempoLED = 0
            pause 200
        next z
    goto main   
    normalbypass:                                                       ' subroutine for normal bypass
        if bypassLED = 0 then
            fetA = 1
            fetB = 1
            fetC = 0
            bypassLED = 1
        elseif bypassLED = 1 then
            fetA = 0
            fetB = 0
            fetC = 1
            bypassLED = 0
    trailsbypass:                                                       'subroutine for trails bypass
        if bypassLED = 0 then
            fetA = 1
            fetB = 1
            fetC = 0
            bypassLED = 1
        elseif bypassLED = 1 then
            fetA = 0
            fetB = 1
            fetC = 1
            bypassLED = 0
    bypassbuttonrelease:                                               '  debounce subroutine when bypass button is pressed
        do until bypassbutton = 1
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10
        bypassbuttoncounter var word
        bypassbuttoncounter = 0
        do until bypassbutton = 1
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10
            bypassbuttoncounter = bypassbuttoncounter + 1
        if bypassbuttoncounter > 200 then
            write 1, calibrationcounter
            calibrationon = 0
            calibrationcounter = calibrationcounter + 1
        calibrationcounter = calibrationcounter - 1
        do until tempobutton = 1
            pause 10
            pause 10
            pause 10
    Disable                                 ' Disable interrupts during interrupt handler
    tickint:                                    ' Interrupt routine to handle each timer tick     
        ticks = ticks + 1
        LEDcounter = LEDcounter + 1
       INTCON.2 = 0                             ' Reset timer interrupt flag
    asm    ; ok for pic 16 or 18
        MOVE?BA _x    ;                x is  the index   watch its size
        BANKSEL  _LU_TMP
        BCF STATUS,C   
        ifdef TBLPTRL                
          RLCF   WREG,F
        CLRF   _LU_TMP+1  
        addlw  low(lu1_t) 
        movwf  _LU_TMP
        ifdef TBLPTRL               
          RLCF   _LU_TMP+1,w
          RLF   _LU_TMP+1,w
        BANKSEL 0
        addlw  high(lu1_t )
        movwf  PCLATH
        movf   _LU_TMP,w
        movwf  PCL
    lu1_t              ;start of table data              
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 2
        RETLW 2
        RETLW 2
        RETLW 3
        RETLW 3
        RETLW 4
        RETLW 5
        RETLW 6
        RETLW 7
        RETLW 7
        RETLW 8
        RETLW 9
        RETLW 10
        RETLW 11
        RETLW 12
        RETLW 13
        RETLW 13
        RETLW 14
        RETLW 15
        RETLW 15
        RETLW 16
        RETLW 16
        RETLW 17
        RETLW 17
        RETLW 17
        RETLW 18
        RETLW 19
        RETLW 19
        RETLW 20
        RETLW 21
        RETLW 22
        RETLW 22
        RETLW 23
        RETLW 24
        RETLW 24
        RETLW 25
        RETLW 25
        RETLW 26
        RETLW 27
        RETLW 28
        RETLW 28
        RETLW 29
        RETLW 30
        RETLW 30
        RETLW 31
        RETLW 33
        RETLW 33
        RETLW 34
        RETLW 35
        RETLW 35
        RETLW 36
        RETLW 37
        RETLW 37
        RETLW 38
        RETLW 38
        RETLW 39
        RETLW 39
        RETLW 40
        RETLW 40
        RETLW 41
        RETLW 42
        RETLW 42
        RETLW 43
        RETLW 44
        RETLW 45
        RETLW 46
        RETLW 47
        RETLW 47
        RETLW 48
        RETLW 49
        RETLW 50
        RETLW 50
        RETLW 51
        RETLW 51
        RETLW 52
        RETLW 52
        RETLW 53
        RETLW 54
        RETLW 54
        RETLW 55
        RETLW 55
        RETLW 56
        RETLW 57
        RETLW 58
        RETLW 58
        RETLW 60
        RETLW 60
        RETLW 61
        RETLW 61
        RETLW 62
        RETLW 63
        RETLW 63
        RETLW 64
        RETLW 65
        RETLW 66
        RETLW 66
        RETLW 66
        RETLW 67
        RETLW 68
        RETLW 69
        RETLW 69
        RETLW 69
        RETLW 70
        RETLW 71
        RETLW 72
        RETLW 72
        RETLW 72
        RETLW 73
        RETLW 74
        RETLW 75
        RETLW 75
        RETLW 75
        RETLW 76
        RETLW 77
        RETLW 77
        RETLW 78
        RETLW 78
        RETLW 79
        RETLW 80
        RETLW 81
        RETLW 82
        RETLW 82
        RETLW 82
        RETLW 82
        RETLW 83
        RETLW 84
        RETLW 84
        RETLW 85
        RETLW 86
        RETLW 86
        RETLW 87
        RETLW 88
        RETLW 89
        RETLW 89
        RETLW 90
        RETLW 91
        RETLW 92
        RETLW 92
        RETLW 92
        RETLW 93
        RETLW 93
        RETLW 94
        RETLW 94
        MOVE?BA _x
        BANKSEL  _LU_TMP
        BCF STATUS,C   
        ifdef TBLPTRL                
          RLCF   WREG,F
        CLRF   _LU_TMP+1  
        addlw  low(lu2_t) 
        movwf  _LU_TMP
        ifdef TBLPTRL               
          RLCF   _LU_TMP+1,w
          RLF   _LU_TMP+1,w
        BANKSEL 0
        addlw  high(lu2_t )
        movwf  PCLATH
        movf   _LU_TMP,w
        movwf  PCL
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
        RETLW 1
    ETC ETC ETC     ..............................
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  17. #17

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    Default Re: What does this error message mean?

    Thank you very much for that lesson, Richard. I really need to work on learning ASM.

    I checked the amount of flash used on the previous version. It's at exactly 2k words with the inefficient PBP look up tables. The 16F684 has 2048 words, so I'm assuming the new modification added 135 words based on the error msg. Is switching the look up tables to ASM going to free up enough space?

    Switching to a 16F1xxx chip would obviously solve the problem, as they have more flash and they are actually cheaper! The 16F1613 for example is almost $1.25ea. less. I have to upgrade my version of PBP, but it will pay for itself pretty quickly. So I think I'm going to do that regardless of whether or not I can cram it all into a 16F684. The most practical solution to my real problem is to make R44 an internal trimpot, but that will have to wait till the next production run of PCBs.

  18. #18
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    Is switching the look up tables to ASM going to free up enough space?
    easily , the one i completed saved 15 words at least all four would get another 30 or 40 i expect

    replacing your readpot routine with this gets another 40 by eliminating that costly divide
          adcin 1,x
        x=x*/151     '***************
    Last edited by richard; - 10th December 2021 at 21:54. Reason: chopped a chunk of code out messed up figures
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  19. #19
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    One other thing I notice is that the tables mostly have 152 members , x is always between 0 and 150 as far as i can see

    the second table had 153 members , typo ?
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  20. #20

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    Default Re: What does this error message mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    One other thing I notice is that the tables mostly have 152 members , x is always between 0 and 150 as far as i can see

    the second table had 153 members , typo ?
    Yep. That was a typo. Thanks for catching that.

    Thanks so much for helping me with this. Sorry for not getting back sooner. I was out for two weeks with Covid and then I got sidetracked by a bunch of year-end stuff. Anyhow...The program doesn't work because of some mistake I made in the new calibration routine. But I did swap out the look up tables with your new ASM tables in the original "verified" program and they work perfectly. And saved 25 words!

    So now I've got to work on the calibration routine. I should be able to make it work in 47 words. After setting it aside for a while, I think I'm going to start over and come at it from a different angle.

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