Hi Richard,

Thanks for the fix on the single char problem, it works well but I've found another problem...

When I add DT Ints the big characters don't work, I tried with and without using mssp but same result.

Also there's something strange taking place with the led backlight insomuch as I need to sprinkle port pin enable code immediately following any lcd write (with or without DT Ints). I tried changing LCD_LIGHT from A.0 to A.1 (while leaving it connected to A.0) with no difference - does the Inc file employ any commands for the light?

Here's the edited code:

#CONFIG ; 16F1847.
        __config _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_OFF & _LVP_OFF

@ ERRORLEVEL -306   ; turn off crossing page boundary message
; --- *** Oscillator  *** ---------------------------------------------------
define      OSC         32
OSCCON = %11110000   ; 32 MHz, 
ANSELA = 0           ; all digital          
ANSELB = 0           ; all digital 
TRISB=%11101011           ; Encoder inputs on B5-7

ch var byte

 ;DEFINES FOR DISPLAY   use   font7x5_16.bas   or  font7x5_18.bas     for pic18
 #DEFINE PIC16 1            
 #define use_mssp 1   ; much faster and less words (1027 vs 1106).
 lcdheight con 5      ;  6 PAGES   
 lcdwidth  con 83     ; 84 PIXELS WIDE
 LCD_RST     var     LATA.4 
 LCD_DC      var     LATA.3
 LCD_CE      var     LATA.6
 LCD_LIGHT   var     LATA.0 
 LCD_CLK     var     LATB.4       ' SCK1     pin needs to be set as dig o/p
 LCD_DIN     var     LATB.2       ' SDO1     pin needs to be set as dig o/p
 ;--------------ONLY IF MSSP NOT USED---------------
' LCD_CLK  var     Portb.4       ' Clock
' LCD_DIN  var     Portb.2       ' Data
Include "Modedefs.bas"
INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"    ' Base Interrupt System
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"    ' Include if using PBP type interrupts
Include "nokia_ds.INC"      ' bring it in
include "font7x5_16.bas"
'include "font7x5_16 edit degC.BAS"  ; use @ to access degC symbol.

INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,         Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
        INT_Handler    IOC_INT,  _Rot_Encoder,   PBP,  yes
    INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor

@    INT_ENABLE   IOC_INT     ; Port Change Interrupt

'==========================    MAIN  Routine    ==============================
    gosub lcd_init
    LCDSTR 5,0,BUFF 
    PortA.0 = 0    ' turn on backlight.
    PAUSE 1000
    PAUSE 1000  
    PortA.0 = 0    ' turn on backlight.
    bigtxt = 1     ; double size chrs
    LCDSTR 0,0,"Noki+12"
    LCDSTR 0,2,"345678@" 
    bigtxt = 0     ; normal size chrs
'    LCDSTR 52,3,"Demo"
'    LCDSTR 0,4,"With@MSSP xfer" 
    LCDSTR 0,4,"Hi" 
    PortA.0 = 0    ' turn on backlight.
'    LCDSTR 0,5,"Dble Size Chrs"     
'    LCDSTR 0,5," "  ; this doesn't compile - causes errors and warnings wherever used.     
    LCDC 0,5,"a"    ; use LCDC for single chars.
    PortA.0 = 0    ' turn on backlight.
    PAUSE 1000       
    GOTO looper

'    if PortB.7 = 0 then        ' Check if Encoder pushbutton was pushed.
'    ButtPush = 1               ' Set the flag for a quick exit.
'    Old_Bits = New_Bits        ' Equalize the disturbance the pushbutton caused.
@ INT_RETURN                   ; Exit accordingly.
'    endif

Is the Inc file compatible with DT Ints?
