I wish its true !!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Thumbs up I wish its true !!

    Hello Every Fellow

    Some friends told me that guys at melabs are not sleeping !!

    They are working on a new compiler, like PICBasic Pro, but extremely much powerful, that when first released will put all other compilers down. It will be truely windows based, bye bye DOS

    The new compiler will spport every thing that ever comes to a PIC programmer's mind, and with the cooperation with csmicrosystems, it will be a stand anlone development environment, that contains every thing a programmer needs.

    I don't know if this info is true or not, also melabs will consider a new protection and security techniques

    If any fellow has any idea of what I am talking about, please, share your NICE comments.

    Hope this is true any way

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    antipolo city, philippines

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    Default cool!

    i'm hoping that this version will be released not later than this October. GO melabs team.

  3. #3

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    Cool Don't count your chickens or hold your breath


    Click on this link and check the dates:


    Not much has changed since then.
    A few devices have been added, that's it.

    If Melabs actually does have a great new compiler on the verge of release, it must be a true marvel of software engineering for them to take this long.
    With so much development time, it's probably like a rock, and virtually bug free and unbreakable. It might even have floating point!!! (I kid, I kid).

    Seriously though, for the loyal PBP user's out there, I sincerely hope that this rumour is true. It will be like when the Red Sox won the World Series last year (even if you're not a Boston fan).

    ---> picnaut

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

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    It will be very nice to have several hundred functions to control even the most extrange device... but only if it is as solid as our current compiler.

    I can say that I have tried a few other compilers that promise to give you everykind of functions, floating point, graphic LCD and so on, but have always returned to my old friend.

    I have created all the periferals for my home automation system and they perfor like a rock and the only problems I have had have been hardware ones, never a glitch or an unexpected malfunction of the programs created with melabs compiler.

    SO to resume, it will be very nice to have something revolutionari if it is rock solid, if it is not i prefer to stay right where i am now.
    Carpe Diem

  5. #5
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    If its true, then melabs are developing and testing the new compiler, so that they be sure its completely free of bugs before announcing any thing, as they were, are and always will be aware of thier products reputation. Also its not a good thing to release it and wait for people to find bugs for them, so, waiting is all what we can do at the moment

    Aslo they are used to not telling the public what they are doing, or intend to do, as they don't want programmers to stop buying the current compiler, but it will be logical if previous users of PBPro can upgrade to the new compiler with a discount as PDS guys did, that will be really nice then.

    Melabs will have three products then, PICBasic Compiler, PICBasic Pro, and ???????, may be PICBasic Ultra

    I don't know, may be melabs are not happy about this thread any way.

  6. #6
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    I don't know where you get your information from.

    If there is a new version to come I would wish it is as solid as the current version.

    I'm sure MELABS is monitoring competition and they have realized there is room for improvement.

    But currently competitors bug reports are bigger than the features lists.

    So I can wait for a new "rock solid" version.

    And as long as there is no official announcement I'll take this thead as "rumors"


    There are only 10 types of people:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't ...

  7. #7

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    Wow! 5 months have gone by and not one peep from MELABS!
    That must mean they're really working hard on it.
    The new PBP must be absolutely amazing!

    I kid, I kid.
    But, good luck with that.
    ---> picnaut

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    montreal, canada

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    Yeah you're absolutely right Picnaut... yes at least 5 month. But there's still no new bugs as in the other compiler you use.
    I kid, i kid!. good luck yourself too

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  9. #9
    forgie's Avatar
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    Heh... I just finished a job where I had to use CCS... it was really quite nice, since I know C already. No bugs that I found, but I did have to write my own LCD driver for a 4x20 LCD.

    If the new version of PBP was a properly functional language instead of 'baby-code' then I wouldn't ever use anything else. Once you've tasted C syntax, in all it's ugly yet functional glory, it's hard to go back!

    I still prefer PBP for smaller projects, but when things get big, it's nice to have modular functions that don't require coding just for the modularity (as in doing macro wrappers all the time).

    I sincerely hope that the new version has proper functions, not to mention floating point.

  10. #10

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    Mr E
    I do believe that Picnaut can't wait to get his hands on a new version of PBP.You see the only reason he hang's aroung here is he can't get any work done because he's waiting for the next bug fix.Picnaut if you don't like it don't use it,I'am sure it's served you well enough in the past.

  11. #11

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    I'm sorry, but you're not allowed to have an opinion until you've posted on this forum at least 50 times.

    ---> picnaut

  12. #12

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    If we take away all your post's whinning about PBP it will leave you a little short of 50,so I guess you don't have any opion either.I kid, I kid.
    Have a nice day Mr. P

  13. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by bbarney
    If we take away all your post's whinning about PBP it will leave you a little short of 50,so I guess you don't have any opion either.I kid, I kid.
    Have a nice day Mr. P
    "Picsnaut"? Is that the best you could come up with? I mean, your 47. Surely can come up with a better cheap shot than that. At least spell it "Picsnot".

    As for my posts, most of my posts are constructive. In regards to my compiler preference, in some of my posts, I've actually told people to stick with PBP because, for their purposes, it was probably the better choice.

    As for trouble with PDS, I haven't had any personally. That's not to say it's perfect (neither is PBP), but my code has compiled without problems. I've had large programs that I compiled a year ago, that compile with the new versions just fine and don't give me any grief. I also wrote the original programs much faster than with "another" compiler. I have had problems that, due to all the "crying wolf" that I've seen go on (which I suspect the majority is from people that have used PBP for a long time), I thought MAY be compiler related. However, anything that I encountered turned out to be related to my programming or to hardware.

    Now, why do I still post on this forum?
    Well, I've already answered this in another thread.

    However, often, because you stay subscribed to threads until you die (at least it seems so), my email pops up with a reply to an old thread that I'd forgot about. When a reference is made to me, I usually reply.

    I hope this answers all your questions and comments "bbarney".
    Keep posting, you're that much closer to 50 posts.

    ---> picnaut

  14. #14

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    "Picnaut" (aka Mister P - PBP "Ultra" Beta Tester)
    I just had a tour of the "other site" and I can honestly say I'am glad your there more than here.you have almost 300 post's there 2/3 of which you complain about somebody ele's code doesnt work or you don't like the background colour or the compiler has a bug and the other third your blowing your own whistle about how great a programmer you are, or your just being arrogrant like this.

    I'm sorry, but you're not allowed to have an opinion until you've posted on this forum at least 50 times.

    thank god youv'e only got 97 post's here that works out too 1/3 less BS here and for that I thank you
    Like it or not that's my OPINION.

    And my opinion is that there is a fine line that's being crossed leading to abusive posts... regardless what side of the fence you're on in this debate... keep it nice or it'll get killed. This time around I've edited it... Melanie

  15. #15

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    Someone's cranky.
    You must have missed your nap today.

    By the way, if I do "complain" (as you call it) on the PDS forum, it's because I actually have a say in the development of an "evolving" product.

    I never heard of you until today bbarney.

    You basically introduced yourself my taking a shot at me personally instead of posting an argument regarding the subject of the thread.

    What does this say about you?

    When you first join a thread, maybe you should start by "having a point" Barney, then back it up with facts (I'd even take pseudo-facts at this point).

    Then, if I'm rude to you, feel free to voice your displeasure.
    Don't start by being rude, especially if we've never had any dialog on the forum before.

    That's just bad manners.
    ---> picnaut

  16. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by picnaut
    Wow! 5 months have gone by and not one peep from MELABS!
    That must mean they're really working hard on it.
    The new PBP must be absolutely amazing!

    I kid, I kid.
    But, good luck with that.
    Hey Gang,

    By the way, this post was the result of a private email I received where, someone sent me a link to this thread, and basically told me that the new PBP was just around the corner. I'd did some digging regarding this rumour and, after finding it to be false (once again), I simply posted here (and sent a link to the guy or gal that emailed me in the first place).

    I thought my joking tone would elicit some "yeah, yeah, whatever" kind of comments. All in good fun. Apparently some members took it more personally than was intended though.

    To them I say, get over it.
    To those who've grown tired of the back and forth, I agree.

    ---> picnaut

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    OK, I dont see how this constant bikering can be contrued as constructive comment.

    This type of empty argument has already caused me to waste my valuable time resolving disputes between forum users.

    Either keep the comments constructive and related to PBP on this forum, OR loose the facility.

    Constructive comment about the progress of product development is fine and acceptable, constructive debate about the merits of one development tool compared to another for a particular job is OK too.

    BUT simply snipeing and poking and bikering about nothing much at all is a wast of time, potentially inflamatory and casues the ADMIN of this forum to waste their time reading the garbage thats being spewed from your keyboards, to prevent the forum falling into disrepute. You are lowering the tone of this facility with these petty arguments.

    IT MUST STOP, OR I WILL SANCTION THE ADMIN OF THIS FORUM TO MODERATE POSTS. That includes the removal of access rights by those who continually offend.

    You want a policeman - you got one now.

  18. #18

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    It was petty, and I for one apologize for contributing to it.

    ---> picnaut

  19. #19

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    I apologize for instigating it,it really started as a joke

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