Used to mess with PICs a lot but I'm way out of touch now. Guess if I were to say I used 16c71 or 16c65b in my projects, that would say how long it's been.

Anyway, I have an EPIC programmer and the Melabs PBP software from years ago and wondering about a popular low cost part that I can use for something very simple -- a single LED controller, flash etc.

I see on Digi key there are parts that even less than a dollar ! (10F202T ? -- 12F675?)

But what do I need these days to program these parts? Will my EPIC work (with updated software perhaps?) Do these parts have their own internal clock? No need for peripheral parts?

What is a good (and very popular) choice in a part with just a few I/O pins ? The ones I mentioned above ?

THANKS much.