Hello guys,
I wan't to try something but can't figure out how to do it...
I want to connect a PIC to a raspbery over UART and want to send commands to PIC via serial using minicom. But I dont know how to identfy a string coming from serial.
Lets say; after starting program PIC will ask for an input;

HSEROUT ["Please Type An Input"]

I'll use RX interrupt and and when an input comes I'll try to identify that input, something like that;

HSERIN [input_var]

IF input_var == "ONE" then Label1 'I know there is no such statement but I want to do something like this
IF input_var == "TWO" then Label2

HSEROUT ["You typed",input_var,"now choose whatever"]

can you guys give me some hints how to do somethings like this? I remember seeing an AT&T protocol connection with pic somewhere on net so I'm sure its possible but just can't figure how =(