Hi All,
I am a brand newbie to PICs as far as software goes, but I have about 30 years experience on the hardware side. I am having a devil of a time just getting an LED to blink with a 16F887. The LED is connected to port D bit 0; pin 19. I am trying to run blinkx.pbp from the melabs website; http://melabs.com/samples/LABX1-16F887/blinkx.htm. I have MicroCode Studio 4 with PicBasicPro v2.6 compiler. Here is the code:

ANSEL = %00000000
ANSELH= %00000000
LED var Portd.0
High LED
pause 500

low led
pause 500

goto mainloop


This gives syntax errors on lines 11 and 12 (ANSEL and ANSELH), and a bad data type error on line 13 (LED var Portd.0). I am really buffaloed by these errors. As I said, this example came right off of the microEngineering labs website. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.