Guys, having a blonde moment here....

I want to save data to an external chip, a 24c256 EEPROM, but I can't seem to make it work the way I currently save data to the flash in the PIC.

Using a DS1307 RTC as an example I2CWrite SDApin,SCLpin,$D0,$00,[RTCSec,RTCMin,RTCHour,RTCWDay,RTCDay,RTCMonth,RTCY ear,RTCCtrl] works fine as each time the update is made it writes the complete string of variables so they remain in the correct order when read back. However I have used designated memory locations eg

WRITE  $50,lightsetHR[0],lightsetMN[0],lightoffHR[0],lightoffMN[1],word droptemp[0] ,word normtemp[0],StartMin[0],StopHour[0],StopMin[0],word alarmhigh[0],StartHour[0],word alarmlow[0] 
write  $60,lightsetHR[1],lightsetMN[1],lightoffHR[1],lightoffMN[1],word droptemp[1] ,word normtemp[1],StartMin[1],StopHour[1],StopMin[1],word alarmhigh[1],StartHour[1],word alarmlow[1]
How would I impliment this so it uses the 24c256, do I use the second hex address in the I2CWrite SDApin,SCLpin,$D0,$00, statement thus:

I2CWrite SDApin,SCLpin,$A0,$50 [lightsetHR[0],lightsetMN[0],lightoffHR[0],lightoffMN[1],word droptemp[0] etc etc...]
I2CWrite SDApin,SCLpin,$A0,$60 [lightsetHR[1],lightsetMN[1], etc etc...... ]