Quote Originally Posted by tasmod
A single line config errors out. Multiple lines actually works and sets my programmer fuses OK.
Those lines are not configuration statements.
They are actually assembly language labels. You could use an asm GOTO to jump to any one of them.
They will not set the configuration bits in your programmer.

If the one line __config I gave you gives an error, it's probably the "Overwriting address 2007" error that means you didn't comment the default configs in the .inc file.

I also have severe problems with Mpasmwin 5.20 giving hundreds of errors with PBP which I now just ignore.
Very bad idea.
You should track down every error and fix it.
How would you know if there are real errors if you always just ignore them.
If you don't know what they mean ... get help.

How would I go about loading the character set ? I just don't get it.
These lines from your code load the custom characters
LCDOUT  $FE,$40,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03  ' Cust Char #0 
'LCDOUT  $FE,$40,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02  ' Cust Char #0   
LCDOUT  $FE,$48,$1F,$1F,$1B,$1B,$1B,$1B,$1B,$1B  ' Cust Char #1     
LCDOUT  $FE,$50,$1F,$1F,$18,$18,$18,$18,$1F,$1F  ' Cust Char #2  
LCDOUT  $FE,$58,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$1F,$1F  ' Cust Char #3  
LCDOUT  $FE,$60,$1F,$1F,$1B,$1B,$1B,$1B,$1F,$1F  ' Cust Char #4     
LCDOUT  $FE,$68,$1B,$1B,$1B,$1B,$1B,$1B,$1F,$1F  ' Cust Char #5  
LCDOUT  $FE,$70,$1F,$1F,$03,$03,$03,$03,$1F,$1F  ' Cust Char #6    
LCDOUT  $FE,$78,$1F,$1F,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03  ' Cust Char #7 
LCDOUT  $FE,$40,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03  ' Cust Char #8
You'll have another set of similar lines for your 4-line big digits.
Executing those lines will overwrite the customs characters you previously loaded.

However, you can only have 8 custom characters at a time, and you have 9 listed above.
The one commented as Cust Char #8, is actually Cust Char #0 and will overwrite the first Cust Char #0. Good thing they're the same.