Suggestions please for a serial monitor that can help me debug a project running at 562k5 baud (no it's not a typo 562,500 baud) with mixed parity.
I have an 18F26K22 communicating most of the time, but every now and then it drops the comms. Not sure if it is the PIC over running the serial buffer or the device simply re-establishing comms. The protocol is very capable but the PIC is almost max'ed out trying to keep up.

Baud: 562500
Parity: Even for header bytes, Odd for data bytes
Number of bytes: variable (min 5, max 64)
Time out period: 1mS
One byte is 19.5uS
PIC clock 54 Mhz (external clock)
Am running DT's instant interrupts.
Second serial port is running at a sedate 38k4.

I built an interface which commited the received data to RAM but it very quickly runs out of memory and gives only a snapshot of what is happening. I would need to monitor both RX and TX against time as it is full duplex.