Setup port pins into an array

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Setup port pins into an array

    Hi guys , not sure of how to do this correctly . what i want to do is assign ports i/o pins in to an array thought it this would work but no

    the complete code complies ok with no errors ( yep !!!)

    all pins have been setup as outputs
    GPio.3 is always input
    test on 12f683
    why is the output not happening ??



        X              VAR BYTE      ' General loop count
        T              var byte      ' loop Count for LED Array selection
        Z              Var Byte      ' Loop Counter for 100 scan to flash power LED
        Cycles         var byte      ' Number cycles per led 
        IR_D           var byte[4]  ' IR Diode array
        Pulse_cnt      Var byte      ' Temp counter Number of pulses per LED    
    -------   Setup port pins for IR Output  ----------
        PWR_LED   var GPIO.0  ' PWR LED  - 1 = ON ,0 = OFF
        IR_D[1]    = GPIO.1 ' IR LED 1 - 1 = ON ,0 = OFF 
        IR_D[2]    = GPIO.2  ' IR LED 2         
        IR_D[3]    = GPIO.4  ' IR LED 3
        IR_D[4]    = GPIO.5  ' IR LED 4
      T = 1                                       ' Set T to point led 1 
            Pulse_cnt = 12                    ' Set base pulse count cycles for IR lED ( IR LED 1 = 12 pulse   , LED 2 = 14 pulses etc to 30 pulses  
            For  T =  1 to 4                   ' Select IR LED for Pulses 
                 Cycles = 0                             ' Set to 0
                 for Cycles = 1 to Pulse_cnt       ' Each IR led increments the amount of pulses by 2 for IR LED ID use 
                      IR_D[T] = 1                      ' Set IR LED High
                      pauseus 100                     ' Remain on for test uS 
    	           IR_D[T] = 0                    ' Set IR LED Low
    	           pauseus 200                  ' remain off for testuS
                 next Cycles 
              Pulse_cnt = Pulse_cnt +2        ' increment pulse count by offset of 2 for each IR LED
              pauseus 350                     ' Wait 350us between pulse bursts and selecting next IR LED 
           Next T

  2. #2
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    First, it's simply doesn't work like that - it just can't.

    Second, even if it COULD be made to work that way you have a couple of issues with your code
    1) Arrays are indexed starting at 0, you're writing outside of the declared array. An array of 4 elements is indexed from 0 to 3.
    2) IR_D[1] = GPIO.1 will READ the state of GPIO.1 and assign the value of it TO IR_D[1] - not what you're after.

    You can create aliases to the same register/variable using the VAR statement, it is well explained in the manual. The rule is that there is ONE place to which the alias is pointing, what you're trying to do is to have BOTH a memory location in RAM (the array) AND the GPIO register automatically merged into one single entity - it just doesn't work that way I'm afraid.

    Perhaps something like this would do what you want:
    PortOffset VAR BYTE
    For T = 0 to 3
      LOOKUP T, [1,2,4,5], PortOffset
      FOR Cycles = 1 TO PulseCnt
        GPIO.0[PortOffset] = 1
        PAUSEUS 100
        GPIO.0[PortOffset] = 0
        PAUSEUS 200
      PAUSEUS 350

  3. #3
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    thanks Henrik

    If the group of Ports required to send the same output to are not a constant offset value per port , such as




    How would the code go ?

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Setup port pins into an array

    using hendric example as base i know repeating the code for each port group and offset it will work , but its not a good way to code for many port groups using the same code , need a nice way to point to the i/o pin groups,

    A_PortOffset VAR BYTE
    B_PortOffset VAR BYTE
    C_PortOffset VAR BYTE
    For T = 0 to 2
      LOOKUP T, [0,2,3], A_PortOffset
      FOR Cycles = 1 TO PulseCnt
        PORTA.0 [A_PortOffset] = 1
        PAUSEUS 100
        PORTA.0 [A_PortOffset] = 0
        PAUSEUS 200
      NEXT Cycles
      PAUSEUS 350
    NEXT T
    T= 0
    For T = 0 to 1
      LOOKUP T, [2,5], B_PortOffset
      FOR Cycles = 1 TO PulseCnt
        PORTB.0 [B_PortOffset] = 1
        PAUSEUS 100
        PORTB.0 [B_PortOffset] = 0
        PAUSEUS 200
      NEXT Cycles
      PAUSEUS 350
    NEXT T
    T= 0
    For T = 0 to 3
      LOOKUP T, [0,1,3,5], C_PortOffset
      FOR Cycles = 1 TO PulseCnt
        PORTC.0 [C_PortOffset] = 1
        PAUSEUS 100
        PORTC.0 [C_PortOffset] = 0
        PAUSEUS 200
      NEXT Cycles
      PAUSEUS 350
    NEXT T

  6. #6
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    Surely THIS can't be for the 12F683 can it?
    Anyway, if you open up the datasheet for the actual PIC and look memory map you'll see (always doublecheck !) that all the Port registers are consecutive in memory. This means that if you, for example, do PortA.0[14] = 1 you'll actually set PortB.6 because PortB.6 is 14 bits "away" from PortA.0 - pretty cool.
    For i = 0 to 8   ' 9 output
      Lookup i, [0, 2, 3, 10, 13, 23, 24, 26, 28], PortOffset
      PortA.0[PortOffset] = 1
    Again, make sure you check the datasheet for the actual PIC!


  7. #7
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    oh hendric , that is very very cool , ill check the sheet of the intended chip ( 16F1825 ), 12f683 was a chip i had available for sim test for a quick test of code ,

    i also wondering about if i want to send short time pulse of say 1us on time , using this code , and assuming i switch from the current selected 8mhz clock to the option of 32mhz internal clock , what would be the shortest output time at 32Mhz i could hope for before having to go down the ASM road to generate such a pulse time ?

    If looking at ASM road , to do the same thing as the hendric example how would i incorporate it

    i found a bit of Mr Houstons code example asm , but ASM code needs define statement that locks in the port and pin ( IRTX, PIN ) ??



    Pulse:              ' Generate "Cycles" number of 40kHz pulses
    ASM                 ; Keep this routine in code page 1, and jump over to Main
       	BSF	IRTX,PIN		      ; 1 MAKE IR HIGH 35% Duty cycle = 9 uS
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	BCF	IRTX,PIN		      ; 1 MAKE IR LOW 17 uS
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	DECFSZ	Cycles,F	
    	GOTO	_Pulse	      ; 2    26 uS
       return           ' Return to caller

  8. #8
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    I'm going to take the easy way out here and simply say I don't know (because I don't know) and I won't bother trying to find out either - you can do that yourself by simply trying it ;-)
    I suck at assembly so I'll leave that to someone who doesn't.


  9. #9
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    yep hendric , not good at ASM yet myself , so will up the clock speed to see what i get ,

    in relation to mem map to consecutively get to io port , looking at the combined 16F1825/29 data sheet , it lists bank 0 , portA - 000C , Portb- 000D , portc -000E ( each 8 bits wide) ,
    chip 1825 has port A( 6 ports - bits 0-5 of TRIS reg) , Port C (6 ports - bits 0-5 of TRIS reg )
    chip 1829 has port A( 6 ports - bits 0-5 of TRIS reg), port B (4 ports - bits 4-7 of TRIS reg) , Port C (8 ports - bits 0-7 of TRIS reg )

    Now assuming ( hate to ) that i want to use Port c 0 , i would set offset from portA,0 as 16 .cos port c.0 is 16 bits in mem from port a.0 , is that correct ??

    i will try and see but , just to get it clear ?



  10. #10
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    yes hendric it works well with the offset for ports , cheers
    i will need to find out how to change the code so that it pulses using ASm , cos even at 32mhz the high pulse is still over 7us , with 2 pauseus command

    if anyone can advise how to change allow this code to work in ASM to reduce the pulse length , where multi i/o ports are used be great



    For  T =  0 to 9                                                               ' Select IR LED for Pulses 
             LOOKUP T, [1,2,4,5,16,17,18,19,20,21],PortOffset        ' Offsets from Port A to point to port A and port C I/O ports ( number of offset relates to bits offset in mem map of chip)
                     Cycles = 0                                                     ' Set to 0
                 for Cycles = 1 to Pulse_cnt                                   ' Each IR led increments the amount of pulses by 2 for IR LED ID use 
                      PORTA.0[PortOffset] = 1                                 ' Set IR LED High
                      pauseus 2                                                     ' Remain on for 2uS 
                      PORTA.0[PortOffset] = 0                                 ' Set IR LED Low
                      pauseus 9                                                     ' remain off for 9uS
                 next Cycles 
              Pulse_cnt = Pulse_cnt +2               ' increment pulse count by offset of 2 for each IR LED
              pauseus 320                               ' Wait 350us( adj) between pulse bursts and selecting next IR LED 
             Next T

  11. #11
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    Just wondering,

    Both 16F1825 and 12F683 have on board PWM module.

    Why not use it since it is available?
    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

  12. #12
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    not used the PWM on these before as yet , thought a small change to use a variable port and pin in asm would be a easy change to the existing code

  13. #13
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    the code that i have works untill other things are asked of the PIC and the pulses jump around ,

    A demo of the how to modify the Assembly code that can change the output pins with the code would be helpfull
    or can a HPWM inside the 16F1825 generate a single 38Khz ( 26us ) carrier on each of the output pins ,

    If so can someone give me a link or demo of the code required



  14. #14
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    If adding more code to your ASM program changes the timing, then it's not using interrupts or hardware pwm. Sounds like the timing using that program is not adjustable.

    I remember someone here posted about DT-INT and pwm, I'd search for that.


  15. #15
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    What oscillator speed are you using, and is a CCP pin available?

    Best Regards,
    The way to avoid mistakes is to gain experience. The way to gain experience is to make mistakes.

  16. #16
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    Hi guys ,

    well the internal osc is 32Mhz ,

    The code that works is here but after this point it jumps a bit cos of other routines that follow , i have manged to get around it in that instead of pausing 350us at the end of each scan it goes and goes do other things so its not as bad .

    I guess what i am looking for is Either

    A. ASM code example to replace the working code so that it may allow for less time issues for the cpu when doing other things
    B. As the CPU has inbuilt PWM , can this be used in place of the ASM , existing code , knowing the a single PWM output is to be sent to all available output pins sequentially



    Working Code
    For  T =  0 to 9                                                               ' Select IR LED for Pulses 
             LOOKUP T, [1,2,4,5,16,17,18,19,20,21],PortOffset        ' Offsets from Port A to point to port A and port C I/O ports ( number of offset relates to bits offset in mem map of chip)
                     Cycles = 0                                                     ' Set to 0
                 for Cycles = 1 to Pulse_cnt                                   ' Each IR led increments the amount of pulses by 2 for IR LED ID use 
                      PORTA.0[PortOffset] = 1                                 ' Set IR LED High
                      pauseus 2                                                     ' Remain on for 2uS 
                      PORTA.0[PortOffset] = 0                                 ' Set IR LED Low
                      pauseus 9                                                     ' remain off for 9uS
                 next Cycles 
              Pulse_cnt = Pulse_cnt +2               ' increment pulse count by offset of 2 for each IR LED
              pauseus 320                               ' Wait 350us( adj) between pulse bursts and selecting next IR LED 
             Next T

  17. #17
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    the ASM example i have is one where a set pin is used to output , but i required pins to be multi as per my other code , my asm sucks , another area to get better at
    Pulse:              ' Generate "Cycles" number of 40kHz pulses
    ASM                 ; Keep this routine in code page 1, and jump over to Main
       	BSF	IRTX,PIN		      ; 1 MAKE IR HIGH 35% Duty cycle = 9 uS
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	BCF	IRTX,PIN		      ; 1 MAKE IR LOW 17 uS
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	GOTO	$+1
    	DECFSZ	Cycles,F	
    	GOTO	_Pulse	      ; 2    26 uS
       return           ' Return to caller

  18. #18
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    I know effectively nothing about assembly. I don't think HPWM can be used like that on sequential pins. I would try something interrupt based, like this:
    Define OSC 32
    '32 MHz
    '= 8 MHz instruction time
    '= 0.000000125 s/instruction
    '= 0.000125 ms/instruction
    '= 0.125 us/instruction
    'So, 320 us = 2560 clocks
    'Set up Timer1
    T1CON = %00000001
    '        |||||||1 - TMR1ON
    '        ||||||0  - Unimplemented
    '        |||||0   - T1SYNC: 1 = Do not synchronize external clock input
    '        ||||0    - T1OSCEN: 0 = Dedicated Timer1 oscillator circuit disabled
    '        ||00     - T1CKPS: 00 = 1:1 Prescale value
    '        00       - TMR1CS: 00 = Timer1 clock source is instruction clock (FOSC/4)
    PortOffset var byte
    Cycles var byte
    Pulse_cnt var byte
    Pulse_cnt = 0
    T var byte
    bGo var bit
    bGo = 0
    T = 0
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"     ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"  ; Include if using PBP interrupts
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    TMR1_INT,  _TMR1_Handler,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor
    @   INT_ENABLE   TMR1_INT     ; enable the interrupt
    'Load Timer 1 with value to make it interrupt after 320 us
    'for 320 us delay, want 2560 clocks
    ' 65534 - 2560 =  62974
    ' subtract ~7 more to account for the time to load the timer = 62967
    ' in hex, = $F5F7
    TMR1H = $F5 	
    TMR1L = $F7 	
    'Main Loop
      if bGo = 1 then
        LOOKUP T, [1,2,4,5,16,17,18,19,20,21],PortOffset        ' Offsets from Port A to point to port A and port C I/O ports ( number of offset relates to bits offset in mem map of chip)
        Cycles = 0                                                     ' Set to 0
        for Cycles = 1 to Pulse_cnt                                   ' Each IR led increments the amount of pulses by 2 for IR LED ID use 
          PORTA.0[PortOffset] = 1                                 ' Set IR LED High
          pauseus 2                                                     ' Remain on for 2uS 
          PORTA.0[PortOffset] = 0                                 ' Set IR LED Low
          pauseus 9                                                     ' remain off for 9uS
        next Cycles 
        Pulse_cnt = Pulse_cnt + 2               ' increment pulse count by offset of 2 for each IR LED
        T = T + 1
        if T = 10 then
          T = 0
        bGo = 0
    goto main
      'Re-load Timer1
      TMR1H = $F5 	
      TMR1L = $F7
      bGo = 1 	
    Untested but it compiles...

    Best Regards,
    The way to avoid mistakes is to gain experience. The way to gain experience is to make mistakes.

  19. #19
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    yes i am using the DT int14 for this app so used timer 2 to try ,it ensured that timing is done , but issue still is that the other items need to be completed before the timer expires of 350us. , just the way it is i think for this app

    its seems that PWM output on pins other than the pins defined for such output of chip design is not possible ????

    The asm option i might give a go by just repeating the my example 10 times with each different output pin , its ugly but it will work , My asm learn curve needs to get better to get the best out of some timing apps on PIC chips i think



  20. #20
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    Hello Sheldon,

    I don't have much understanding of what else is going on in the code, but having it work for your needs is far more important than it being pretty. Assembler remains beyond me (that's why I use PBP!) and I am really not even sure what the ASM bit you posted does... I'll have to leave it to others.

    Best Regards,
    The way to avoid mistakes is to gain experience. The way to gain experience is to make mistakes.

  21. #21
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    I was one of top of the class in assembler, back in 1984.

    Haven't had to touch it since so I'm out too.


  22. #22
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    yes repeating the example code code 10 times works with each pin , just sucks i dont know how to better code in assembler yet , ah well it works , so move on to the next part of the project ,

    cheers guys

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