I started to experiment with the cheap DHT-11 humidity/temperature sensor.
Unfortunately, there are not very much code examples available in PicBasic.
I have slightly adapted this code that I found on the Internet.

INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"
DEFINE OSC 20                     ' declare xtal to give exact delays
ip      var    Byte               ' hi pulse from sensor
temp    var    Byte 
hum     var    Byte
hum1    var    Byte
chksm   var    Byte
test    var    Byte
i       var    Byte
TRISB.0 = 0                       ' PORTB.0 = output, OneWire sensor
TRISB.1 = 0                       ' PORTB.1 = output, serout
Pause 1000                        ' give sensor time to settle
chksm = 0
'  TRISB.0 = 0                    ' portb o/p
PORTB.0 = 1                       ' make high
pause 50                          ' wait for a while
PORTB.0 = 0 : pause 18            ' send 18ms low
PORTB.0 = 1 : pauseus 30          ' send 30us hi
PulsIn PORTB.0, 1, ip             ' wait for hi
If ip < 130 Then GoTo subloop     ' if < 80us loop
ip = 0                
For i = 7 To 0 Step -1            ' 8 bits (1..8)
  PulsIn PORTB.0, 1, ip           ' receive pulses from sensor
  If ip > 70 Then 
    hum = hum | 1 << i            ' SetBit hum, i
    hum = hum xor (1 << i)        ' ClearBit hum, i
Next i
For i = 7 To 0 Step -1            ' 8 bits (9..16)
  PulsIn PORTB.0,1, ip            ' receive pulses from sensor
  If ip > 70 Then 
    hum1 = hum1 | 1 << i          ' SetBit hum1, i
    hum1 = hum1 XOR (1 << i)      ' ClearBit hum1,i
Next i
For i = 7 To 0 Step -1            ' 8 bits (17..24)
  PulsIn PORTB.0, 1, ip           ' receive pulses from sensor
  If ip > 70 Then 
    temp = temp | 1 << i          ' SetBit temp, i
    temp = temp xor (1 << i)      ' ClearBit temp,i 
Next i
For i = 7 To 0 Step -1            ' 8 bits (25..32)
  PulsIn PORTB.0, 1, ip           ' receive pulses from sensor
  If ip > 70 Then 
    temp1 = temp1 | 1 << i        ' SetBit temp1, i
    temp1 = temp1 xor (1 << i)    ' ClearBit temp1,i
Next i
For i = 7 To 0 Step -1            ' 8 bits (33..40)
  PulsIn PORTB.0, 1, ip
  If ip > 70 Then
    chksm = chksm | 1 << i        ' SetBit chksm,i
    chksm = chksm xor (1 << i)    ' ClearBit chksm,i
Next i
SerOut PORTB.1, 4, ["Check sum = ", #chksm, 13]
serout PORTB.1, 4, ["Humidity = ", #hum1, 13]
serout PORTB.1, 4, ["Temperature = ", #temp, "C.", 13]
test = (temp1 + hum1 + hum + temp)
If chksm <> test Then serout PORTB.1, 4, ["Checksum error", 13] 'HRSOut "error",13
pause 3000                 ' give sensor time to settle
GoTo mainloop
  serout PORTB.1, 4, ["Sensor not ready", 13]
GoTo mainloop
I have some doubs:

The line: If ip < 130 Then GoTo subloop ' if < 80us loop has two values. Which one could be correct? 130 or 80 uS?

Also I changed SetBit value, bit to: value = value | 1 << bit and
ClearBit value, bit to: value = value xor (1 << bit)

(Since PicBasic has afaik not got SetBit and ClearBit.)

Where do I go wrong? Is there an experienced PicBasic user who can give me a hint?

Many thanks in advance!