Determining how much RAM is available?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Determining how much RAM is available?

    Hi Guys,
    I want to record data into a RAM array, and then write that data to either internal or external EEPROM
    only when the main program session is over and interrupts can be turned off.
    I want the RAM array to be as large as possible (probably all available RAM left on the chip).

    Is there a method of finding out how much RAM is left to allocate
    after all PBP routines (I2CWRITE/READ, LCDOUT, etc.) have already been inserted into the program?

    Or is it just a matter of declaring variables until something breaks?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

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    Default Re: Determining how much RAM is available?

    Quote Originally Posted by Art View Post
    Hi Guys,
    I want to record data into a RAM array, and then write that data to either internal or external EEPROM
    only when the main program session is over and interrupts can be turned off.
    I want the RAM array to be as large as possible (probably all available RAM left on the chip).

    Is there a method of finding out how much RAM is left to allocate
    after all PBP routines (I2CWRITE/READ, LCDOUT, etc.) have already been inserted into the program?

    Or is it just a matter of declaring variables until something breaks?
    I think you can see that in the .lst file, after you compile your program. Open it and see. I don't have access to my home computer to confirm this.
    Thanks and Regards;

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