Here's an interesting one.
Have 3 switches into a 16F876A; 10K pullups, 470pF slugs, active low.
Pins are high on scope. Existing product, worked forever. Tried new PICs.

After upgrading to 2.60, the PIC won't read one of the inputs, the PORTA.3.
Wrote this below to find out why existing program cannot read a high on pin 5.
Even driving from inside it doesn't see a high, but all other pins work as normal.
It doesn't have to be debug, no way of reading this pin seems to work.

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Terminal output:

PORTA.3: 0 (should be 1)
PORTB.1: 1
PORTA.4: 1

'************************************************* ***************

DEFINE OSC 20 ' set the clock speed

DEFINE DEBUG_REG PORTC ' Set Debug pin port
DEFINE DEBUG_BIT 6 ' Set Debug pin bit
DEFINE DEBUG_BAUD 9600 ' Set Debug baud rate
DEFINE DEBUG_MODE 0 ' Set Debug mode: 0=true(inv), 1=TTL

INCLUDE "modedefs.bas" ' must be in local directory

INPUT PORTA.3 ' set input

TRISA.3 = 1 ' set input (again)


debug " PORTA.3: ", dec PORTA.3, 10, 13
debug " PORTB.1: ", dec PORTB.1, 10, 13
debug " PORTA.4: ", dec PORTA.4, 10, 13
debug 10, 13
pause 500

goto test
