Hi again ! For the start I want to thank you all for helping me so many times ! It's a great forum this one ! All my good thoughts for each of you !
I made for one friend one thermometer, with two DS18B20 and LCD 2x16 display.
I search all over the forum but I don't find the answer : how can I keep the value on display in the same position, even the number of characters change, from 3 (18,7) to 2 (9,4) ? I want to keep both temperatures value on same column. Hope the picture help to understand...
Now I use this command for display :
LcdOut $FE, $80, "IN  :  ", Sign1," ", DEC (Temperature1 / 100), ".", DEC Temperature1 dig 1, " ",223,"C " 
LcdOut $FE, $C0, "OUT :  ", Sign2," ", DEC (Temperature2 / 100), ".", DEC Temperature2 DIG 1, " ",223,"C "
Thanks in advance !Name:  lcd_2x16.jpg
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