need help finding a PIC

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  1. #1

    Question need help finding a PIC

    ok so I was wondering if anyone here can recommend a good PIC selection tool or a PIC for me to use.

    I am trying to develop an automatic control system for a aeroponic farming system which will measure and control mist through the root chambers.

    All I need is 3 analogue sensors inputs (or run them through a ADC before feeding it into the PIC) 3 analogue or binary outputs to control some motors and a single output which will control a power supply which will not only power a oscillating mist generator but also supply power to recharge the batteries of the PIC system.

    Depth of discharge is not an issue on the battery as the power supply will come on at least once a hour for 10 mins.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Miami, Florida USA

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    Here is a nice PIC selector tool

    There is also a PIC selector tool at the Melabs web page.

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