I am having some difficulty understanding the results I am getting, maybe it is due to something simple but I've been trying to figure it out for the past few hours.

I am using 16F628A reading and writing to 24LC16 and displaying results on LCD.
I am also using another application called PonyProg to read/write to my same EEPROM.

So here is the story;
I write to the 2416 these values:
for i2caddr = 0 to 2048 step 16
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$01]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$01]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$01]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$08]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$08]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$08]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$21]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$21]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$21]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$FF]:pause 10
then I read back the values and display on the LCD in this way:
i2caddr = 0
i2cread d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[dat[0],dat[1],dat[2],dat[3],dat[4],dat[5],dat[6],dat[7],dat[8],dat[9],dat[10],dat[11],dat[12],dat[13],dat[14],dat[15]]
pause 10
errchk = 0
for i = 0 to 15
    errchk = errchk + dat[i]
    LCDOUT $FE,1
    lcdout $FE,$80,dec errchk: pause 3000
Now I am expecting to get errchk = 741 but I get 716.
I cycled through each value after the addition within the loop and the last number to add up is 230 although the value I wrote was $FF = 255

Furthermore if I display on the LCD all values I see this:

but $cc = 204

Reading the content of 2416 with PonyProg shows properly:
01 01 01 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 08 08 08 21 21 21 ff

My code is not cleaned up because I was trying different ways but I always get to the same results I tried changing dat[] to word instead of byte but all the data gets messed up on the 2416.

TRISB = 0                   ' Make PORTB all outputs
CMCON = 7                   ' Disable comparator

Dat         VAR byte[15]
I           var byte
D1          var PORTA.2
D2          VAR PORTA.3
I2CAddr     Var byte
I2CDevice   var byte
ERRchk      var word
OK          VAR PORTA.4
;NOTOK       var PORTA.5
ERRStatus   var bit

LCD_DB4     VAR PORTB.7       ' Set port for 4 bits bus
LCD_RS      VAR PORTB.0       ' Set RS bit port
LCD_E       VAR PORTB.1       ' Set Enable bit port
LCD_Lines     CON 2         ' # of Lines on LCD,  1 or 2 (Note: use 2 for 4 lines)
LCD_DATAUS    CON 50        ' Data delay time in us 
LCD_COMMANDUS CON 2000      ' Command delay time in us 
INCLUDE "LCD_AnyPin.pbp"    ' Must go after LCD initialization 
Pause 500: LCDOUT $FE,1: pause 250   ' clear screen and relax


i2cdevice =160

LCDOUT $FE,$80,"Start" 
pause 500 

for i2caddr = 0 to 2048 step 16
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$01]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$01]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$01]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$3c]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$08]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$08]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$08]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$21]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$21]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$21]:i2caddr = i2caddr + 1:pause 10
    i2cwrite d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[$FF]:pause 10

i2caddr = 0
i2cread d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[dat[0],dat[1],dat[2],dat[3],dat[4],dat[5],dat[6],dat[7],dat[8],dat[9],dat[10],dat[11],dat[12],dat[13],dat[14],dat[15]]
pause 10
errchk = 0
for i = 0 to 15
    errchk = errchk + dat[i]
    LCDOUT $FE,1
    lcdout $FE,$80,dec errchk: pause 3000

if errchk = 741 then ERRStatus = 0
i2caddr = 2032
i2cread d1,d2,i2cdevice,i2caddr,[dat[0],dat[1],dat[2],dat[3],dat[4],dat[5],dat[6],dat[7],dat[8],dat[9],dat[10],dat[11],dat[12],dat[13],dat[14],dat[15]]
pause 10
Errchk = 0
for i = 0 to 15
    errchk = errchk + dat[i]
   ; LCDOUT $FE,1
   ; lcdout $FE,$80,dec ERRCHK: pause 2000

if errchk = 741 and errstatus = 0 then 
    high ok
    pause 10000
    low ok
lcdout $FE,$C0,dec ERRCHK
LCDOUT $FE,$80,hex dat[0],hex dat[1],hex dat[2],hex dat[3],hex dat[4],hex dat[5],hex dat[6],hex dat[7]    
LCDOUT $FE,$C0,hex dat[8],hex dat[9],hex dat[10],hex dat[11],hex dat[12],hex dat[13],hex dat[14],hex dat[15]

Thanks for any help.
