Pentax IR Remote

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Default Pentax IR Remote

    I want to make an infrared remote for the new pentax cameras for doing timelapses, as any timelapse shooter it involves triggering a IR sequence every X amount of time. The interval part is pretty straightforward, I want a little help regarding the IR sequence.

    Here is the required pulse train:

    What would be the best way to send this thru a pic 12F683 pin? First I tought about using PWM or HPWM but these are limited to 32Khz

    Thanks in advance!


  2. #2
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    This is what I got so far, I need to test it tomorrow with a camera, in simulation it looks OK, but I'm open to suggestions for improvement.

    I need to code the operator input side of the program where the user selects with a pot the interval, now it just triggers once a second

    '*  Name    : pentax.BAS                                        *
    '*  Author  : PEU based on examples from        *
    '*  Notice  : Copyleft (c) 2011                                 *
    '*          : No Rights Reserved on derived work                *
    '*  Date    : 04-Jan-11                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   :                                                   *
    @ #define IRTX GPIO  ; Define port to use for IR out
    @ #define PIN 2      ; Define port pin to use for IR out
    @ device pic12f683,INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT , wdt_on, mclr_off, protect_off
      GPIO.2 = 1       ' IR LED off   -----|<|----/\/\/\----+5
      TRISIO.2 = 0     ' Output for IR signal
      CMCON0 = 7        ' Comparators disabled
      ANSEL = 0        ' A/D disabled
    ' IR carrier generator routines.
      Cycles VAR BYTE    ' Number of carrier cycles
      PAUSE 100
      GOTO OverFreq  ' jump over pulse routines
    ' Generate "Cycles" number of ~38.4kHz pulses
       bcf IRTX,PIN     ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 9uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 11uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 13uS   
       bsf IRTX,PIN     ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 9uS
       nop              ; + 1uS = 10uS
       decfsz _Cycles,f ; + 1uS = 11S    
       goto _Pulse38    ; + 2uS = 13uS
       return           ; Return to caller    
        sleep 1 'sleep one second
        gosub trigger 'send trigger pulse
      GOTO Main
    Trigger:            'generate pentax trigger pulse
      Cycles = 255      
      CALL Pulse38
      Cycles = 244      
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 3000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 5000        'end of stream

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Or You can try something like this :
    @ device  pic12F683, XT_OSC, wdt_off, pwrt_on, mclr_off, protect_off, bod_off
    GPIO      =       %00111011	
    TRISIO    =       %00111011  ' ATTENTION !!!
    CCP1CON   =       %00001100  ' Mode select = PWM
    T2CON     =       %00000100  ' Timer2 ON + 1:1 prescale 
    PR2       =       %00011001  ' Set PWM frequency to 39kHz
    ANSEL     =       %00000000
    CMCON0    =       %00000111
    but1 	var GPIO.0
    ; gpio.2 is CCPR1L
    CCPR1L = 0
    i	var byte
     pause 100
    if but1=1 then  do_command
            pauseus 1300
            pauseus 300 
    for i=1 to 7     
            pauseus 100
    	pauseus 100
    next i
    PAUSE 500
    Goto Main

  4. #4
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    The code I posted had the duty cycle inverted, just modified the assembly routine (swapped BSF & BCF) and it works, just tested it with my pentax Kx. Im happy

    fratello: tested your code but it does not work, then I simulated it and the pulsetrain was very noisy maybe thats the cause.

    Here is the modified code:

    '*  Name    : pentax.BAS                                        *
    '*  Author  : PEU based on examples from        *
    '*  Notice  : Copyleft (c) 2011                                 *
    '*          : No Rights Reserved on derived work                *
    '*  Date    : 04-Jan-11                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : pablou at gmail dot com                           *
    @ #define IRTX GPIO  ; Define port to use for IR out
    @ #define PIN 2      ; Define port pin to use for IR out
    @ device pic12f683,INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT , wdt_on, mclr_off, protect_off
      GPIO.2 = 1       ' IR LED off   -----|<|----/\/\/\----+5
      TRISIO.2 = 0     ' Output for IR signal
      CMCON0 = 7        ' Comparators disabled
      ANSEL = 0        ' A/D disabled
    ' IR carrier generator routines.
      Cycles VAR BYTE    ' Number of carrier cycles
      PAUSE 100
      GOTO OverFreq  ' jump over pulse routines
    ' Generate "Cycles" number of ~38.4kHz pulses
       bsf IRTX,PIN     ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 9uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 11uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 13uS   
       bcf IRTX,PIN     ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 9uS
       nop              ; + 1uS = 10uS
       decfsz _Cycles,f ; + 1uS = 11S    
       goto _Pulse38    ; + 2uS = 13uS
       return           ; Return to caller    
        sleep 1 'sleep one second
        gosub trigger 'send trigger pulse
      GOTO Main
    Trigger:            'generate pentax trigger pulse
      Cycles = 255      
      CALL Pulse38
      Cycles = 244      
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 3000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 37
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 5000        'end of stream
    Last edited by peu; - 5th January 2011 at 17:05. Reason: typo

  5. #5
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    Actually - it should work either way, but your last version will be leaving the IR LED ON if the cathode is connected to GPIO.2.

    tech at

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post
    Actually - it should work either way, but your last version will be leaving the IR LED ON if the cathode is connected to GPIO.2.
    You are right, I left it again the way you coded it and it works the same

    Thanks for the example BTW, without it I would be lost.
    I finished the full timelapse+remote code but Im keeping it to myself at this moment, the code I posted and a little thinking will serve as the foundation to do any remote trigger operation with Pentax cameras.

    Happy 2011

  7. #7
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    Glad I could help, but I would like to see you share what you have. Unless, of course, it's something you plan to sell as a product.

    What goes around - comes around, and the folks you help along your way never seem to forget you..

    tech at

  8. #8
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    Bruce, you are right again.

    After thinking about... lets say 2 minutes here is the code, I hope you and everyone else help me to make it better, there are a couple of things that can be improved for sure.

    Good thing about it is that you change the pulse train and bingo timelapse remote for another brand, or even better, add a dipswitch and make the remote multibrand.

    '*  Name    : pentax.BAS                                        *
    '*  Author  : PEU based on examples from        *
    '*  Notice  : Copyleft (c) 2011                                 *
    '*          : No Rights Reserved on derived work                *
    '*  Date    : 05-ENE-11                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.02                                               *
    '*  Notes   : pablou at gmail dot com                           *
    @ #define IRTX GPIO  ; Define port to use for IR out
    @ #define PIN 2      ; Define port pin to use for IR out
    @ device pic12f683,INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT , wdt_on, mclr_off, protect_on
      GPIO = 0      
      TRISIO.2 = 0      ' LED IR
      TRISIO.1 = 0      ' LED testigo
      TRISIO.5 = 1      ' Input para interruptor normal abierto (con pulldown)
      CMCON0   = 7      ' Comparadores deshabilitados
      ANSEL = 0         ' A/D deshabilitado
      GIE       VAR INTCON.7  ' Global interrupt enable 1=ON, 0=OFF
      GPIE      VAR INTCON.3  ' Port change interrupt enable 1=ON, 0=OFF
      GPIF      VAR INTCON.0  ' Port Change Interrupt Flag bit   
      Cycles    VAR BYTE    ' Number of carrier cycles
      ContaSec  var word    ' Contador de segundos
      TLFlag    var byte    ' Se programo el contador?
      IRLED     var GPIO.2  ' alias LED IR
      LED       var GPIO.1  ' alias LED testigo
      BOTON     var GPIO.5
      GIE = 0            ' Disable global ints
      GPIE = 1           ' Enable port change int
      IOC.5 = 0          ' Int-on-change for GPIO.5 disbled
      PAUSE 100         ' Pausita pa estabilizar todo al arranque
      GOTO OverFreq     ' jump over pulse routines
    ' Generate "Cycles" number of ~38.4kHz pulses   Bruce at
       bcf IRTX,PIN     ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 9uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 11uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 13uS   
       bsf IRTX,PIN     ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 9uS
       nop              ; + 1uS = 10uS
       decfsz _Cycles,f ; + 1uS = 11S    
       goto _Pulse38    ; + 2uS = 13uS
       return           ; Return to caller    
    'Si el micro arranca con el boton apretado contar segundos
    while boton=1
    contasec = contasec + 1
    high led
    pause 50
    low led
    pause 950
    contasec = contasec - 1 ' descontar un segundo, algun dia mejorare la rutina
    'Loop del TimeLapse      
    if tlflag = 1 then
        while boton = 0  
            sleep contasec  ' dormir por el tiempo programado
            gosub trigger   ' disparar
            high led        ' prende LED testigo
            pause 50        ' sisi agrega 50ms, no me calienta en lo mas minimo :)
            low led         ' apaga LED testigo
    ' Se acabo el timelapse porque se apreto el boton
        for contasec = 1 to 15  ' avisarle al usuario parpadeando el LED testigo
            high led
            pause 100
            low led 
            pause 100
      IOC.5 = 1          ' Int-on-change for GPIO.5 enabled
      GPIO = 0 
      Main:                 ' Loop principal
        @sleep              ' Dormir
        while boton=0       ' Mientras no se aprete el boton no dejar pasar
        GPIF = 0           ' Clear port change interrupt flag
        gosub trigger       ' Disparar
        high led            ' prende LED testigo
        pause 50
        low led             ' apaga LED testigo
      GOTO Main
    Trigger:                ' Generar el pulso de disparo PENTAX
      Cycles = 255      
      CALL Pulse38
      Cycles = 239      
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 3000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 5000              ' Fin del tren de pulsos PENTAX
      END                       ' Fin
    Sorry for spanish comments, google translate is your friend

    Last edited by peu; - 5th January 2011 at 22:43. Reason: error in interrupt code

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    add resistors for LED, not included in schematic (and neither in my protoboard ) and a transistor for more IR range, measured 387 microampere in the main loop while in sleep and 8mA while triggering, can it be made to consume even less in case the switch is left on?

  11. #11
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    Current version instructions:

    to enable timelapse function press pushbutton while powering ON the remote, the red led will flash each second passed, once you release the pushbutton this will be the interval time.

    to exit the timelapse mode, just press the pushbutton longer than the intervall, once out of the mode the red led will flash briefly.

    After exiting timelapse mode, if you press the pushbutton momentarily it will trigger once, if you keep it pressed it will trigger continuously.

    if you start the remote without the pushbutton pressed it will work like previous paragraph.

    While I was driving home I had an idea, why not add 2 more pushbuttons to easily have longer periods, one can be x10 seconds and the other minutes. And then, when outside the timelapse function these buttons can be programmed to trigger a certain amount of photos in a row, say for example 3 photos and 6 photos or any combination that can be programmed.

  12. #12
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    Nifty project. Could even use a serial LCD and have a boat-load of options with a menu.

    tech at

  13. #13
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    Speaking of intervalometers, did you see the one at ?

    It uses an atmel and is meant for a Canon, but the design is ingenious.

    Or this: ; based on 10F222, works with Canon, Nikon & the newer Pentaxs.

    Planning to build one for my Canon 500D...


    Last edited by ardhuru; - 6th January 2011 at 13:53.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ardhuru View Post

    Speaking of intervalometers, did you see the one at ?

    It uses an atmel and is meant for a Canon, but the design is ingenious.

    Or this: ; based on 10F222, works with Canon, Nikon & the newer Pentaxs.

    Planning to build one for my Canon 500D...


    I started with a Canon A570is and CHDK but wanted to use the DSLR for its many advantages, built the diodenring timelapse but my brand new pentax K-x does not have the 2.5mm jack as my previous pentax K-100, stupid me I realized this AFTER building it so the only choice left was to build it using the IR sensor. Crossed many mails with Achim (from diodenring) he is a helpfull guy.

    Regarding the HDR-jack I think this can also be implemented via IR, but not looked into it yet.

    Regarding the program in this thread, I know the timing loop at the begining can be improved using a better way to count time. I could use some help there


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by peu View Post
    Regarding the program in this thread, I know the timing loop at the begining can be improved using a better way to count time. I could use some help there
    Darrel has some great interrupt include files. It makes it pretty easy to do some great things with interrupts, and they can be very efficient as well. Here is a link to a timer example of his.
    Last edited by ScaleRobotics; - 6th January 2011 at 15:35.

  16. #16
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    interesting, never looked deeply into them, now that I did I have some warnings at compile time, maybe you can help me

    pbp 2.60b
    latest mapsm from MPLAB IDE v8.63
    Downloaded ReEnterPBP.bas and DT_INTS-14.bas from Darrel Site and placed at pbpw folder
    And Im trying the example you linked (
    this example requires Elapsed_INT.bas which I found in this thread: also placed it at pbpw folder. Is this the current version?

    when I compile the example (using MPASM from microcodestudio) I get these errors:

    Warning[219] C:\progra~1\picbas~1\pbppic14.lib 2934 : Invalid RAM location specified.
    Warning[219] C:\progra~1\picbas~1\pbppic14.lib 2939 : Invalid RAM location specified.
    Warning[219] C:\progra~1\picbas~1\pbppic14.lib 3059 : Invalid RAM location specified.
    Warning[219] C:\progra~1\picbas~1\pbppic14.lib 3075 : Invalid RAM location specified.

    What Im doing wrong?

  17. #17
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    the problem was the LCDOUT, doh! back to learning this interesting interrupt stuff
    Last edited by peu; - 6th January 2011 at 18:34.

  18. #18
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    Added the timer as suggested and it works! BUT, now I lost two things and I don't know why:

    1) the led thats supposed to flash once a second inside the time counting loop only flashes once.

    2) When outside the timelapse function in the previous version if I left the button pressed the camera shooted continuously, now it shots one time per press

    As a BONUS I translated all the comments to English

    '*  Name    : pentax.BAS                                        *
    '*  Author  : PEU based on examples from        *
    '*  Notice  : Copyleft (c) 2011                                 *
    '*          : No Rights Reserved on derived work                *
    '*  Date    : 05-ENE-11                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.01                                               *
    '*  Notes   : pablou at gmail dot com                           *
    @ #define IRTX GPIO  ; Define port to use for IR out
    @ #define PIN 2      ; Define port pin to use for IR out
    ' 12F683.INC at picbasic folder has this defined already for MPASM use
    ' __config _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT & _WDT_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _CP_ON
    '@ device pic12f683,INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT , wdt_on, mclr_off, protect_on
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"
    INCLUDE "Elapsed_INT.bas"  ; Elapsed Timer Routines  by Darrel Taylor
      GPIO = 0      
      TRISIO.2 = 0      ' LED IR
      TRISIO.1 = 0      ' Red LED 
      TRISIO.5 = 1      ' Normal open pushbutton (w/ pulldown)
      CMCON0   = 7      ' Comparators disabled
      ANSEL = 0         ' A/D disabled
    '  GIE       VAR INTCON.7  ' Global interrupt enable 1=ON, 0=OFF
      GPIE      VAR INTCON.3  ' Port change interrupt enable 1=ON, 0=OFF
      GPIF      VAR INTCON.0  ' Port Change Interrupt Flag bit   
      Cycles    VAR BYTE    ' Number of carrier cycles
      ContaSec  var word    ' Seconds Counter
      TLFlag    var byte    ' Timelapse counter programmed?
      IRLED     var GPIO.2  ' alias LED IR
      LED       var GPIO.1  ' alias red LED 
      BOTON     var GPIO.5  ' pushbutton
      GIE = 0            ' Disable global ints
      GPIE = 1           ' Enable port change int
      IOC.5 = 0          ' Int-on-change for GPIO.5 disbled
      PAUSE 100          ' little pause to settle the processor after cold start
    GOTO OverASM     ' jump over ASM routines
    ' Generate "Cycles" number of ~38.4kHz pulses   Bruce at
       bcf IRTX,PIN     ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 9uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 11uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 13uS   
       bsf IRTX,PIN     ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1         ; + 2uS = 9uS
       nop              ; + 1uS = 10uS
       decfsz _Cycles,f ; + 1uS = 11S    
       goto _Pulse38    ; + 2uS = 13uS
       return           ; Return to caller    
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  _ClockCount,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE            ; Creates the interrupt processor
        INT_ENABLE  TMR1_INT  ; Enable Timer 1 Interrupts  
    OverASM:    ' END of ASM routines
    ' New timer
    GOSUB ResetTime           ' Reset Time to  0d-00:00:00.00
    GOSUB StartTimer          ' Start the Elapsed Timer
    while boton = 1           ' Loops while the button is pressed
            if SecondsChanged = 1 then 'if the seconds changed flash the red led
            high led
            pause 50
            low led
            SecondsChanged = 0      ' set flag back to 0
        tlflag=1                    ' This flags lets me know if the timer was used
    contasec = Seconds + (Minutes * 60) ' Total time elapsed
    gosub StopTimer
    'Loop del TimeLapse      
    if tlflag = 1 then              ' if the timer was used continue
        while boton = 0  
            sleep contasec  ' sleep programmed time
            gosub trigger   ' trigger 
            high led        ' red LED on
            pause 50        ' little pause
            low led         ' red LED off
    ' Timelapse ended because the button was pushed
        for contasec = 1 to 15  ' flash red LED to let the user know
            high led
            pause 100
            low led 
            pause 100
      IOC.5 = 1             ' Int-on-change for GPIO.5 enabled
      GPIO = 0 
      Main:                 ' main Loop 
        sleep              ; Sleep
        while boton=0       ' wait for button push
        GPIF = 0            ' Clear port change interrupt flag
        gosub trigger       ' trigger
        high led            ' red LED on
        pause 50
        low led             ' red LED off
        pause 200           ' debounce
      GOTO Main
    Trigger:                ' PENTAX pulse train
      Cycles = 255      
      CALL Pulse38
      Cycles = 239      
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 3000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 5000              ' end PENTAX pulse train
      END                       ' Fin   :)

  19. #19
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    While debugging the firmware I took so many pictures that I decided to make a timelapse out of them

    Enjoy in 1080p

  20. #20
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    Solved the trigger by holding button, ingenuity works
    I still can't figure out why the led does not blink while counting time at the first while wend

    And I noticed the ASM SLEEP does not work, consumption is the same (0.4mA) regardless I use it or comment it out. I replaced @ sleep with ASM SLEEP ENDASM to compile with MPASM do I need to add something else?

    changed code:

    '*  Name    : pentax.BAS                                        *
    '*  Author  : PEU based on examples from        *
    '*  Notice  : Copyleft (c) 2011                                 *
    '*          : No Rights Reserved on derived work                *
    '*  Date    : 05-ENE-11                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.10                                              *
    '*  Notes   : pablou at gmail dot com                           *
    @ #define IRTX GPIO  ; Define port to use for IR out
    @ #define PIN 2      ; Define port pin to use for IR out
    ' 12F683.INC at picbasic folder has this defined already for MPASM use
    ' __config _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT & _WDT_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _CP_ON
    '@ device pic12f683,INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT , wdt_on, mclr_off, protect_on
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"
    INCLUDE "Elapsed_INT.bas"   ; Elapsed Timer Routines  by Darrel Taylor
      GPIO = 0      
      TRISIO.2 = 0              ' LED IR
      TRISIO.1 = 0              ' Red LED 
      TRISIO.5 = 1              ' Normal open pushbutton (w/ pulldown)
      CMCON0   = 7              ' Comparators disabled
      ANSEL = 0                 ' A/D disabled
    '  GIE       VAR INTCON.7   ' Global interrupt enable 1=ON, 0=OFF
      GPIE      VAR INTCON.3    ' Port change interrupt enable 1=ON, 0=OFF
      GPIF      VAR INTCON.0    ' Port Change Interrupt Flag bit   
      Cycles    VAR BYTE    ' Number of carrier cycles
      ContaSec  var word    ' Seconds Counter
      TLFlag    var byte    ' Timelapse counter programmed?
      IRLED     var GPIO.2  ' alias LED IR
      LED       var GPIO.1  ' alias red LED 
      BOTON     var GPIO.5  ' pushbutton
      GIE = 0               ' Disable global ints
      GPIE = 1              ' Enable port change int
      IOC.5 = 0             ' Int-on-change for GPIO.5 disbled
      PAUSE 100             ' little pause to settle the processor after cold start
    GOTO OverASM            ' jump over ASM routines
    ' Generate "Cycles" number of ~38.4kHz pulses   Bruce at
       bcf IRTX,PIN         ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 9uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 11uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 13uS   
       bsf IRTX,PIN         ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 9uS
       nop                  ; + 1uS = 10uS
       decfsz _Cycles,f     ; + 1uS = 11S    
       goto _Pulse38        ; + 2uS = 13uS
       return               ; Return to caller    
    INT_LIST  macro         ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  _ClockCount,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE          ; Creates the interrupt processor
        INT_ENABLE  TMR1_INT ; Enable Timer 1 Interrupts  
    OverASM:                ' END of ASM routines
                            ' New timer
    GOSUB ResetTime         ' Reset Time to  0d-00:00:00.00
    GOSUB StartTimer        ' Start the Elapsed Timer
    while boton = 1         ' Loops while the button is pressed
            if SecondsChanged = 1 then 'if the seconds changed flash the red led
                high led
                pause 50      'should blink once a second but it doesn't
                low led
                SecondsChanged = 0      ' set flag back to 0
            tlflag=1        ' This flags lets me know if the timer was used
    contasec = Seconds + (Minutes * 60) ' Total time elapsed
    gosub StopTimer
    'Loop del TimeLapse      
    if tlflag = 1 then      ' if the timer was used continue
        while boton = 0  
            sleep contasec  ' sleep programmed time
            gosub trigger   ' trigger 
            high led        ' red LED on
            pause 50        ' little pause
            low led         ' red LED off
    ' Timelapse ended because the button was pushed
        for contasec = 1 to 15  ' flash red LED to let the user know
            high led
            pause 100
            low led 
            pause 100
    IOC.5 = 1               ' Int-on-change for GPIO.5 enabled
    GPIO = 0   
    Main:                   ' main Loop 
        SLEEP               ; Sleep
      while boton=0         ' wait for button push
      GPIF = 0              ' Clear port change interrupt flag
      while boton=1         ' shoot while pressed    
        gosub trigger       ' trigger
        high led            ' blink red LED
        pause 50
        low led              
    GOTO Main
    Trigger:                ' PENTAX pulse train
      Cycles = 255      
      CALL Pulse38
      Cycles = 239      
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 3000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 5000          ' end PENTAX pulse train
      END                   ' Fin   :)

  21. #21
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    Here is version 2 of the PENTAX / NIKON IR remote, yes, I added Nikon support, needs to be tested with a Nikon camera as I don't have one.

    Removed Darrel's Instant Interrupt elapsed timer because I was unable to make it work, also polished the code a little. As previous versions there is room for improvements, I hope someone else is interested in making it even better.

    The device while sleeping uses only one microampere, so its suitable to be used with a button 3v 2032 battery.

    You can add a second pushbutton but normally closed for power supply to briefly reset the remote to use it for timelapses again.[edit] or enable MCLR and use a normal pushbutton conecting pin 4 to GND and a 10k pull up resistor to VDD.

    Attached is the HEX file for 12F683

    '*  Name    : pentax.BAS                                        *
    '*  Author  : PEU based on examples from        *
    '*  Notice  : Pablo E. Untroib (c) 2011                         *
    '*          : No Rights Reserved on derived work                *
    '*          : Free for personal use
    '*  Date    : 11-ENE-11                                         *
    '*  Version : 2.10                                              *
    '*  Notes   : pablou at gmail dot com                           *
    '*          : Consumption while sleeping is 1 microamper        *  
    @ #define IRTX GPIO     ; Define port to use for IR out
    @ #define PIN 2         ; IR LED output GND---/\/\/\---|<|--GPIO.2
    define OSC 4            ' Defines oscilator frequency
    'DEFINE DEBUG_REG GPIO  ' used at debug time
    GIE       VAR INTCON.7  ' Global interrupt enable 1=ON, 0=OFF
    GPIE      VAR INTCON.3  ' Port change interrupt enable 1=ON, 0=OFF
    GPIF      VAR INTCON.0  ' Port Change Interrupt Flag bit
    LED       VAR GPIO.1    ' LED output GND---/\/\/\---|<|--GPIO.1
    Cycles    VAR BYTE      ' Number of carrier cycles
    ContaSec  var word      ' Seconds Counter
    ContaMili var byte      ' Miliseconds Counter
    TLFlag    var byte      ' Timelapse counter programmed?
    BOTON     var GPIO.5    ' Key input (10K pull-UP w/switch to ground)
    CMCON0 = 7              ' All digital
    GPIO   = 0              ' Clear port on boot
    TRISIO = %00100000      ' GPIO.5 input, rest outputs
    GIE    = 0              ' Disable global ints
    GOTO OverASM            ' jump over ASM routines
    ' Generate "Cycles" number of ~38.4kHz pulses   Bruce at
       bcf IRTX,PIN         ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 9uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 11uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 13uS   
       bsf IRTX,PIN         ; 1uS, LED=on
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 3uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 5uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 7uS
       goto $+1             ; + 2uS = 9uS
       nop                  ; + 1uS = 10uS
       decfsz _Cycles,f     ; + 1uS = 11S    
       goto _Pulse38        ; + 2uS = 13uS
       return               ; Return to caller    
    OverASM:                ' END of ASM routines
    contasec  = 0
    ContaMili = 0
    tlflag    = 0
    while boton = 0             ' Loops while the button is pressed
        contamili = contamili + 1
        pause 100
        if contamili = 8 then   ' I count 0 to 8 so I can flash the LED 100ms
            contamili = 0
            contasec=contasec + 1
            high led
            pause 100
            low led
        tlflag=1                ' This flags lets me know if the timer was used
    ' this is needed because the SLEEP takes about 2.3 seconds to react
    ' see SLEEP description in PBP manual
    if contasec > 2 then
        contasec = contasec - 2
    pause 1000              ' debounce pushbutton
    'Loop del TimeLapse      
    if tlflag = 1 then      ' if the timer was used continue
        while boton = 1  
            sleep contasec  ' sleep programmed time
            gosub trigger   ' trigger 
            high led        ' red LED on
            pause 50        ' little pause
            low led         ' red LED off
    WDTCON = 0              ' Disable WDT when not needed for power savings
    ' Timelapse ended because the button was pushed
        for contasec = 1 to 5  
            high led        ' flash red LED to let the user know timelapse ended
            pause 100
            low led 
            pause 100
    GPIE = 1                ' Enable port change int
    IOC.5 = 1               ' Int-on-change for GPIO.5 enabled
    ' Main loop works as a normal remote, 
    ' one push triggers, hold pushbutton triggers continuously
        @ SLEEP             ' SLEEP until Key is pressed
        WHILE Boton = 0       ' Wait for Key release
        gosub trigger
        high led
        pause 200
        low led
        GPIF = 0            ' Clear port change interrupt flag
    GOTO Main
    Trigger:                ' PENTAX pulse train begins
      Cycles = 255      
      CALL Pulse38
      Cycles = 239      
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 3000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1000
      cycles = 38
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 2000          ' end PENTAX pulse train with 2ms pause
      Cycles = 76           ' NIKON pulse train begins
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 28000
      cycles = 15
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1580
      cycles = 15
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 3580
      cycles = 15
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 63200
      Cycles = 76           
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 28000
      cycles = 15
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 1580
      cycles = 15
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 3580
      cycles = 15
      CALL Pulse38
      pauseus 2000          ' end NIKON pulse train with 2ms pause

    to enable timelapse function press pushbutton while powering ON the remote, the red led will flash each second passed, once you release the pushbutton this will be the interval time.

    to exit the timelapse mode, just press the pushbutton longer than the intervall, once out of the mode the red led will flash briefly.

    After exiting timelapse mode, if you press the pushbutton momentarily it will trigger once, if you keep it pressed it will trigger continuously.

    if you start the remote without the pushbutton pressed it will work like previous paragraph.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by peu; - 11th January 2011 at 21:20. Reason: MCLR suggestion

  22. #22
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    Routing and Drilling the PCBs

  23. #23
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    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  24. #24

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    Default Double clock and use HPWM

    I did a similar camera control several years back. I used HPWM which will go to 38+KHz if you define the oscillator as one value then load a crystal of twice that value.

    For example
    DEFINE OSC 10 but in practice load a 20 MHz crystal.
    HPWM 1, 127, 19400

    That shags all your other timings so it can get tricky with other delays and serial in/out but it works for me.


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