I have an RGB sequence which works fairly well, but very quickly. Is there a way of slowing down the routine. I have tried altering the PWM duty, but this just causes the LEDs to flicker. Also the Pause command produces the same flickering results.

I would like the transition of clours to be a lot slower.

This is part of a bigger routine, but i would like to get this part right.

Any ideas from anyone?

Many thanks,



Red VAR PORTB.1 ' All LEDs
Green VAR PORTB.2 ' Connected between
Blue VAR PORTB.3 ' RC pins and ground

rbgArray var byte[3] ' holds the rgb values in this case the led is rbg
x var byte
y var byte
adcVar var byte
rbg var byte ' which value we are changing in the rbg array
rainbowVal var byte ' the current value to produce rainbow
Delta var byte ' find the size of each section in the 6stage rainbow
Section var byte ' which section it is in

maxValue con 255 'the maximum input value for generating rainbow

delta = maxValue/6

y = 0

for rainbowval = 0 to 255
gosub rbgrainbow
for rainbowval= 255 to 0 step - 1
gosub rbgrainbow
goto main

for rbg = 0 to 2
section = ((rainbowval + ((rbg * 2)*delta))/ delta) // 6 ' this gives what section it is in

select case section
case 0
rbgarray[rbg] = (rainbowval // delta)*6 'this is how far it has gone in its section
case 1
rbgarray[rbg] = 255
case 2
rbgarray[rbg] = 255
case 3
rbgarray[rbg] = 255 - ((rainbowval //delta)*6)
case 4
rbgarray[rbg] = 0
case 5
rbgarray[rbg] = 0
case 6 'this one is for pics bad math
rbgarray[rbg] = 0
end select

gosub ledpwm


For y = 0 to 2
Select Case y
Case 0
pwm red, rbgarray[y], 1
case 1
pwm blue, rbgarray[y], 1
case 2
pwm green, rbgarray[y], 1
end select