I'm trying to send an I2C message to a non-EEPROM. Now everyone may laugh and say "So what's the problem?"
Every I2C example I've seen written is for EEPROMs. The I2C_WRITE command seems built around them.

The complicating part is the EEPROM address BYTE. That may seem odd, but I have a good reason. I'm not sending an address byte. I'm just sending pure data. In this case, I'm sending it to an I2C-driven DAC.

Right now, I'm using this method and nothing is working.

'Assuming 'result' is a word variable containing a 10-BIT value shifted left twice with 4 bits of empty header (per the DAC datasheet):
'So it looks like 0000xxxx-xxxxxx00


I'm using PBP 2.5, an ICD2, a PIC16F819, and a DAC101C085.

Any suggestions?