ASM code

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Thread: ASM code

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Wellton, U.S.A.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Legge View Post

    I'd much appreciate your input on getting the code on this thread to run in PBP. Despite playing with 'org' and so on, I keep getting lots of:

    overwrite previous address contents error
    Regards Bill Legge
    You must be trying to set the configuration fuses more than once.
    In the PBP part of the code?
    In the ASM part?
    In the *.inc file?
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Campbell, CA

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    Again -

    I think you would be FAR better off if you would just use Darrel's code as a starting point. Since you have two priorities, you need to put the following in your DEFINE block.


    Then use Darrel's INCLUDE files as needed.

    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas" ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas" ; Include if using PBP interrupts
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18LP.bas" ; Include if using Low Pr. PBP INTS

    Then define your variables in PBP. If you have enough space, you can define all of them as BankA SYSTEM. If you don't, make certain that you define all the ones that you want to pass between PBP and ASM as bankA System

    The variables will be case-sensitive.

    Set up all timer prescalers, clock sources and triggering edges first.

    Now put in Darrel's interrupt control block -
    Change the labels as necessary.

    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
                  INT_Handler    TMR0_INT,   SystemTimer,   ASM,  yes 
                  INT_Handler    RX1_INT,    _GetCharPort1,    PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor
    INT_LIST_L  macro  ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
               INT_Handler     PIC_YOUR_INT,        StepperControl, ASM,no
        INT_CREATE_L             ; Creates the Low Priority interrupt processor
    Goto OverInt
    (Put all your ASM ISR code here)
    [Put all your PBP ISR code here]
    (Clear INT flags)
    @ INT_ENABLE (name of INT)
    @ INT_ENABLE (name of other INT)
    @ INT_ENABLE (name of other INT)
     Goto NothingLoop  ; do nothing until you get an int.
    Hopefully, I haven't forgotten something. !

    Doing things this way will not only likely get you to a running program much faster, it will make it easier for others to give you the help you need. After all, this IS a PBP forum, not an ASM forum.
    Charles Linquist

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

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    Hi Bill,

    I like to encourage everyone to learn assembly, and how to handle interrupts. Where would we be here if DT never learned assembly or interrupts...;o)

    Here's a simple modified version of what you had. Look at the changes I made VS your original. I could point to every single change,
    but it wouldn't help you learn much.
       LIST P=18F8722           ; Directive to define processor
       #include ""  ; Drocessor specific variable definitions
    ;  Configuration bits
       CONFIG  OSC = HSPLL  ; Run at 4X speed
       CONFIG  CP0=OFF      ; Disable code protect				
       CONFIG  PWRT = OFF   ; Power up timer off so DEBUG works            
       CONFIG  WDT=OFF      ; WDT off
       CONFIG  LVP = OFF    ; LVP off
       CONFIG  WAIT = OFF   ; External bus data wait disabled
    ;  Variable definitions in data memory
      CBLOCK 0x0000  ; all in ACCESS RAM
        Count_pulse  ; Loop delay in 5 uS pulse to motor driver
        X_delay : 2  ; Inter-pulse delay for X axis, 2 bytes
        Y_delay : 2  ; Inter-pulse delay for Y axis, 2 bytes
        X_steps : 2  ; Number of steps to do on X axis, 2 bytes
    ;  Reset vector in program memory
       ORG    0x0000
       goto   Main_ASM ; Go to start of main code
    ;  All interrupts vector to here, Priorities disabled
       ORG    0x0008
       bra    Tmr_ints  ; Go to interrupt routine
    ;  Higher priority for Timer0 overflows, send out stepper
    ;  drive pulse for X axis on PORTD.0
       btfss  INTCON,TMR0IF    ; did Timer0 interrupt?
       bra    LowPri           ; no. branch to Timer1 int
       bsf    PORTD,0          ; yes. High PORTD.0
       call   Pulse_out        ; Send 5uS pulse on PORTB.0
       bcf    PORTD,0          ; Low PORTD.0  (Timer1 interrupts around here)
       bcf    INTCON,TMR0IF    ; Clear Timer0 interrupt flag
       movff  X_delay+1,TMR0H  ; Load timer0 with X_delay high byte
       movff  X_delay,TMR0L    ; Load timer0 with X_delay low byte
       movf   X_steps,W        ; load WREG for compare after subtraction
       decf   X_steps,F        ; Decrement X_steps low byte
       cpfslt X_steps          ; if X_steps < WREG then jump over next decrement
       decf   X_steps+1        ; else, decrement high byte
    ;  Lower priority for Timer1 overflows, send out stepper
    ;  drive pulse for Y axis on PORTD.3
       btfss  PIR1,TMR1IF      ; Timer1 int pending?										
       bra    IntExit          ; no. exit
       bsf    PORTD,3          ; High PORTD.3
       call   Pulse_out        ; Delay for 10 microseconds
       bcf    PORTD,3          ; High PORTD.3
       bcf    PIR1,TMR1IF      ; Clear Timer1 interrupt flag
       movff  Y_delay+1,TMR1H  ; Load Timer1 with Y_delay high byte
       movff  Y_delay,TMR1L    ; Load timer1 with Y_delay low byte
       retfie FAST             ; return & restore WREG, STATUS, BSR
    ;******************************************************************************                                                                           *
    ;                               SUBROUTINES                                   *                                                                            * 
    Pulse_out              ; Delay = 3.n + 7 [0.1 microseconds]
       movlw   0xff        ; Load w with n
       movwf   Count_pulse ; Load Count with n
       decfsz  Count_pulse ; Decrament the file Count
       goto    Pulse_loop  ; Loop if not zero
    ;******************************************************************************                                                                           *
    ;                                  MAIN ASM                                   *                                                                             * 
       clrf	  TRISA  ; PORTA is output
       clrf   TRISB  ; PORTB is output
       clrf   TRISC  ; PORTC is output
       clrf	  TRISD  ; PORTD is output
       clrf	  TRISE  ; PORTE is output
       clrf	  TRISF  ; PORTF is output
       clrf	  TRISG  ; PORTG is output
       clrf	  TRISH  ; PORTH is output
       clrf	  TRISJ  ; PORTJ is output
       clrf	  PORTA  ; Clear PORTA
       clrf	  PORTB  ; Clear PORTB
       clrf	  PORTC  ; Clear PORTC
       clrf	  PORTD  ; Clear PORTD
       clrf	  PORTE  ; Clear PORTE
       clrf	  PORTF  ; Clear PORTF
       clrf	  PORTG  ; Clear PORTG
       clrf	  PORTH  ; Clear PORTH
       clrf	  PORTJ  ; Clear PORTJ
       movlw  0x0f
       movwf  ADCON1  ; PORTA is digital I/O
       movlw  0x07
       movwf  CMCON   ; Comparator off
    ; Set up interrupt conditions for Timer0 and Timer1	
       bcf    RCON,7     ; disable priority levels on interrupts,IPEN=0
       bsf    INTCON,7   ; Enable all interrupts
       bsf    INTCON,6   ; Enable all peripheral interrupts
       bcf    INTCON,3   ; Disable PORTB interrupts
       bcf    INTCON2,2  ; Make Timer0 overflow low priority
       bcf    IPR1,0     ; Make Timer1 overflow low priority
       bsf    INTCON,5   ; Enable Timer0 overflow int
       bsf    PIE1,0     ; Enable Timer1 overflow int		
    ; Set up Timer0 conditions				
       bcf    T0CON,6    ; Timer0 uses 16 bits
       bcf    T0CON,5    ; Timer0 uses internal osc
       bcf    T0CON,4    ; Timer0 count on rising edge og osc
       bsf    T0CON,3    ; Timer0 pre-scaler not assigned
       clrf   TMR0H      ; Zero the clock
       clrf   TMR0L      ; Zero the clock				
       bsf    T0CON,7    ; Timer0 on
    ; Set up Timer1 conditions
       bsf    T1CON,7    ; Timer1 uses 16 bits
       bcf    T1CON,1    ; Timer1 uses internal osc
       clrf   TMR1H      ; Zero the clock
       clrf   TMR1L      ; Zero the clock
       bsf    T1CON,0    ; Timer1 on	
    ; Temp code to simmulate PBP input for the delays
       clrf   X_delay    ; this handles the low byte
       clrf   X_delay+1  ; this handles the high byte
       clrf   Y_delay
       clrf   Y_delay+1
       clrf   X_steps
       clrf   X_steps+1					
    ;  End of Temp code	
    ; Check if X_steps_lb=0 (decremented in high priority interrupt)
    ; If so, check X_steps_hb and if zero, end
    ; If not, decrement X_steps_hb, set X_steps_lb and go again	
       movff   X_steps+1,PORTC ; high byte to portc
       ;btg     PORTC,1         ; toggle RC1 (note: comf only works with whole 8-bit registers)
       movff   X_steps,PORTD   ; low byte to portd
       ;btg     PORTD,1         ; toggle RD1
       tstfsz  X_steps         ; Test, skip next if zero
       goto    Main_loop       ; More steps to do, so loop
       tstfsz  X_steps+1       ; Test, skip next if zero
       bra     Re_load_lb
       goto    All_done
       decf    X_steps+1,F  ; Decrement hb and then carry to lb
       setf    X_steps      ; Decremented hb, so load ff to lb
       goto    Main_loop
       bcf     INTCON,7      ; Clear GIE, disable ALL interrupts
       goto    $-2
    I think you're much better off putting both interrupts in the same handler, and just checking for which one caused the interrupt VS having a high pri interrupt your low pri, so you can use the auto restore for W, STATUS & BSR.

    tech at

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    South-West of Australia. A small town called Denmark. 'Where the forest meets the sea.'

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    Default ASM code


    Wow, what a lot of effort on your part - thanks very much. I will now re-fire up MPLAB and give it a detailed run.

    I do take note of CL's comments about this being a PICBASIC site but most entheuastic PBP users will want to experiment with ASM - for fun and speed?

    I know that every minuit I've spent on ASM in MPLAB had added greatly to my ability to write software in PBP.

    Perhaps there is space for an 'ASM' sub-section in this forum? I can understand that most newcomers will not be interested in this lower level stuff but it seems essential to make the most of PBP.

    We are in the middle of a heatwave here in West Australia - almost no rain for 3 months - too hot to do much outside so plenty of key-board time.

    Thanks again for your input.

    Regards Bill Legge

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Campbell, CA

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    My goal was not to discourage ASM use (I use a lot of it myself), but only to point out that DT_INTs would make things easier for you. And since a lot of people on this forum are familiar with their use, a lot more people would be able to help you if you chose that route.
    Charles Linquist

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    South-West of Australia. A small town called Denmark. 'Where the forest meets the sea.'

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    Default ASM code

    Charles & Bruce,

    Thanks for your help.

    Bruce: the code you provided works well and I've tested it in MPLAB with a variety of inputs and it's all OK.
    I have 'glued it into PBP and still can't get it to compile. The things I changed between the ASM_only and PBP_ASM are:

    1. Deleted the .asm CONFIGS because they come from my programmer.
    2. Deleted the .asm variable definitions in data memory, defined them in PBP, watched out for caes sensitivity and changed the .asm definitions to have a leading underscore (e.g. _X_steps).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    South-West of Australia. A small town called Denmark. 'Where the forest meets the sea.'

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    Default ASM code

    PLEASE READ ON..........

    Charles & Bruce,

    Thanks for your help.

    Bruce: the code you provided works well and I've tested it in MPLAB with a variety of inputs and it's all OK.
    I have 'glued' it into PBP and still can't get it to compile. The things I changed between the 'ASM only' and 'PBP_ASM' are:

    1. Deleted the .asm CONFIGS because they come from my programmer.
    2. Deleted the .asm variable definitions in data memory, defined them in PBP, watched out for caes sensitivity and changed the .asm definitions to have a leading underscore (e.g. _X_steps).
    3. Took out the .asm PORT and TRIS lines because it's done in PBP.
    4. Took out the temp code to load the variables because they should come from PBP.
    5. Deleted the last 3 lines of code - not needed I presume?

    My, failed attempt to get the PBP to run looks like:

    ' File...... 8722 Scan_ASM_Test
    ' Purpose... Drive two steppers to achieve diagonal moves   
    ' *****************************************************************************
    ' *                                                                           *
    ' *                             INCLUDE & DEFINES                             * 
    ' *                                                                           *
    ' *****************************************************************************
    define OSC 40				' Use HSPLL during compilation
    ' *****************************************************************************
    ' *                                                                           *
    ' *                                 VARIABLES                                 * 
    ' *                                                                           *
    ' *****************************************************************************
    X_steps         var word                     ' Steps to move, not reusable
    Count_pulse     var WORD    Bank0   System   ' Pulse duration = 3.n + 7
    X_delay         var WORD    Bank0   System
    Y_delay         var WORD    Bank0   System
    goto Start                                    ' Skip over ASM code
    ' *****************************************************************************
    ' *                                                                           *
    ' *                              ASSEMBLER CODE                               * 
    ' *                                                                           *
    ' *****************************************************************************
       LIST P=18F8722           ; Directive to define processor
       #include ""  ; Drocessor specific variable definitions
                                ;  Reset vector in program memory
       ORG    0x0000
       goto   Main_ASM          ; Go to start of main code
    ;  All interrupts vector to here in program memory, Priorities disabled
    ;  This is high priority only so wsave etc is automatic
       ORG    0x0008
       bra    Tmr_ints  		; Go to interrupt routine
    ;  Higher priority for Timer0 overflows, send out stepper
    ;  drive pulse for X axis on PORTD.0
       btfss  INTCON,TMR0IF    ; did Timer0 interrupt?
       bra    LowPri           ; no. branch to Timer1 int
       bsf    PORTD,0          ; yes. High PORTD.0
       call   Pulse_out        ; Call delay routine
       bcf    PORTD,0          ; Low PORTD.0
       bcf    INTCON,TMR0IF    ; Clear Timer0 interrupt flag
       movff  _X_delay+1,TMR0H ; Load timer0 with _X_delay high byte
       movff  _X_delay,TMR0L   ; Load timer0 with _X_delay low byte
       decf   _X_steps,F       ; Decrement X_steps low byte
    ;  Lower priority for Timer1 overflows, send out stepper
    ;  drive pulse for Y axis on PORTD.3
       btfss  PIR1,TMR1IF      ; Timer1 int pending?										
       bra    IntExit          ; no. exit
       bsf    PORTD,3          ; High PORTD.3
       call   Pulse_out        ; Call delay routine
       bcf    PORTD,3          ; High PORTD.3
       bcf    PIR1,TMR1IF      ; Clear Timer1 interrupt flag
       movff  _Y_delay+1,TMR1H ; Load Timer1 with Y_delay high byte
       movff  _Y_delay,TMR1L   ; Load timer1 with Y_delay low byte
       retfie FAST             ; return & restore WREG, STATUS, BSR
    ;******************************************************************************                                                                           *
    ;                               SUBROUTINES                                   *                                                                            * 
    Pulse_out                  ; Delay = 3.n + 7 [0.1 microseconds]
       movlw   0xff            ; Load w with n
       movwf   _Count_pulse    ; Load Count with n
       decfsz  _Count_pulse    ; Decrament the file Count
       goto    Pulse_loop      ; Loop if not zero
    ;******************************************************************************                                                                           *
    ;                                  MAIN ASM                                   *                                                                             * 
    ; Set up interrupt conditions for Timer0 and Timer1	
       bcf    RCON,7     ; Disable priority levels on interrupts,IPEN=0
       bsf    INTCON,7   ; Enable all interrupts
       bsf    INTCON,6   ; Enable all peripheral interrupts
       bcf    INTCON,3   ; Disable PORTB interrupts
       bcf    INTCON2,2  ; Make Timer0 overflow low priority
       bcf    IPR1,0     ; Make Timer1 overflow low priority
       bsf    INTCON,5   ; Enable Timer0 overflow int
       bsf    PIE1,0     ; Enable Timer1 overflow int		
    ; Set up Timer0 conditions				
       bcf    T0CON,6    ; Timer0 uses 16 bits
       bcf    T0CON,5    ; Timer0 uses internal osc
       bcf    T0CON,4    ; Timer0 count on rising edge og osc
       bsf    T0CON,3    ; Timer0 pre-scaler not assigned
       clrf   TMR0H      ; Zero the clock
       clrf   TMR0L      ; Zero the clock				
       bsf    T0CON,7    ; Timer0 on
    ; Set up Timer1 conditions
       bsf    T1CON,7    ; Timer1 uses 16 bits
       bcf    T1CON,1    ; Timer1 uses internal osc
       clrf   TMR1H      ; Zero the clock
       clrf   TMR1L      ; Zero the clock
       bsf    T1CON,0    ; Timer1 on	
    ; Temp code to simulate PBP input for the delays
    ; Removed - should come from PBP
    ; Check if X_steps_lb=0 (decremented in high priority interrupt)
    ; If so, check X_steps_hb and if zero, end
    ; If not, decrement X_steps_hb, set X_steps_lb and go again	
       movff   _X_steps+1,PORTJ ; Steps hi to PORTJ
       movff   _X_steps,PORTB   ; Steps lo to PORTB
       tstfsz  _X_steps         ; Test steps lo, skip next if zero
       goto    Main_loop        ; More steps to do, so loop
       tstfsz  _X_steps+1       ; Test steps hi, skip next if zero
       bra     Re_load_lb
       goto    All_done
       decf    _X_steps+1,F    ; Decrement hb and then carry to lb
       setf    _X_steps        ; Decremented hb, so load ff to lb
       goto    Main_loop
       bcf     INTCON,7       ; Clear GIE, disable ALL interrupts
    ' *****************************************************************************
    ' *                                                                           *
    ' *                                INITIALISE                                 * 
    ' *                                                                           *
    ' *****************************************************************************
    ADCON1	= %00001101           ' A0, A1 analog, rest digital
    CMCON	= %00000111           ' Comparators off, this frees up PORTF
    TRISA   = %00000000                                  
    TRISB   = %00000000
    TRISC	= %00000000
    TRISD   = %00000000           ' D.0 is X drive. D.3 is Y drive
    TRISE   = %00000000           ' LEDs to display X_steps lo byte
    TRISF   = %00000000
    TRISG   = %00000000
    TRISH   = %00000000
    TRISJ   = %00000000           ' LEDs to display X_steps hi byte 
    ' *****************************************************************************
    ' *                                                                           *
    ' *                                   MAIN                                    * 
    ' *                                                                           *
    ' *****************************************************************************
        X_delay = $FFFF
        Y_delay = $FFFF
        X_steps = $FFFF
        Count_pulse = $FFFF
        gosub Run_ASM   
        pause 100   
        goto Main
    You used a .asm technique of defining a data address like:
    _X_delay : 2 ; Reserve two bytes in data memory
    If I have a variable in PBP like
    X_delay VAR WORD
    Will the WORD from PBP find it's way to the .asm?

    Charles L: I'm still going to do it using DT's interrupts

    Regards Bill Legge

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