MCSP, PBP260, Win7 - is it impossible?

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  1. #1
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    Default MCSP, PBP260, Win7 - is it impossible?

    Hello everyone,
    I've had nothing but trouble lately with MCSP. When I first got PBP2.60 a couple of months ago MCSP refused to recognise it saying Compiler not installed although it was pointed to the correct directory. In an effort to resolve that I uninstalled MCSP from the computer after which it refused to reinstall again - for whatever reason. I installed on (from the same CD) on my netbook and it worked fine so I wrote it off as problem with that particular system.

    Now I've got a new computer, Intel i5, Win7 64bit and was really looking forward to return from the netbooks tiny screen and keyboard to the office with its 24" monitor - no luck.

    I've managed to get MCSP installed and updated by setting the compatibillity mode to WindowsXP and set it to run with adminstrator rights. But the problem is the same as before, it says Compiler not installed even though it does find the correct folder. Trying to compile anyway makes it complain that for PBP2.3 or less MPLAB needs to be in a specific directory - I don't have PBP2.3 or less....

    And then finally it says that it can't run ....\Mecanique\MCSP\run.pif because it's not compatible with the 64bit operating system.

    Am I the only one trying to run MCSP on Win7 64bit? Is it possible to get it to run? If not what are you using?

    /Henrik. (Kind of bummed at the moment...)

  2. #2
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    For what it is worth I am using the MCS that came with PBP2.5 on win7 64bit. No problems and I did not have to do anything "special".

    Win7 made a directory "Program Files (x86) and all of the "old" stuff installed there.
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  3. #3
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    That's weird. My PBP is installed in C:\PBP and MCSP in the (X86) folder just like yours. If I don't try to use MPASM as the assembler all I get when trying to compile is an error message saying that the file ...MSCP\run.pif can't be run because it's not compatible with the 64bit version of Windows. If I try to use MPASM, well then there's the other error as well. Frustrating.


  4. #4
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    I am using MPASM too.
    Probably not a big enough difference but I have the "see through" title bars turned off. My win7 looks kind of like XP.

    What happens if you try compiling from the command line or make your own BAT file to run?
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  5. #5
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    Probably not the best thing to do security wise, but ...

    You might try disabling the UAC.

  6. #6
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    Well, I have Aero turned off too, have it set to "XP-theme". MELABS says that one must use MPASM with 64bit versions of Windows so trying not to wasn't a good idea on my behalf. Still, when using MPASM it gives me more errors.

    Darrel, I'll give that UAC thing a try. I've already set MCSP to run as Administrator but perhaps there are other things that need to as well. Turning it off - at least temporarily - will show if that is where the problem is. However, since the error message specifically complains about a 16bit program (run.pif) not being compatible with the 64bit version of Windows I wonder.... Still, MELABS is indicating that it's supposed to work and obviously it IS working for mackrackit. My typical luck I guess...

    Will try a command line compile too.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by HenrikOlsson View Post
    Darrel, I'll give that UAC thing a try. I've already set MCSP to run as Administrator but perhaps there are other things that need to as well. Turning it off - at least temporarily - will show if that is where the problem is. However, since the error message specifically complains about a 16bit program (run.pif) not being compatible with the 64bit version of Windows I wonder.... Still, MELABS is indicating that it's supposed to work and obviously it IS working for mackrackit. My typical luck I guess...
    It's a long shot, I admit.
    But since it can be turned on and off easily, I thought it would be worth a try.

    I've actually been searching (almost continuously) for the last 3 days for some kind of answer to that very question.

    Win7-64 seems to be rather fickle.
    Sometimes everything works fine. Other times something is different and people just can't get it working.

    The UAC was the best sounding answer I found online. But I have no way to test it.

    Hope it helps,

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    Tried the UAC thing - didn't make any difference. Tried a comand line compile:
    C:\PIC\PBP\PBPW -ampasmwin test.pbp
    but then it said it couldn't find MPASM. Looked at the manual which said to read the MPLAB.txt file on the disk but there's no such file on my v2.60 CD as far as I can see.

    Did a little searching on how to "set the path" and added the path to the MPASM Suite directory but still no luck - can't find MPASM.... I actually copy-pasted the path from explorer to the path text field so it should be correct - or shouldn't it?

    I e-mailed Mecanique this morning but haven't got any response, only been a couple of hours though...but based on previous issues I don't really expect any help from them :-(

    Sorry if I sound frustrated, it's because I am....

    (Going back to the tiny netbook....)

  9. #9
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    Do you need to reinstall MPASM? You can download it off the microchip website if need be. One way to test your mpasm installation is to run MPASMWIN.exe (if you can find it). It should be able to assemble some *.asm files. Sorry, I don't have 7, just love (cough ... cough...) my Vista too much!

  10. #10
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    Can you try an older version of PBP and MPASM?

    Like I said, I am still using PBP 2.5 and the MPASM that shipped with it.

    I have not upgraded to PBP2.6 yet because of the known bugs, maybe this is another one??
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  11. #11
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    Hi guys,
    Again, I appologise for the frustration.... I found the MPLAB.txt mentioned in the manual - not on the disc but in the PBP directory - no info about setting the path variable there though. However, I found this page on the MELABS site where it says to restart the system after changing the path... I didn't do that before....Now I have and I AM able to compile from the command line which ineed is a step in the right direction. Still no go with MCSP though.

    Perhaps I need to switch to MPLAB as the IDE. I really do (did) like the seamless workflow that MCSP offers though, I'd be prepared to pay for it again if they made it work properly on newer computers/OS's


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    I just got some feedback from Charles(meLabs) that may help.

    Apparently, when installing from an older MCSP CD, you have to switch to compatibility mode to get the online-update to work, which you already found out.

    But once you get it updated to then it has the version that was written for Vista, and compatibility mode is not needed anymore, and will give the .pif error message.

    Turning compatibility off again should make MCS work with Win7-64.


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    Indeed it does!! Whohoo!! :-) It never crossed my mind to try to switch the compatibillity mode BACK again after getting it to update - live and learn.

    And I just minutes ago sent MELABS an E-mail asking if they knew anything about the issue which they apparently did. Oh well, it's a good thing it's getting 'out there' as I'm sure I'm not the last one running into it. Hopefully they'll put a note up on their support page as well.

    As usual I really appreciate the help Darrel! I hope you do get some time to do some coding for your self and not spending it all on helping frustrated guys like me, that would make me feel bad.

    Thanks again!

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    Quote Originally Posted by HenrikOlsson View Post
    I hope you do get some time to do some coding for your self and not spending it all on helping frustrated guys like me, that would make me feel bad.
    That's my problem.
    I have no reason to write code for myself.
    Not like I could run a business and sell things, with TAX forms, and incorporation forms, and more tax forms, and workers comp, and compliance inspections, and tax forms and ....

    I'd rather just help you guys.


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    I'd rather just help you guys.
    Darrel, you're in CA. Are you north or south of the Golden Gate?
    If you're anywhere near the north bay area I'd like to make it a point to shake your hand and buy you a pint or 2 of your favorite!

    All the willing help you give us poor folks... ya can't help a love a guy like that. My hat's off to you, and if we ever meet the first couple of rounds are on me.

    Thanks for all the help you give here!


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    Oh, for the day's when you could order beer on-line and ship it to anyone you wanted.
    I used to get a lot of beer in the mail.

    Now I have to drive 430 miles (distance from me to Golden Gate bridge).
    What's the world coming to ...

    I will take you up on it though, if I get there.

    Your 1's and 0's seem to be rather intact for a "Butcher".
    Maybe it was the "before" picture?

  17. #17
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    Smile "Your 1's and 0's seem to be rather intact.."

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    Your 1's and 0's seem to be rather intact for a "Butcher".
    Maybe it was the "before" picture?
    Must be a digital avatar, nothing larger than a 1 smaller than a 0. Or a PBP item integers only.
    Ohm it's not just a good idea... it's the LAW !

  18. #18
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    Default bread

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    Oh, for the day's when you could order beer on-line and ship it to anyone you wanted.
    I used to get a lot of beer in the mail.

    Now I have to drive 430 miles (distance from me to Golden Gate bridge).
    What's the world coming to ...

    I will take you up on it though, if I get there.
    Well, if you're 430 south of the gate, then you're probably 500 from me.
    But you may get a beer out of me yet before it's all over...
    Love to meet you someday and say "Thanks!" in person, but until then you get a cyberThanks and I'll see what I can do about the beer.

    Thanks for all the help you give us! You put a lot of great code and wisdom on the table for us knowledge hungry folks.


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    Your 1's and 0's seem to be rather intact for a "Butcher".
    I finally get it.

    You're the Byte_Butcher, not the Bit_Butcher.

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