Hi All.

I am using PBP 2.50c and am waiting for PBP 2.60 upgrade to be delivered.

Getting back to PIC USB programming after about a six month break between projects. I put together another PIC 18F2550 circuit fairly easily that works on old code created (Thanks again Darrel Taylor), but when I went to edit and re-compile the code, I get the following error, no matter what:
ERROR: Unable to execute mpasmwin.

I have changed the directory to something shorter and without any spaces in the name. After a search in this forum, the following link is referred to, but after installing the MPLab plugin, I do not find the stated BAT file in the PBP install directory.

THEN, after giving up hours later on MPLab, I re-installed Microcode Studio and when this program goes to compile, it errors stating that it cannot create a Run.bat file.

Any ideas? Any help is appreciated.