I have teh following problem:

PIC12F675 on GPIO 5 I have a buzzer that runs on 5V 11mA.
When I connect it to the Microcontroller and High GPIO5 the Buzzer won't give a the right sound. It makes a little sound. When i connect it directly to the 5 Volt it give the right sound.

It looks like the PIC can't drive the current thats needed. When I take a look at the datasheet it says GPIO can drive 25mA.

This is the code I use

@ DEVICE pic12F675, INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT ; System Clock Options
@ DEVICE pic12F675, WDT_ON ; Watchdog Timer
@ DEVICE pic12F675, PWRT_ON ; Power-On Timer
@ DEVICE pic12F675, MCLR_OFF ; Master Clear Options (Internal)
@ DEVICE pic12F675, BOD_ON ; Brown-Out Detect
@ DEVICE pic12F675, CPD_OFF ; Data Memory Code Protect

cmcon = 7 ' Comparator OFF

TRISIO = %00000 ' Set all I/O's to outputs

Buzzer VAR GPIO.5 'Lade schakelaar

Buzzer = 1