I have some problem in my project.
My project is wireless sensor node for monitoring indoor air quality. The sensor that i used are humidity and temperature sensor.. I have a PIC16F877-20/P. This pic act as micro controller for my project. I want design a project of "wireless sensor node" =hardware of the sensor node. i design for the 3 node of the hardware. PIC will detect temperature and humidity from the sensor that I plug in at PortA.0 and PortA1. This PIC will convert the data in analog from the sensor to digital. After that the data will sent to PC using transceiver (AO545) that I plug in at port C. How to write the code using PICBASIC PRO....

The PC will send character "start" to PIC. PIC will start monitor the temperature and humidity and send the data to PC. The data will transfer the data every 1 hour and every sensor node has delay of 10 minute.."

P/S-i hope anybody can help me...