Serin with 16F876

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Serin with 16F876

    I am trying to read the serial (RS232) input on LEDs, connected to PORTB of the 16F876.
    (Later this will be part of a larger application, I need both PORTB and PORTC as outputs.)
    I am using an FTDI USB cable for the serial input.
    I can see on an oscilloscope that serial information is indeed generated, but no display on the LEDs.
    Probably I am overlooking something obvious(!), but I even can't get this simple test setup working.
    I am sending 8 bits, no parity, 9600 Baud.
    This is the code I am testing:

    '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    '* PORTA.0 = Serial input                                                  
    '* PORTB = Outputs to LEDs + 1 K.ohm resitors                     
    '* /MCRL to +5 V through 4.7 K.ohm resistor                         
    '* Oscillator 20 MHz.                                               
    '* 16F876                                                            
    '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
    TRISA= %00000001                             ' PORTA.0 = Input 
    TRISB= %00000000                             ' PORTB = Outputs                              
    ADCON1=7                                     ' Digital mode
    DEFINE OSC 20                                ' 20 MHZ OSC.
    Value   var    byte                          ' Value from port
    PORTB = 0                                    ' Start with all LEDs off
       Serin PORTA.0, 6, Value                   ' 9600 Baud, inverted 
    '  Serin PORTA.0, 2, Value                   ' 9600 Baud, normal  
       PORTB = Value
    goto again
    Where do I go wrong?
    (Just to check, I tried 'normal' and 'inverted' mode.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    Default Re: Serin with 16F876

    its all guesswork with no config word setting offered;

    it's more than likely the osc won't function reliably @20mhz with the default pbp xt osc config

    can you even flash a led ?
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

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    Default Re: Serin with 16F876

    No idea what was wrong, but now it works.
    (It may have been the FTDI USB to serial cable.)

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