Mouse example is not working in Pic18F2450

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Default Mouse example is not working in Pic18F2450

    Hello all,

    I am new to USB.

    I have been trying for more than a week to get the mouse example working in Pic18F2450 but it either doesn't get recognized by PC or it says unknown usb device.

    I am using PicBasic Pro 2.60 and Pic uses external 24Mhz crystal in low speed usb.

    Here is the code:

        Include    "hid_desc.bas"    ' Include the HID descriptors
    Define  OSC     24
    buffer    Var    Byte[3]
    loopcnt    Var    Byte
    state    Var    Byte
        Pause 10
        USBInit            ' Get USB going
        buffer[0] = 0
        buffer[1] = 0
        buffer[2] = 0
        For state = 0 To 3    ' Move through each state
            For loopcnt = 1 To 16    ' 16 steps in each direction
                Branch state, [up, right, down, left]
                buffer[1] = 0
                buffer[2] = -2
                Goto endgame
                buffer[1] = 0
                buffer[2] = 2
                Goto endgame
                buffer[1] = -2
                buffer[2] = 0
                Goto endgame
                buffer[1] = 2
                buffer[2] = 0
                USBService    ' Must service USB regularly
                USBOut 1, buffer, 3, endgame    ' Send buffer to endpoint 1
            Next loopcnt
        Next state
        Goto movecursor        ' Do it forever

    Descriptor code:

    ' hid_desc.bas
    'USBMEMORYADDRESS Con    $400    ' USB RAM starts here (set in device header file)
    USBMEMORYSIZE    Con    256    ' USB RAM size in bytes
    USBReservedMemory Var Byte[USBMEMORYSIZE] USBMEMORYADDRESS    ' Reserve memory used by USB assembler code
        Goto    hid_desc_end    ' Skip over all of the USB assembler code
    #define USB_EP0_BUFF_SIZE    8    ; 8, 16, 32, or 64
    #define USB_MAX_NUM_INT        1
    #define USB_MAX_EP_NUMBER    1
    #define NUM_CONFIGURATIONS    1
    #define NUM_INTERFACES        1
    ;#define USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO
    #define USB_POLLING
    ; HID
    ; Endpoints Allocation
    #define HID_INTF_ID        0x00
    #define HID_EP            1
    #define HID_INT_OUT_EP_SIZE    3
    #define HID_INT_IN_EP_SIZE    3
    #define HID_NUM_OF_DSC        1
        include    "usb_hid.asm"    ; Include rest of USB files, starting with HID class code
    ; ******************************************************************
    ; This table is polled by the host immediately after USB Reset has been released.
    ; This table defines the maximum packet size EP0 can take.
    ; See section 9.6.1 of the Rev 1.0 USB specification.
    ; These fields are application DEPENDENT. Modify these to meet
    ; your specifications.
    ; ******************************************************************
        retlw    (EndDeviceDescriptor-DeviceDescriptor)/2    ; Size of this descriptor in bytes
        retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE    ; DEVICE descriptor type
        retlw    0x10        ; USB Spec Release Number in BCD format - 1.10 (low byte)
        retlw    0x01        ; (high byte)
        retlw    0x00        ; Class Code
        retlw    0x00        ; Subclass code
        retlw    0x00        ; Protocol code
        retlw    USB_EP0_BUFF_SIZE    ; Max packet size for EP0
        retlw    0xD8        ; Vendor ID - 0x04D8 is Microchip Vendor ID (low byte)
        retlw    0x04        ; (high byte)
        retlw    0x00        ; Product ID: Mouse in a circle fw demo (low byte)
        retlw    0x00        ; (high byte)
        retlw    0x03        ; Device release number in BCD format (low byte)
        retlw    0x00        ; (high byte)
        retlw    0x01        ; Manufacturer string index
        retlw    0x02        ; Product string index
        retlw    0x00        ; Device serial number string index
        retlw    NUM_CONFIGURATIONS    ; Number of possible configurations
    ; ******************************************************************
    ; This table is retrieved by the host after the address has been set.
    ; This table defines the configurations available for the device.
    ; See section 9.6.2 of the Rev 1.0 USB specification (page 184).
    ; These fields are application DEPENDENT. 
    ; Modify these to meet your specifications.
    ; ******************************************************************
    ; Configuration pointer table
        db    low Config1, high Config1
        db    upper Config1, 0
    ; Configuration Descriptor
        retlw    (Interface1-Config1)/2    ; Size of this descriptor in bytes
        retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION    ; CONFIGURATION descriptor type
        retlw    low ((EndConfig1-Config1)/2)    ; Total length of data for this cfg
        retlw    high ((EndConfig1-Config1)/2)
        retlw    NUM_INTERFACES    ; Number of interfaces in this cfg
        retlw    0x01        ; Index value of this configuration
        retlw    0x00        ; Configuration string index
        retlw    _DEFAULT|_SELF    ; Attributes
        retlw    50        ; Max power consumption (2X mA)
        retlw    (HIDDescriptor1-Interface1)/2    ; Size of this descriptor in bytes
        retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE    ; INTERFACE descriptor type
        retlw    0x00        ; Interface Number
        retlw    0x00        ; Alternate Setting Number
        retlw    0x01        ; Number of endpoints in this intf
        retlw    HID_INTF    ; Class code
        retlw    BOOT_INTF_SUBCLASS    ; Subclass code
        retlw    HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE    ; Protocol code
        retlw    0x00        ; Interface string index
        retlw    (Endpoint1-HIDDescriptor1)/2    ; Size of this descriptor in bytes
        retlw    DSC_HID        ; HID descriptor type
        retlw    0x11        ; HID Spec Release Number in BCD format - 1.11 (low byte)
        retlw    0x01        ; (high byte)
        retlw    0x00        ; Country Code (0x00 for Not supported)
        retlw    HID_NUM_OF_DSC    ; Number of class descriptors
        retlw    DSC_RPT        ; Report descriptor type (HID)
        retlw    low ((EndReportDescriptor1-ReportDescriptor1)/2)
        retlw    high ((EndReportDescriptor1-ReportDescriptor1)/2)
        retlw    (EndConfig1-Endpoint1)/2    ; Size of this descriptor in bytes
        retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT    ; ENDPOINT descriptor type
        retlw    HID_EP|_EP_IN    ; Endpoint Address
        retlw    _INT        ; Attributes
        retlw    low (HID_INT_IN_EP_SIZE)    ; Size of the endpoint buffer in bytes (low byte)
        retlw    high (HID_INT_IN_EP_SIZE)    ; (high byte)
        retlw    0x0A        ; Polling interval (10ms)
        retlw   0x05
        retlw   0x01    ; usage page (generic desktop)
        retlw   0x09
        retlw   0x02    ; usage (mouse)
        retlw   0xA1
        retlw   0x01    ; collection (application)
        retlw   0x09
        retlw   0x01    ;   usage (pointer)
        retlw   0xA1
        retlw   0x00    ;   collection (linked)
        retlw   0x05
        retlw   0x09    ;     usage page (buttons)
        retlw   0x19
        retlw   0x01    ;     usage minimum (1)
        retlw   0x29
        retlw   0x03    ;     usage maximum (3)
        retlw   0x15
        retlw   0x00    ;     logical minimum (0)
        retlw   0x25
        retlw   0x01    ;     logical maximum (1)
        retlw   0x95
        retlw   0x03    ;     report count (3)
        retlw   0x75
        retlw   0x01    ;     report size (1)
        retlw   0x81
        retlw   0x02    ;     input (3 button bits)
        retlw   0x95
        retlw   0x01    ;     report count (1)
        retlw   0x75
        retlw   0x05    ;     report size (5)
        retlw   0x81
        retlw   0x01    ;     input (constant 5 bit padding)
        retlw   0x05
        retlw   0x01    ;     usage page (generic desktop)
        retlw   0x09
        retlw   0x30    ;     usage (X)
        retlw   0x09
        retlw   0x31    ;     usage (Y)
        retlw   0x15
        retlw   0x81    ;     logical minimum (-127)
        retlw   0x25
        retlw   0x7F    ;     logical maximum (127)
        retlw   0x75
        retlw   0x08    ;     report size (8)
        retlw   0x95
        retlw   0x02    ;     report count (2)
        retlw   0x81
        retlw   0x06    ;     input (2 position bytes X & Y)
        retlw   0xC0    ;   end collection
        retlw   0xC0    ; end collection
    ; String pointer table
        db    low String0, high String0
        db    upper String0, 0
        db    low String1, high String1
        db    upper String1, 0
        db    low String2, high String2
        db    upper String2, 0
    ; Language code string descriptor
        retlw   (String1-String0)/2    ; Size of this descriptor in bytes
        retlw   USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING    ; STRING descriptor type
        retlw   0x09        ; Language ID as defined by MS - 0x0409 (low byte)
        retlw   0x04        ; (high byte)
    ; Manufacturer string descriptor
        retlw   (String2-String1)/2    ; Size of this descriptor in bytes
        retlw   USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING    ; STRING descriptor type
        retlw   'M'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'i'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'c'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'r'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'o'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'c'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'h'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'i'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'p'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   ' '
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'T'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'e'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'c'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'h'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'n'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'o'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'l'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'o'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'g'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'y'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   ' '
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'I'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'n'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'c'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   '.'
        retlw   0x00
    ; Product string descriptor
        retlw   (EndStringDescriptors-String2)/2    ; Size of this descriptor in bytes
        retlw   USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING    ; STRING descriptor type
        retlw   'M'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'o'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'u'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   's'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'e'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   ' '
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'I'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'n'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   ' '
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'a'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   ' '
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'C'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'i'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'r'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'c'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'l'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'e'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   ' '
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'D'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'e'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'm'
        retlw   0x00
        retlw   'o'
        retlw   0x00
    hid_desc_end            ' End of skipped over USB assembler code

    Any idea?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

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    Default Re: Mouse example is not working in Pic18F2450

    Did you set fuse PLLDIV = 6?
    PLL expect 4MHz input clock. So you must set correct divider for your crystal oscillator.

  3. #3

    Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No

    Default Re: Mouse example is not working in Pic18F2450

    It is no trival task to set the clock fuses correctly on an unfamiliar PIC. I suggest that you set your fuses for the required rate, then write a program that flashes a LED at a known rate (eg 1 per sec), then ensure that reality agrees by manuallly timing by conting flashes.

    Your enquiry re. low speed piqued my interest. Having never used low speed I did a little googling and came up with some contradictory "answers". See and

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