; *
; Project: 65C02_Clock *
; File: 16F18313_Clock.asm *
; Author: Mike McLaren, K8LH *
; (C)2016: Micro Application Consultants *
; : All Rights Reserved *
; Date: 04-Apr-2016 *
; *
; 16F18313 Clock-Gen + Econo-Reset for 65C02 (8-MHz crystal) *
; produces a 1, 2, 4, or 8 MHz CPU clock and an ACIA clock. *
; *
; IDE: MPLABX v3.05 *
; Lang: MPASM v5.62 (absolute addressing mode) *
; *
#include <p16F18313.INC>
errorlevel -302,-311 ; suppress bank warnings
list st=off ; symbol table off
radix dec
; config settings ~
; CLKOUTEN_OFF default
; CSWEN_ON default
; MCLRE_ON default
; PWRTE_OFF default
; LPBOREN_OFF default
; BOREN_ON default
; BOREN_LOW default
; STVREN_ON default
; DEBUG_OFF default
; WRT_OFF default
; variables ~
cblock 0x70 ; common RAM available any bank
delayhi ; DelayCy() subsystem variable
; constants ~
; assign clock and reset pins (RA0..RA2 inclusive).
PHI0_clk equ RA0 ; bit index for RA0 (0)
ACIA_clk equ RA1 ; bit index for RA1 (1)
RESB_out equ RA2 ; bit index for RA2 (2)
; associate to "Peripheral Pin Select" output registers.
PHI0_PPS equ RA0PPS+PHI0_clk ; equ RA0PPS
; set 'CLKR_div' constant for desired 65C02 clock frequency.
; 6 -> 0.5-MHz (Fosc / 64)
; 5 -> 1.0-MHz (Fosc / 32)
; 4 -> 2.0-MHz (Fosc / 16)
; 3 -> 4.0-MHz (Fosc / 8)
; 2 -> 8.0-MHz (Fosc / 4)
; 1 -> 16.0-MHz (Fosc / 2)
CLKR_div equ 4 ; 2.0-MHz PHI0 CPU clock
; set 'NCO1_inc' constant for desired ACIA clock output.
; 2517 -> 38400-Hz ( 2400 * 16) @ 0.01659%
; 5033 -> 76800-Hz ( 4800 * 16) @ 0.00327%
; 10066 -> 153600-Hz ( 9600 * 16) @ 0.00327%
; 20133 -> 307200-Hz ( 19200 * 16) @ 0.00169%
; 40265 -> 614400-Hz ( 38400 * 16) @ 0.00079%
; 60398 -> 921600-Hz ( 57600 * 16) @ 0.00004%
; 120796 -> 1843200-Hz (115200 * 16) @ 0.00004%
; 241592 -> 3686400-Hz (230400 * 16) @ 0.00004%
NCO1_inc equ 120796 ; 1.8432-MHz (115200 * 16)
; K8LH DelayCy() subsystem macro generates four instructions ~
radix dec
clock equ 32 ; 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 (MHz), etc.
usecs equ clock/4 ; cycles/microsecond multiplier
msecs equ usecs*1000 ; cycles/millisecond multiplier
dloop equ 5 ; loop size, 5 to ??? cycles
; -- loop -- -- delay range -- -- memory overhead ----------
; 5-cyc loop, 11..327690 cycles, 9 words (+4 each macro call)
; 6-cyc loop, 11..393226 cycles, 10 words (+4 each macro call)
; 7-cyc loop, 11..458762 cycles, 11 words (+4 each macro call)
; 8-cyc loop, 11..524298 cycles, 12 words (+4 each macro call)
; 9-cyc loop, 11..589834 cycles, 13 words (+4 each macro call)
DelayCy macro cycles ; range, see above
if (cycles<11)|(cycles>(dloop*65536+10))
error " DelayCy range error "
movlw high((cycles-11)/dloop)+1
movwf delayhi
movlw low ((cycles-11)/dloop)
call uLoop-((cycles-11)%dloop)
; reset vector ~
org 0x0000
bra setup ; |00
; interrupt vector ~
org 0x0004
retfie ; |??
; main setup ~
; turn off analog functions (all I/O will be digital).
banksel ANSELA ; bank 03 |03
clrf ANSELA ; analog off, digital I/O |03
; setup data direction for 'output' pins (default 'input').
banksel TRISA ; bank 01 |01
bcf TRISA,PHI0_clk ; set phi0 clock pin as output |01
bcf TRISA,ACIA_clk ; set acia clock pin as output |01
bcf TRISA,RESB_out ; set resb reset pin as output |01
; clear RESB pin output latch (hold the 65C02 in reset).
banksel LATA ; bank 02 |02
bcf LATA,RESB_out ; RESB_out = '0' |02
; setup Fosc for 32-MHz (external 8-MHz crystal and 4xPLL).
banksel OSCCON1 ; bank 18 |18
movlw b'00010000' ; -001---- NOSC[2:0], Ext 4xPLL |18
; ----0000 NDIV[3:0], Clk Div 1 |18
movwf OSCCON1 ; 8-MHz Xtal & 4xPLL -> 32-MHz |18
btfss OSCCON3,ORDY ; OSC stable? yes, skip, else |18
bra stable ; loop (wait until OSC stable) |18
; assign PHI0_clk pin (RA0) and ACIA_clk pin (RA1) resources
; via 'Peripheral Pin Select'.
banksel PPSLOCK ; bank 28 |28
movlw 0x55 ; PPS unlock sequence |28
movwf PPSLOCK ; " |28
movlw 0xAA ; " |28
movwf PPSLOCK ; " |28
banksel PHI0_PPS ; bank 29 |29
movlw b'00011110' ; assign CLKR (Ref Clock) output |29
movwf PHI0_PPS ; to the PHI0 clock pin (RA0) |29
movlw b'00011101' ; assign NCO module output to |29
movwf ACIA_PPS ; the ACIA clock pin (RA1) |29
banksel PPSLOCK ; bank 28 |28
bsf PPSLOCK,PPSLOCKED ; all done, lock it up |28
; setup CLKR (Reference Clock) module for PHI0 CPU Clock.
banksel CLKRCON ; bank 07 |07
movlw 0x10|CLKR_div ; 50% duty cycle & divider bits |07
movwf CLKRCON ; prep 1, 2, 4, or 8-MHz output |07
bsf CLKRCON,CLKREN ; enable Reference Clock output |07
; setup NCO to generate the ACIA clock.
banksel NCO1CON ; bank 08 |08
; bcf NCO1CON,N1PFM ; fixed duty cycle mode (default) |08
movlw b'00000001' ; N1CKS<1:0> = '01' = Fosc |08
movwf NCO1CLK ; set NCO clock source |08
clrf NCO1ACCL ; clear 20-bit phase accumulator |08
clrf NCO1ACCH ; " |08
clrf NCO1ACCU ; " |08
movlw upper(NCO1_inc) ; " |08
movwf NCO1INCU ; " |08
movlw high(NCO1_inc) ; " |08
movwf NCO1INCH ; " |08
movlw low(NCO1_inc) ; setup 20-bit phase increment |08
movwf NCO1INCL ; " |08
bsf NCO1CON,N1EN ; enable NCO module output |08
; complete the 65C02 reset cycle.
DelayCy(20*msecs) ; wait ~20-msecs |08
banksel LATA ; bank 02 |02
bsf LATA,RESB_out ; release 65C02 from reset |02
; main loop ~
bra loop ; loop forever (until reset) |02
; K8LH DelayCy() subsystem 16-bit 'uLoop' timing subroutine ~
a = dloop-1
while a > 0
nop ; (cycles-11)%dloop entry points |??
a -= 1
uLoop addlw -1 ; subtract 'dloop' loop time |??
skpc ; borrow? no, skip, else |??
decfsz delayhi,F ; done? yes, skip, else |??
bra uLoop-dloop+5 ; do another loop |??
return ; |??