Hi All,
Wonder if anyone would take a look at this and tell me where I'm missing it.
This started as http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=64209 and I have made a bit of progress but I could still use some fresh eyes (and more brain cells) I must be searching for the wrong terms as I can not seem to come up with how to handle the data once I get it.

This seems like it would give me the different bytes (sync, address, and command) but it stumbles when it tries to get the command byte. I get an echo for the sync and the address, but it won't grab the command. Seems to lock up too. Any suggestions? At least a link or two where I can learn more. BTW, I have been devouring Jan Axelson's Serial Port Complete book. Some help, but not on the parsing.

            'Based on Hserin with Darryl Taylor's Instant Interrupts
   '   Program to echo incoming serial data.
   ' RX SYNC byte, if good: ADDRESS byte, if good: COMMAND
    ' MPASM, LabX-1 , PBP2.47, Using PIC 16F877A @ 4mHz, 9600 Baud
    ' Using Hardware USART and MAX232 to MCS Serial Communicator on PC

        DEFINE OSC 4
        DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' enable serial port, 
        define HSER_TXSTA 24h ' enable transmit, 
        define HSER_SPBRG 25  ' set baudrate to 9600                   
        DEFINE HSER_CLOERR  1 ' automatic clear overrun error  
        TRISD = $00000000     'D to outputs for the LEDs
        TRISC  = %10000000    ' PORTC.7 is the RX input, PORTC.6 is the TX output
        ADCON1 = %00001111    'Set up ADCON1 register no matter what yr doing!!!                      
INCLUDE "MODEDEFS.BAS"       ' Include Shiftin/out modes
INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"     ' Base Interrupt System
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"     ' Include if using PBP interrupts
    '   Variable definition
RCIF       VAR     PIR1.5     ' Receive  interrupt flag (1=full , 0=empty)
TXIF       VAR     PIR1.4     ' Transmit interrupt flag (1=empty, 0=full)
led0       var     PORTD.0
led1       var     PORTD.1
led2       var     PORTD.2
led7       var     PORTD.7
led0count  var     byte
led2count  var     byte
state      var     byte       'storage for condition bits
holdoff    var     word
CmdBuf     var     byte       'command for the pwm or acknowledge
SerialData var     byte       ' 

ID con "A"                    'simple address, later 256

led2count = %00000001
state = 0
INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
        INT_Handler   RX_INT,    _Getbytes,    PBP,  no
    INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor

@   INT_ENABLE  RX_INT       ; enable RX_INT interrupts

hserout ["start"]               'splash screen to verify comm
HSEROUT [10]                    ' CR to start new line on terminal program

        for holdoff = 1 to 500
        pause 1
        next holdoff
        led0count = led0count + 1
        led0 = led0count.0      'toggle led every loop for heartbeat  
        goto Mainloop

'*********** 'ISR for RX_int interrupt ***************************************
       While RCIF = 1                    ' clear the buffer
       HSERIN 100,error,[Serialdata]     ' Get serial
       led2count = led2count + 1         ' Incr heartbeat
       led2 = led2count.0                'led to confirm program went to RX ISR
        if SerialData = "U" then GoodSync
          if serialdata = ID then GoodAdr  
             if state = %00000011 then GoodCmd 'good sync and address(ID)
       state.1=0                          'If not Sync & ID, retry
       hserout ["Sync: ",SerialData]
       HSEROUT [10]                       'Carriage Return
       state.0 = 1                        'set sync good flag                              

       hserout ["Adr: ",serialdata]
       hserout [10]
       state.1 = 1                         'got a good address
        CmdBuf = serialdata                'store the command 
        hserout ["Cmd: ",CmdBuf]           'send Command and CR
        HSEROUT [10]
        state.1=0                          'reset the address verification   

      Toggle led7
Thanks for any direction.... At least a sound a horn so that I can get out of the fog :-)
