I have two pics I'd like to send a few bytes between at varying times. Pic1 (18f2525 @ 20 mhz) and Pic2 (16f876 @ 4 mhz). Darrel Taylor's instant interrupts in use! Thanks again Darrel.

My thought is to send a pulse to RB0 INT/INT of the receiving pic to let it know something is coming and after a short pause, ISR will receive the bytes on RB0, 6 bytes max always in the same order, and go back to what it was doing. Both pics would be set up the same way. Poor planning and lack of forward thinking finds RC6 and RC7 on both pics used up already.

Question #1. can I change the operation of RB0 on the fly within the ISR to receive the bytes and then change back and return from the interrupt?

Question #2. How should I be generating the pulse for the interrupt trigger? Pulseout or toggle the pin with a pauseus?

I've read many threads about Pic to Pic comm but my brain keeps circling around this option.

Question #3. Is this feasible or should I go back and reread those other threads?

As always thanks for any suggestions.