I ve tried to modify the original code made by Melanie, but without success :-( ... already tried to read info in the PBP manual but there is nohing usefull...
Is there any way of using a banner like the one made by the "Master":-) in the Olympic timer but that passes variables and text?!? ...like after having read the temperature value ( in the 1820 e.g. that comes in the PBP) use only the integer part and print it with some text ...
I don’t see how Melanie passes the DATA values to the DATAA used in the scroll procedure…
Any help would be great, as i am trying to make a system without buttons that passes all the info/variables in a scroll type after a certain time....

thanks in advance.

BTW, in the Mikrobasic compiler there is a nice command that makes the LCD text fade to left or right >> lcd_cmd( LCD_SHIFT_LEFT) << i guess that this not possible in PBP :-( ...at least as easier ... am i wrong ? or how can this be done in PBP ?