I am trying to get a 16F84 to communicate with a EM2 MSF receiver module via MCM-RS232 Decoder module, which I got from Maplins (part nos MK68 & MK73), but with out sucess.

My basic code is as follows:

main: serout tx,3,["h",13] 'start receiving

serout tx,3,["o",13] 'get time
serin rx,3,[ht,hu,mt,mu,st,su,wk,mnt,mnu,dt,du,yt,yu,BST,stat, cr]

if cr<>13 then main 'no carrige return

LCDOUT $FE,1,#ht,#hu,":",#mt,#mu,":",#st,#su
LCDOUT $FE,$C0,#dt,#du,"/",#mnt,#mnu,"/",#yt,#yu

goto main

Has anyone any experience with these modules if so I would be grateful of any help.

Many Thanks
