Roman Black Sound (btc)

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  1. #1
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    Default Roman Black Sound (btc)

    (Split from a different thread)<hr>
    Roman, ssssat You?

    I have done the btc stuff in PBP.
    Worked really well. (depending on bit rate vs RC constant etc)
    OK, well it made sounds even if they didn't match, just not quite as good.

    Reproduced a few wav files, like spock saying "Fascinating" and a couple others.

    But frankly, I got stuck because the conversion program wouldn't open a sound file made after about say 1998 or so. (guesstimate).

    Any sound files I find these days didn't work.

    To my constant "dismay", I can only report that I lost the entire program in a hard disk crash. I know, sounds like the "Dog ate my homework" but really, that's what happened.

    But anyhow, I remember exactly how it was done, and could probably reproduce it, even better since I know how it works. It might even be worth the effort, if the conversion program works better now??????

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by Darrel Taylor; - 12th February 2008 at 23:00. Reason: Moved posts

  2. #2
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    Hmmmm, "Dog ate my homework"?? (grin)

    Hi Darrel, yes it's me. Have we met before?

    Cool that you got the BTc working for BASIC! I would love to get a PICBASIC version available to put on my web page or link to on my page.

    I don't have a huge amount of time available but I can provide some input or help, and I can also add some "export to BASIC" facility to the 2.0 BTc Encoder if you think it would be popular on the forum for PIC BASIC users.

    Please check out the new BTc Encoder, it fixes that bug that wouldn't open some windows-generated .WAV files. It also has some real powerful features like dynamic compression and re-sampling data rates. Things that I had been promising to add for years.

  3. #3
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    >> Have we met before?

    We have not.
    We've talked about your program's a few times around here. I just didn't expect to see you.


    I've looked at the new encoder. It's definately works much better now.
    Nice new features too.

    Looks like I've got some re-creating to do.

    >> and I can also add some "export to BASIC" facility to the 2.0 BTc Encoder if you think ...

    I don't think that will be necessary, since PBP can handle ASM files with ease.
    However, if you were so inclined, it would be nice to have a second ASM output format.

    Something like this would be very helpfull.
    Filename  macro      ; Filename of the original sound (no extensions)
        dw   22050       ; Playback Bitrate
        dw   832         ; Sound Length in bytes
        dw   16          ; bt Constant
        dw   1           ; btc model (0=1bit 1=1.5bit)
        db    0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa    ; The sound data
        db    0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xb5, 0x52, 0x4a, 0xd2, 0x5a    
       ; etc.
    But that's just something to ponder on.

    Once I get it re-created, I'll have a better idea. (no doubt)
    I didn't want to highjack Paul Borgmeier's great thread about your other program, so I've split these posts into to a new thread.

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    Hi again Darrel and thanks for the welcome! In fairness I never work with PICBASIC so you probably won't be seeing much of me here. My main reason for searching forums was to get some feedback on the new release of BTc Encoder 2.0 and get some user examples to link to on my web page. I develop commercial hardware and software so my web page has always been sorely neglected, just a few "hobby" style doodads. I am looking at improving it with some of the voluminous work i've done over the last few years.

    I'll add your suggestion of outputiing BTc sound data as a DW table to my list of things to do. There are a few people getting back to me with suggestions for the new BTc Encoder so I have a feeling that in a few weeks v2.0 will become super v2.1 ha ha!

    Please feel free to contact me by email (or publicly here) if you need anything re the re-creation of your BTc player.

  5. #5
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    Cool btc Player re-creation

    Ok, "Dog ate my homework" might have been a "Good thing".

    Here's a simple "btc Player" that can use any bitrate/btc model.
    It has an easy IMPORT function that embeds the sound in the program data.
    There are 2 "PLAY" functions. PlaySound, and RepeatSound.

    I've changed the format of the ASM files, so this won't be very useful without modifications to the btc encoder. Or an external program can be used to convert the existing ASM/btc files to the new format. I've knocked up a simple program to do that here, but it's really, really ugly. Works for me, but it would be a nightmare for anyone else.

    The new ASM format looks like this ...
    ; Simulated output for DT's suggestion to Roman Black
    btc_bitrate  = 22050       ; Playback Bitrate
    btc_length   = 4270        ; Sound Length in bytes
    btc_btc      = 64          ; bt Constant
    btc_model    = 1           ; btc model (0=1bit 1=1.5bit)
    btc_wordbits = 16          ; 8=retlw, 14=16F's, 16 for 18F
        DB  0xB5,0x6A,0xAA,0x52,0xCA,0xA9,0x4B,0x35,0xAD,0xB6,0xB5,0x9A,0xDB,0x56,0xAA,0xAA
        DB  0xB5,0x55,0x52,0x52,0x52,0x12,0x42,0x20,0x84,0x52,0x99,0x6B,0x5A,0xEE,0xF6,0xF7
        DB  0xBB,0xB7,0x75,0xAC,0xA9,0x14,0x52,0x89,0x25,0x28,0xA9,0x4C,0xA5,0x2A,0x52,0xAA
        ; etc.
    This format allows you to easily Import sound files like this ...
    INCLUDE "DT_RBSound.pbp"
    @    ImportSound  Space, "SpaceNew.asm"
    @    ImportSound  Bang, "Bang1New.asm"
    Each Import line specifies the "Name" to call the sound in the program (Space, Bang), and the associated sound file to load.

    Then to play the sound, you simply ...
    @     PlaySound Bang
    @     RepeatSound Space, 3
    This is a test program that plays a few sounds from a space game, and a line from kirk and spock.

    I've just taken the filtered output from the PIC and fed it into the Line-in of my laptop.
    I think the input is loading down the filter, as it sounds much better when I plug it directly into the sound input of my Viewsonic monitor. An op-amp buffer would probably help.

    Here is the recorded sound from the example.

    ;-- Target = 18F --
    @   __CONFIG    _CONFIG1H, _OSCS_OFF_1H & _HS_OSC_1H
    btc_Pin1  VAR PORTC.2
    btc_Pin2  VAR PORTC.3
    X         VAR BYTE
    Y         VAR BYTE
    INCLUDE "DT_RBSound.pbp"
    @    ImportSound  Space, "SpaceNew.asm"
    @    ImportSound  Bang, "Bang1New.asm"
    @    ImportSound  Hit, "HitNew.asm"
    @    ImportSound  Shoot, "ShootNew.asm"
    @    ImportSound  Fascinating, "FascinatingNew.asm"
    @    ImportSound  Kirk, "BeamUpNew.asm"
    @    ImportSound  BigGun, "RazorNew.asm"
    T1CON = 0
        high LATE_LED
        pause 500
        low LATE_LED
        FOR Y = 1 to 2
            FOR X = 1 to 2
                @ PlaySound BigGun
                Pause 500
            NEXT X
            @ PlaySound Shoot
            Pause 500
        NEXT Y
        @ PlaySound Hit
        Pause 500
        @ RepeatSound Hit,10
        Pause 1000
        @ RepeatSound Shoot, 4
        @ RepeatSound BigGun, 2
        pause 1000
        @ RepeatSound Space, 3
        @ PlaySound Bang
        Pause 500
        @ PlaySound Kirk
        Pause 1000
        @ PlaySound Fascinating
    goto Main
    There are still many things that can be done with it, like having a background sound using interrupts. Playing "segments" of a sound file, and probably many more. But for a quick re-creation, it turned out pretty good.

    The zip file contains the module, demo program and all the sound files needed to compile it.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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    Would be nice have a 14bit core version.

  7. #7
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    Had that in mind with ...
    btc_wordbits = 14          ; 8=retlw, 14=16F's, 16 for 18F
    Although it would have to be encoded as 2, 7-bit bytes packed in a 14-bit word with "DA".

    If Roman has a way to convert it, I got a way to play it.
    errr, I'll have a way to play it. (soon)

  8. #8
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    Wow Darrel! You don't mess around hey? You did that so quick and quite neat and professional too. Maybe I should start coding in basic!

    Just a couple of things;

    1. The code you posted on this page does not include the actual routines that play the sound; PlaySound and RepeatSound. I did find them in the "DT_RBSound.pbp" file that was included in the .ZIP file you posted here. So no drama, I was just confused for a minute how your code worked.

    2. I'm having trouble understanding the format of your stored data! Can you please walk me through the following line;

    btc_wordbits = 16          ; 8=retlw, 14=16F's, 16 for 18F
        DB  0xF8,0x1F,0x80,0xFE,0x01,0xE0,0x3F,0xF8,0x01,0xFF,0x80,0x1F,0xE0,0xDA,0xA9,0x03
        DB  0xFF,0xC0,0x0F,0xFC,0x01,0xFE,0x06,0x55,0xB5,0xA0,0x3F,0xE0,0x1F,0xC1,0x2D,0xFA
    I assume your DB table is BYTES of sound data as converted from my orig .asm "retlw" syntax?

    So what is the difference between 8/14/16 as in your comment? What do I need to code up as export options for BTc Encoder??

    Maybe the btc_wordbits var might be more beginner friendly as "PIC_core_type" var of 14 or 16 for 14bit core PIC and 16bit core PIC respectively?

    Anyway I'm very impressed with what you have put together so quickly and I will link to it on my web page when you are happy that it is all done etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post

    Had that in mind with ...
    btc_wordbits = 14          ; 8=retlw, 14=16F's, 16 for 18F
    Although it would have to be encoded as 2, 7-bit bytes packed in a 14-bit word with "DA".

    If Roman has a way to convert it, I got a way to play it.
    errr, I'll have a way to play it. (soon)
    Umm, now I'm getting more confused! With .asm data tables in 14bit core pics they still only store 8 bits (as a "retlw" instruction). Unless you have a different system in mind?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_RB View Post
    Wow Darrel! You don't mess around hey? You did that so quick and quite neat and professional too. Maybe I should start coding in basic!
    Maybe you should.

    But having done it before, made it real easy to do again.
    The first time took much longer, but this one turned out better. "Good Dog".

    So what is the difference between 8/14/16 as in your comment? What do I need to code up as export options for BTc Encoder??

    Maybe the btc_wordbits var might be more beginner friendly as "PIC_core_type" var of 14 or 16 for 14bit core PIC and 16bit core PIC respectively?
    That's what I started with too, (PIC_type) but then I realized it wasn't really dependant on the Core.
    • An 18F would be able to play files encoded with any of the 3 formats. Although 16-bit data is the most efficient, using the least amount of flash.
    • Many 16F's will be able to play either the retlw or 14-bit encodings. It depends on whether that PIC can read it's own flash or not.
    • For the 16F PIC's that can't access their flash, you're stuck with retlw. But frankly, those PIC's are so small, they wouldn't be able to hold more than a quick "Ding-Dong" sound. Or maybe just the "Ding".
    And that's why I went with btc_wordbits. To reflect the number or bits per word, without giving people the impression you had to use 1 specific type depending on the chip you have. Sound encoded with 14-bit can still run just fine on an 18F.

    Umm, now I'm getting more confused! With .asm data tables in 14bit core pics they still only store 8 bits (as a "retlw" instruction). Unless you have a different system in mind?
    I DO!

    There are a couple ways to do the 14-bit encoding, using the MPASM opcodes DA or DW. You end up with the same thing either way.

    With DA, it takes two 7-bit numbers and packs them into a single 14-bit Word.
    If you were to convert 8-bit data to a 14-bit packed stream, it might look something like this ...
    btc_wordbits = 16          ; 8=retlw, 14=16F's, 16 for 18F
        DB  0xB5,0x6A,0xAA,0x52,0xCA,0xA9,0x4B,0x35,0xAD,0xB6,0xB5,0x9A,0xDB,0x56,0xAA,0xAA
      0xB5  = 1011010 1      ; Shift Right 1 and save the LSB
            = 0x5A
      0x6A  = 1011010 10     ; Rotate extra bit into next value
                             ; Then shift right again for only 7-bits
            = 0x5A
      0xAA  = 1010101 010    ; Rotate 2 in, and 3 out
            = 0x55
      0x52  = 0100101 0010   ; 3 In, 4 out
            = 0x25
          This continues on for another 3 bytes.
          Every 7-bytes, there's an extra byte, and no extra bit's.
          Then you can put the data in a "DA" statement which packs each 2 bytes in a 14-bit word.
    btc_wordbits = 14          ; 8=retlw, 14=16F's, 16 for 18F
       DA  0x5A,0x5A,0x55,0x25,...
    Of course, since you may have the data in a binary stream in your encoder.
    You may just need to take 7-bits at a time, and put them in Bytes.

    Using DW is very similar, except you break the data into 14-bit words, instead of 7-bit bytes.
    Then you can make the data like this.
    btc_wordbits = 14          ; 8=retlw, 14=16F's, 16 for 18F
        DW  0x2D5A,0x2AA5, ...
    And just a quick note on the retlw format.
    All those ORG statements make it impossible to use with PBP because those addresses are occupied by PBP's System Library.
    The problems of Locating the data, and Page switching if it crosses a boundary can be handled in the software. But the data should be allowed to go anywhere in the PIC. Not at predetermined addresses. So there's no real need to have the ORG's in there.

    Anyway I'm very impressed with what you have put together so quickly and I will link to it on my web page when you are happy that it is all done etc.
    And I am impressed with the quality of the sound with such small encoded btc files.
    So we're even.

    While this program is currently written for PBP. The same thing can be made to work in straight ASM too.
    So not only will you get a PicBasic version, you'll get a new ASM one too.

    Once we have it all working, I'll optimize it down to ASM, which should speed it up a bit. Right now it putters out on 44100bps unless using 20mhz crystal or higher. It should be able to play 44100 with a 4mhz crystal, but that'll come later.

    Thanks alot for all your effort. And please take your time.
    I'm sure we both have other things to attend too as well.
    But if you have questions, don't wait.

    Best regards,

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    Roman. Very nice utility you have there. Nice work. I was totally surprised when I ran Darrels' example, and it sounded as good as it did. Way impressive.

    Darrel. I'm always impressed with your macros. I'm really surprised I don't see more of the #V option used in Microchip macro examples. That ImportSound macro was really impressive work. I would have to call that one "art". You just don't see this. Even in some of the more advanced code examples from engineers that work for Mchip.

    You really should write more articles on using built-in PBP macros & using various MPASM macro options. Honestly.

    I also like your use of the EXT option with PBP. Timer1 VAR WORD EXT is really cool, as long as some newbie doesn't setup an 18F part for a 16-bit R/W timer..;o}

    This project has some very serious potential. Background sounds with ints is a major hint. I would bet this could even beat something like the SpeakJet with a little more work.

    I'm looking forward to seeing where this one lands for sure..;o}

    tech at

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    OK thanks for writing that all up Darrel, it all seems to make sense now.

    You are right in that it is probably the best solution for everybody for me just to export the sound data already in the formats you need for PBP. So I need to add 3 export options to the BTc Encoder export menu!

    Lets see if I got this right;
    (with all formats bits are played from left to right)

    1. retlw format for 14 bit core PICs;
    Ok so if I understand you right you want NO ORG statements at all and the sound data formatted vertically like this;
    retlw 0x55 ;
    retlw 0x46 ; (etc)

    2. DA (or DW which do you prefer?) for 14 bit core PICs;
    DA 0x1551, (x8 words per line?)
    (where there are 14 bits from the BTc data stream, and left padded with 2 zeros)

    2. DW (or DB ?) for 16 bit core PICs;
    DW 0x5546, (how many per line?)
    (or) DB 0x55, 0x46 (etc)
    (obviously 16 bits of sound data or 8 bits of sound data)

    I have time over the next 2 weeks to add these 3 export options, if you could just answer the above queries that would be great!

    Re the "small" 14 bit core PICs, the 16F876/877 are still very popular with the hobby crowd and with 15625 Hz playback they will fit about 4 seconds of sound in internal rom which is quite a lot, plenty for talking remote controls and simple user feedback systems etc.

    To Bruce- I agree totally that a cut down int driven version is a good thing. Part of the reason I added freq resampling to the BTc Encode was so people can play sound at any bitrate their int uses, ie like 4mHz/inst and 256 inst/int gives 15,625 Hz which has been a popular playback freq. All the int needs to do it output one bit every int, as you can image that suits low power PIC projects. I have some .asm code of my own for cut down apps which is crude but I will put it up on my page soon anyway. Believe me it has nothing like the elegance of Darrel's code above!

    Also re sound quality, I think maximising volume of Darrel's samples would have given even better sound quality. As the PCM noise is of a fixed amplitude, pumping the signal volume to the max BEFORE encoding yields a major improvement in sound quality.
    Last edited by THE_RB; - 16th February 2008 at 12:59.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post
    Darrel. I'm always impressed with your macros. I'm really surprised I don't see more of the #V option used in Microchip macro examples. That ImportSound macro was really impressive work. I would have to call that one "art". You just don't see this. Even in some of the more advanced code examples from engineers that work for Mchip.
    WOW, thanks Bruce!
    I thought it was cool too, but "Art"?

    And if I wrote it all down, those guy's at mchip would make more money by impressing their bosses. Microchip would make more money by selling more chips. And at best, I get $100 a page, and loose all my best tricks.

    I also like your use of the EXT option with PBP. Timer1 VAR WORD EXT is really cool, as long as some newbie doesn't setup an 18F part for a 16-bit R/W timer..;o}
    Yeah, I should probably stop showing that, just for the Newb reason.
    Or maybe just add an FDA warning on the label....

    <dl><dt>Warning:</dt><dd>Using this program could result is severe gastrointestinal diseases, most commonly in the form of acid reflux, or unspecified severe heartburn. Other symptoms may include but are not limited to, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, or pulmonary problems such as heart attack or stroke.

    Symptoms may subside after setting the timer's RD16 bit to 0. </dd></dl>

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    Looks like you got it all straight.
    As for the preferences, I'd like to put a hold on that for a moment.

    Just talking about how to do it, has brought up new ideas that may help make things more compatible between the varieties of PIC's.

    I'm playing with it here to see if I can make it work or not.
    It's really just the same stuff as above, but with better options.
    I'll let you know soon.


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    Default A quick note:

    Hi Roman,
    Just a quick note to say Thank You, as it was your linistepper that got me interested in PICs.
    If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
    Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants - but debt is the money of slaves
    There simply is no "Happy Spam" If you do it you will disappear from this forum.

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    OK, wasn't sure before. But I am now.

    I have an import function that works on ANY PIC. (ASM or PBP)
    With a single exported btc file format.

    Conversions to 14-bit data or retlw are handled by MPASM (if necessary).

    Just need to make the player work with each type, and I'm good to go.

    Please HOLD!
    Last edited by Darrel Taylor; - 17th February 2008 at 03:58. Reason: ANY PIC means 12F, 16F, 18F

  17. #17
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    IMHO the attached sample works at 22050Hz 1 bit
    it uses a 12F675 @20MHz and an external I2C eeprom (24C256)
    The i2cread statement needs about 170uS to respond(@ 20MHz); i suppose that 44100Hz sampling rate can be obtained.
    Have fun.
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    Obviously the eeprom must be pre loaded with the binary file (filename.btc)
    A simple file transfer through com port could be interesting.

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    Default hello

    RB_Sound schematic

  20. #20
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    You can go to Romans website for a schematic, and description of how it works.

  21. #21
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    this is the first time i'm using the sound encoder, but i'm writing the software in mikroC language. Does anyone here knows mikroC language (or C language)?

    Where should i call the .C file function(below) from my main program?

    void sound_data1() org (1 * 256)
    asm retlw 0x12 ;
    asm retlw 0x5E ; .....}

    i tried to write like this:
    but i don't think is correct because there are 2 output ports from the PIC shown in the diagram.

    // Digital ----------2R-----,
    // |
    // Digital ----------2R-----*----- Analogue
    // | out
    // |
    // |
    // C = 0.22 uF
    // |
    // |
    // |
    // Gnd

    Thanks !!!

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    Hi, Leetzeyin

    Why not ask it directly here :

    I think they already dealt with this encoding system ...

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Acetronics View Post
    Hi, Leetzeyin
    Why not ask it directly here :
    Didn't you get the memo?
    Apparently, PicBasicPro = mikroC = Proton Basic = mikroBasic = Assembly = Everything else...

  24. #24
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    Default eeprom..

    How do I download the .btc or .asm or .c file to the eeprom?


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    I did some experimenting with storing the sound in external EEPROM.
    And for sure, you have to be using the MSSP module to read the data.
    SHIFTIN or I2CREAD can't keep up with the higher bitrates.

    I tried contacting Roman several times by email, and never got an answer, so I kind of forgot about it, and haven't done anymore with it.

  26. #26
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    I recorded a 5 sec 8-bit mono 22050Hz sound... then I stored it in the 24C512..

    then I put this on the 16F877:

          I2CREAD DPIN,CPIN,$A0,B0,[ATUAL, PROX] ' Read 2 locations in a row
          B0 = 2
            while F_nova = 0 : wend
                f_nova = 0
                I2CREAD DPIN,CPIN,$A0,B0,[PROX]
                b0 = b0 + 1
          'UNTIL B0 = 4997
    goto loop 
    PPL:    PIR1.0 = 0 
            TMR1H = LOAD.HIGHBYTE
            TMR1L = LOAD.LOWBYTE
            BUFFER.6 = ATUAL.7
            PORTD.1 = BUFFER.6
            PORTD.0 = BUFFER.7
            BUFFER = BUFFER << 1
            ATUAL = ATUAL << 1
            f_ctrl = F_Ctrl + 1
            if F_ctrl = 8 then
                F_NOVA = 1  
                f_ctrl = 0
                atual = prox
    Well, what I get is a slow and noise sound of what I had recorded. It is recognizable but isn't that good..

    I've tried increasing TMR1 interrupt but it did not make a difference...

    So, next steps:

    I'll try to user asm interrupts (instant interrupt..DT)
    try not to use I2CREAD..(editing: So, i've got to use MSSP..... Well, I suspect that there is no @ HI2CREAD yet, right? )

    Well, that is all..

    danke schön..
    Last edited by sirvo; - 12th December 2008 at 01:50.

  27. #27
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    Darrel, have a look at the attached files. It might help on the audio compression project.

    Please rename the files to *.rar and then de-compress them.

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    Hi Ioannis,

    What are they?

    Roman's btc convertor creates the smallest sound files I've ever seen.
    Can't imagine more compression being able to do anything without ruining the sound.

    I don't use RAR.
    Not brave enough to download free programs from a couple of brothers in Russia.

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    Hi Darrel. This is an article from the EDN magazine, February 1999. I thought to save you from the trouble to search the site and download it.

    It uses the PIC16C556/12C672 and ADPCM DECODER/ENCODER techniques.

    I don't know if they produce smaller files than Romans as I have not tested yet.

    OK, i will try to zip it and break it into 2 files. I hope windows ZIP can do that.

    Last edited by Ioannis; - 12th December 2008 at 20:51.

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    I made the files *png. Hope that are readable.

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    Last edited by ScaleRobotics; - 17th August 2010 at 06:57. Reason: Added PDF file

  31. #31
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    How do you convert the .BTC file generated by Romans BTC Sound encoder to a hex file?
    Just done a quick search on here and using google, could not find anything that helped.....Found a HEX editor, going to see if I can encode some sound!!
    Last edited by Agent36; - 15th December 2008 at 12:10.

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    Probably this is not the correct way but rename the .btc to .bin and try again... It works with WinPic800..

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    Hi Sirvo,
    Thanks for the reply will try that, I am using the pickit2 programmer to down load the hex file. I can now down load to the eeprom, not sure if the code is right but its a start. I will keep trying.

    Did you get your code working ok?
    regards Nick

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    Hi Nick,

    No yet, The sound is still slow.. everytime I listening to it I remember Louis Armstrong singing 'Wonderful World' when played in the K7 Tape... so many years ago...

    Please, let me know if you get it working!


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    Hi sirvo,
    I have not got anything working yet using romans btc sound encoder. I have been trying gioppy's code example with no luck. Not sure if i've got the hex dump right or my calculations. A one seconds worth of hex code wont fit on a 512 eeprom. Its getting to the point where I might offer a payment to someone on the forum to write this bit of code for me or take me through the steps required to get it working. Adding good audio to my project is becoming very hard work.

    If I do get something working i'll let you know, I do have some ISD control code if you want it.
    regards Nick

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    Nick, why don't you use an ISD device? Sure will have better audio quality.


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    Hi Ioannis,
    Have you used the ISD chips much? I have managed to write some code for the the isd4003 with SPI control about 18 months ago, but since then that type has been discontinued in the UK. I have got some of the 1700 series chipcorders and have been playing with them in push button mode. The problem I have with them is removing the pop and hiss that that is in the back ground when in play back, if I could remove or attenuate it they would be fine for my application. I found this last week when searching for ideas, it uses the audio out and parallel port for control.

    Which makes them more appealing, like I said if I could remove the noise i'd be using them.
    I have the circuit built as per the data sheet, with an lm386 audio amp connected to the speaker output. If you have any ideas they would be great.

    regards Nick

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    It was long time ago when I read the datasheets of the ISD products trying to decide which one to use. Finally the project did not mke it to production and I never used these chips, although I have some to experiment. I may do it sometime.

    Why not process the file on a sound editor program on the PC, and then use the line out of the PC to record the clean sound to the ISD?

    Last edited by Ioannis; - 16th December 2008 at 07:29.

  39. #39
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    I wish I'd noticed this before doing my talking clock.
    Or maybe not now that it's done in asm.

    BTW EEPROM is good for storing sound.

    I think a PicBasic version would be nice though, for projects where everything can
    fit in one chip.

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    For a version in basic see PIC iPod wav player


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