PIC16F877 and EEPROM FM24C16A

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  1. #1
    igeorge's Avatar
    igeorge Guest

    Unhappy PIC16F877 and EEPROM FM24C16A

    Hello everybody,
    I do not know if it is a hardware problem or software
    I need help on solving an I2C problem
    I am new to Pics as i am new to Pic Basic Pro (5 days only)
    I got from rentron the flash-lab77 kit with pic basic pro and the rest.
    I tryed first the the simple example in the sample and did not work. B1 and B2 returned 0 all the time.

    DEFINE LOADER_USED 1 ' Always include this when using the boot-loader
    DEFINE OSC 20 ' And this too since your board runs at 20MHz
    Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

    SO VAR PORTB.1 ' Define serial output pin
    DPIN var PORTC.0 ' I2C data pin
    CPIN var PORTC.1 ' I2C clock pin
    BA0 var byte
    BA1 var byte
    BA2 var byte

    For BA0 = 0 To 15 ' Loop 16 times
    I2CWRITE DPIN,CPIN,$A0,BA0,[BA0] ' Write each location's address to itself
    Pause 10 ' Delay 10ms after each write
    Next BA0

    loop: For BA0 = 0 To 15 step 2 ' Loop 8 times
    I2CREAD DPIN,CPIN,$A0,BA0,[BA1,BA2] ' Read 2 locations in a row
    Serout SO,16468 ,[#BA1," ",#BA2," "] ' Print 2 locations
    Next BA0

    Serout SO,16468,[10] ' Print linefeed

    Goto loop

    My problems are two , related to the i2c commands, if i can get it first working:
    1) First one is that i would like to write on the eeprom some decimal
    numbers of 4 digits each. Let say A=1234 and B=5678
    I would like with one i2cwrite command to put this data in the eeprom.
    The next step is to retrieve this data as decimal numbers too , so i can display it on an serial LCD ( i have figured out the display part and it works).
    I wrote this, but does not work

    a var word
    b var word
    I2CWRITE PORTC.0,PORTC.1,$a0,0,[A,B]
    I2Cread PORTC.0,PORTC.1,$a0,0,[A,B]
    It will read only one byte from the word.

    2) My second problem is to write some ASCII text on the eeprom and be able to read it back . lets say i want to write
    "this is text one on eeprom" , then, i would like to be able to read it back so i can display it on the lcd.

    I would appreciate if any of you can help me, and a small piece of code as an example it will be a jackpot.
    Just keep in mind that i am a complete newbee and what it is obvious for you it might be a mistery for me.
    Thank you very much for reading my postl and i hope to hear soon from you
    Ion George

  2. #2
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    Hi isgeorge,

    have a look at this Melanie's thread :


    hope this help. Case else let us know


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  3. #3
    igeorge's Avatar
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    Thanks Mister_e for guidance.
    I did read the topic on addressing i2c but i am still in the same dark. Reads, returns only zero. I am suprised that i am not able to make the sample code from mellab working !, not speaking about writing my own code.

  4. #4
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    does only

    SEROUT SO,16468,["HELLO",10]

    works alone ???

    if not try

    SEROUT SO,4,["HELLO",10] ;2400 baud inverted

    Do you use MicroCode studio to get your data from RS232? If yes, Be sure of the selected BaudRate.

    In case of SEROUT SO,4,["HELLO",10] don't work, try
    SEROUT SO,0,["HELLO",10] ;2400 true


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  5. #5
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    "I wrote this, but does not work

    a var word
    b var word
    I2CWRITE PORTC.0,PORTC.1,$a0,0,[A,B]
    I2Cread PORTC.0,PORTC.1,$a0,0,[A,B]
    It will read only one byte from the word.

    Variable must be define as Byte

    try this

    cont VAR BYTE
    addr VAR WORD
    cont = %10100000

    I2CWRITE PORTC.0,PORTC.1,cont,addr,[A]
    I2CWRITE PORTC.0,PORTC.1,cont,addr+1,[B]
    PAUSE 10
    I2CREAD PORTC.0,PORTC.1,cont,addr,[A,B]

    then send A, B serial

    one other things. Do you put pull up resistor to the SDA and SCLK pin 5&6 on your EEPROM??? If not use about 4.7K. They must be installed...

    let me know

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  6. #6
    igeorge's Avatar
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    The answer to the previous post is that serial works .
    I did try just to send some strings and i got them on the display.
    For the i2c, it does not send it to the lcd as decimal, let say 1234 or 5678, it will just send one byte of each in the hex fromat.
    I do not know if the problem is with writing just one byte or reading one byte from the whole word. for 1234 it will display just D2 . it looks it will not read the whole 4D2 , nor converted to decimal on the display

  7. #7
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    O.k. the reason is because 24c16 is a 8bits format. it's mean that you cannot stored an 16bit value in a memory allocatio. the way to acheive to it is to separate your 16 word in 2 8 bit byte

    so if you want to store 1234 you must send



    I2CWRITE PORTC.0,PORTC.1,cont,addr,[A,B]
    PAUSE 10
    I2CREAD PORTC.0,PORTC.1,cont,addr,[A,B]
    SEROUT SO,16468,[HEX A, HEX B,10]

    this is suppose to work. Case not let me know i'll work on it myself and try in real world.


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  8. #8
    igeorge's Avatar
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    Thank you Mister_e
    This put some light on the project. I will try it.
    The only problem with that is that i have to make to many variable, double then normal i do . If it is no other way, i have to leave with that

  9. #9
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    simply use WORD to get your result and then use 2 byte to convert and send them to eeprom.

    By example (MSB, LSB will be value to send/receive from eeprom)

    ToConvert VAR WORD
    addr VAR BYTE
    cont VAR BYTE


    ;convert WORD size to 2 BYTEs before send to eeprom
    I2CWRITE PORTC.0,PORTC.1,cont,addr,[MSB,LSB]
    PAUSE 10

    ;now convert from eeprom to WORD size and send it
    I2CREAD PORTC.0,PORTC.1,cont,addr,[MSB,LSB]
    SEROUT SO,16468,[#ToConvert,10]

    i didn't test it but it suppose to work.

    let me know

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  10. #10
    Hockung's Avatar
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    Default Pic16F877 and Eeprom 24LC256 and 24LC16B

    Hello, i am facing the same problem when i try to store data to the Eeprom. i only get back 0 when i read from the Eeprom. I had done the pull up resistor for Sda and Scl but the result still the same. The data that i try to store is from 0-255.

    DEFINE OSC 20 ' 20MHz crystal
    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' enable serial port and
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h ' enable transmit register
    DEFINE HSER_BAUD 19200 ' 19200 baud rate
    DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 64 ' 19200 baud rate
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' automatically close

    '************************************************* *******************
    'Declaration of I/O pins and Variables
    '************************************************* *******************

    scl VAR PORTC.3 ' I2C clock pin
    sda VAR PORTC.4 ' I2C data pin
    w VAR WORD
    a VAR BYTE
    counter VAR BYTE
    char VAR BYTE ' Storage for serial character
    char2 VAR BYTE ' Storage for serial character
    char3 VAR BYTE
    add VAR BYTE
    value VAR BYTE[80]
    value2 VAR BYTE[80]

    '************************************************* *******************
    a = 0
    counter = 0
    add = 1block1 CON %10100000
    store3: HSerin [STR value\60]
    Low PORTA.5
    char = value[a]
    LCDOut $fe, 1
    LCDOut #char
    I2CWrite PORTC.4,PORTC.3,$a1,add,[char]
    Pause 40
    IF a == 60 Then
    GoTo baca
    a = a + 1
    add = add + 1
    GoTo store3
    'Pause 10000

    High PORTB.1
    add = 1
    baca: LCDOut "Read cycle"
    Pause 3000
    I2CRead PORTC.4,PORTC.3,$a0,add,[char2]
    Pause 3000
    LCDOut $fe, 1
    LCDOut #char
    Pause 2000
    IF a == 60 Then
    GoTo dump
    a = a + 1
    add = add + 1
    GoTo baca

    Above is part of my program that i had wrote. I can't find out what is the problem. Can some one help me to correct it?

  11. #11
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    change i2cread and i2cwrite line. control word must be a variable, not a simple value....

    I2CWrite PORTC.4,PORTC.3,cont,add,[char]

    be sure you have around 4.7K pull up, write/protect pin to ground too.

    be also sure SCL and SDA are not reverted ...happen sometimes

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  12. #12
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    also i see you don't use the same control word to read/write to chip...

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  13. #13
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    This is the program which i wrote to communicate with CMUcam. I faced some prblem regarding storing data to EEprom. The problem that i faced was the Pic took a long time to store the data to the Eeprom. It take about 5s to store about 800 bytes. I suspect delay happened when i store data to the array which is created then only store into the Eeprom. I used this way to ensure no data is lost during transfer using USArt. Did my program got problem or not which cause the Pic to so slow?

    DEFINE OSC 20 ' 20MHz crystal
    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' enable serial port
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h ' enable transmit register
    DEFINE HSER_BAUD 115200 ' 19200 baud rate
    DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 64 ' 19200 baud rate
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' automatically close
    DEFINE I2C_SLOW 1 ' standard

    '************************************************* *******************
    'Declaration of I/O pins and Variables
    '************************************************* *******************

    w VAR WORD
    a VAR WORD
    b VAR WORD
    c VAR BYTE

    counter VAR BYTE
    char VAR BYTE ' Storage for serial character
    char2 VAR BYTE ' Storage for serial character
    add VAR BYTE
    value VAR BYTE[96]
    'value2 VAR BYTE[80]

    SCL VAR PORTC.3 ' Clock pin
    SDA VAR PORTC.4 ' Data pin
    col VAR BYTE
    row VAR BYTE

    B0 VAR WORD ' Address
    B1 VAR BYTE ' Data 1
    B2 VAR BYTE ' Data 2

    '************************************************* *******************

    'Clearing all register

    '************************************************* *******************

    Clear ' clear all register

    '************************************************* *******************

    a = 0 ' Starting address for Eeprom
    col = 30
    row = 19 '
    CONT = $A0

    '************************************************* *******************

    High PORTB.0
    Pause 1000 ' Wait for LCD to startup
    Low PORTB.0

    LCDOut $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
    High PORTB.0
    LCDOut "start" ' Display Hello
    Pause 1000 ' Wait 3 second

    Low PORTB.0
    Pause 1000
    High PORTB.0

    LCDOut $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
    LCDOut "CMU"
    Pause 1000 ' Wait 2 second
    Low PORTB.0

    '************************************************* *******************
    loop: HSerin 1, reset, [char] ' Get a char from serial port
    Pause 2000
    LCDOut $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
    LCDOut char ' Send char to display
    High PORTB.0
    Pause 1000
    Low PORTB.0

    IF Char = "A" Then pm

    reset: HSerout ["rs",13] ' reset CMUcam
    High PORTB.1
    Pause 1000
    Low PORTB.1
    GoTo loop

    pm: HSerout ["pm 1",13]
    Pause 1000
    HSerin [char2]
    IF char2 ="A" Then
    GoTo set
    GoTo pm

    set: Low PORTE.0
    High PORTA.5
    HSerout ["CR 17 10 18 32 ",13] ' set CMU to YCrCb mode and 4 fps
    Pause 1000
    Low PORTA.5
    GoSub check ' goto check ACK signal

    setw: High PORTA.5
    HSerout ["SW 11 ", DEC row," 30 ", DEC row,13]
    Pause 500
    Low PORTB.5
    GoTo dump

    check: HSerin 1, out, [char2]
    LCDOut $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
    LCDOut char2 ' Send char to display
    Pause 1000

    out: IF char2="A" Then
    GoTo setw
    GoTo set


    dump: High PORTA.5
    HSerout ["DF",13] ' ask camera to dump frame

    '************************************************* *******************
    'Store image data at external serial EEPROM
    '************************************************* *******************

    store3: HSerin [SKIP 7,STR value\80] 'Skip the first 7 charactor then store data to value
    Low PORTA.5
    c = 1
    b = a + 20
    For B0 = a TO b ' Loop 60 times
    B1 = value[c] ' B1 is data for EEPROM
    I2CWrite SDA,SCL,CONT,B0,[B1] ' Write each location
    Pause 50 ' Delay 10ms after each write
    c = c + 4
    Next B0

    loop2: For B0 = a TO b STEP 3 ' Loop 8 times
    I2CRead SDA,SCL,CONT,B0,[B1,B2,B3] ' Read 3 locations in a row
    LCDOut $fe,1,#B0,": ",#B1," ",#B2," ",#B3," " ' Display 2 locations
    Pause 2000
    Next B0

    GoTo RSW

    RSW: For row = 21 TO 40 ' Reset window
    HSerout ["SW 11 ", DEC row," 30 ", DEC row,13]
    Pause 20
    HSerout ["DF",13]

    HSerin [ SKIP 7, STR value\80] 'Skip the first 7 charactor then store data to value
    c = 1
    a = a + 20
    b = a + 20
    For B0 = a TO b ' Loop 60 times
    B1 = value[c] ' B1 is data for EEPROM
    I2CWrite SDA,SCL,CONT, B0,[B1] ' Write each location
    Pause 50
    c = c + 4 ' Delay 10ms after each write
    Next B0

    Next row

    show: a = 80
    b = 160
    For B0 = a TO b STEP 3 ' Loop 8 times
    I2CRead SDA,SCL,CONT,B0,[B1,B2,B3] ' Read 3 locations in a row
    LCDOut $fe,1,#B0,": ",#B1," ",#B2," ",#B3," " ' Display 2 locations
    Pause 2000
    Next B0

    GoTo loop2
    '************************************************* *******************


  14. #14
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    After a fast code reading, two things slow you I2C writing...



    PAUSE 50 after I2CWRITE

    If your EEPROM support high speed, remove I2C_SLOW define and decrease PAUSE 50 to 10 or 15... should work faster now

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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