EPWM control

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Thread: EPWM control

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Merango, IL

    Default EPWM control

    Hello again everyone. I have not been on in a long time. I have new project I'm working on and can't seem to get the solution I'm looking for. Bascially it is suppose to set one of 3 DC for the PWM, and continuously re-locate the motor based on the position of some other pieces. I try to set up the PW registers at the start and only monitor the DC (Duty Cycle) and direction throughout the rest of the code. I'm using a PIC16F684 and would like to stick with registers and not hpwm. Mister E thank you for your simple yet great multi-calc program. I also double checked all of the register values before using them so I know they are correct. Here are the things I'm noticing with this software.

    1. The frequency the PWM is running at is suppose to be 8kHz and is only at 4kHz.

    2. The DC only works in the middle range, below shown as 717. Surrounding values do not work.

    3. Sometimes it seems as if there are sections of 0% DC popping up.

    Below I tried to give as much of the code as I could without getting to long. I've read through the data sheet and app notes many time now and can't seem to find where I'm messing this up. Is it possible I'm trying to update the DC to quickly? Any help from anyone is greatly appreciated, please ask me if you need any more information. I can post the entire code if anyone needs it.

    My test is just on the chip with a scope, telling the motor to go to a point it can never reach. This should give me a constant set of pulses at the same DC forever. I have a pot conected to ADCIN 5 to change the DC but like I said before when I move out of the mid range the signal out drops to 0% DC.

    '	Hardware Defines Specific to PIC Basic Pro                                 '
       define ADC_BITS 10          'Set A/D coverter to use 10 bits
       define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50      'Set A/D sample time as 50us
       DEFINE OSC 8                'Change clock speed to 8Mhz
    '	Initialise PIC Hardware                                                '
       CMCON0 = 7                  'Turn comparators off
       ANSEL = %00110111           'Turn on select analog registers
       TRISA = %00001111           'Turn on select register inputs
       TRISC = %00111111           'Turn on select register inputs
       ADCON0.7 = 1                'Set A/D Values to be right justified
       ADCON0.0 = 1                'Turn on A/D Converter
       PR2 = 249
       CCP1CON = %11001100  
       CCPR1L = 0 
       PIR1.1 = 0
       T2CON.0 = 0
       T2CON.1 = 0
       T2CON.2 = 1
       WHILE (PIR1.1 = 0)
       TRISC.5 = 0
       TRISC.4 = 0
       TRISC.3 = 0
       TRISC.2 = 0
       ADCIN 5, Speed
       Speed.lowbyte = ADRESL  
       Speed.highbyte = ADRESH 
       IF (Speed > AnalogLow) & (Speed < AnalogHigh) THEN
          DUTY = 717
       IF (Speed < AnalogLow) THEN
          DUTY = 512
       IF (Speed > AnalogHigh) THEN
          DUTY = 922
    ....    (To much to insert here)
       ADCIN 2, Position
       Position.LowByte = ADRESL
       Position.HighByte = ADRESH
       If (Position < Seeking + 10) OR (Position > Seeking - 10) THEN
          DUTY = 0
          CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
          CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
          CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2
          Goto Main
          IF (Position > Seeking + 10) THEN
             CCP1CON.7 = 1
             CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
             CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
             CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2
             GOTO MAIN
          IF (Position < Seeking - 10) THEN
             CCP1CON.7 = 0
             CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
             CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
             CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2
             Goto Main
    GOTO Main

  2. #2
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    Trying to understand..
    Speed is the POT, what is AnalogLow? Is the POT linear?
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  3. #3
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    Thank you for the reply mackrackit. What I'm actually doing is taking a 3 position knob say (slow, medium, and fast speed settings) I bring 2 of the settings into a dual opto on a pcb and basically turn it into an analog signal using a set of four resistors on the output. For example slow speed would give me a close to 0V on the pin of the PIC. Medium means niether opto is on and gives 2.5V to the PIC. Fast speed turns the bottom opto on giving close to 5V signal on the PIC. Analog Low I have defined as 256 decimal or 1.25V on the pin. Analog high I have defined as 768 or 3.75V. It's just a way I tried to use 3 digital input as one analog to save I/O ports. I hope this is a good explaination. If you would like to see the circuit I can share that as well.

    I have done this PWM before but with much less code so I went back to the basics. Here is the code that I have running right now and does work correctly.

    '	PIC Defines Specific to PIC Basic Pro                                  '
       ' 1. Use internal system clock
       ' 2. Turn watchdog timer on
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, WDT_OFF
       ' 3. Power on time on
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, PWRT_ON
       ' 4. Turning off the master clear input
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, MCLR_OFF
       ' 5. Brown out detect on
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, BOD_ON
       ' 6. Data EE Read protect is off
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, CPD_OFF
       ' 7. Code protect is off
    '	Hardware Defines Specific to PIC Basic Pro                             '
    	define ADC_BITS 10          'Set A/D coverter to use 10 bits
       define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50      'Set A/D sample time as 50us
       DEFINE OSC 8                'Change clock speed to 8Mhz
    '	Define Program Variables                                               '
       R VAR BYTE
       ScaledX VAR BYTE
       ScaledY VAR BYTE
       ShortX VAR BYTE
       ShortY VAR BYTE
       Slope VAR WORD
       AnalogLow VAR WORD          'Digital value for an analog low signal
       AnalogHigh VAR WORD         'Digital value for an analog high signal
       CurrentSpeed VAR WORD
       ExtLimit VAR WORD           'Stored value of the extend limit setting
       JoyX VAR WORD
       JoyY VAR WORD
       RetLimit VAR WORD           'Stored value of the retract limit setting
       Position VAR WORD           'Analog value of the internal potentiometer
       Seeking VAR WORD
       Speed VAR WORD
    '	Define I/O and EEPROM Definitions                                      '
       ' The following 3 Data Commands write the Program Name and Revision 
       '    number on the chips EEPROM in Location D0 - FF. This can be read
       '    by placing the chip in the programmer, reading it with MPLAB,
       '    and viewing the EEPROM.
       DATA @208, "BadBoy  Mowers  "
       DATA @224, "U3      Double  "
       DATA @240, "Rev. 1  A.S.    "
       data @0,word 768            'Set default extend limit
       data @2,word 256            'Set default retract limit    
       AnalogHigh = 768            'Set analog high signal level 
       AnalogLow = 256             'Set analog low signal level
    '   READ 1, RetLimit.Highbyte
    '   READ 0, RetLimit.Lowbyte
    '   READ 3, ExtLimit.Highbyte
    '   READ 2, ExtLimit.Lowbyte
    '	Initialise PIC Hardware                                                '
       CMCON0 = 7                  'Turn comparators off
    	ADCON0.7 = 1                'Set A/D Values to be right justified
       ADCON0.0 = 1                'Turn on A/D Converter
       ANSEL = %00110111           'Turn on select analog registers
    	TRISA = %00001111           'Turn on select register inputs
    	TRISC = %00111111           'Turn on select register inputs
       PR2 = 249
       CCP1CON = %11001100  
       CCPR1L = 0 
       PIR1.1 = 0
       T2CON.0 = 0
       T2CON.1 = 0
       T2CON.2 = 1
       WHILE (PIR1.1 = 0)
    	TRISC = %00000011
    '   Start of Main Program                                                 '
       ADCIN 5, Speed
       Speed.lowbyte = ADRESL  
       Speed.highbyte = ADRESH 
       CCP1CON.4 = Speed.0
       CCP1CON.5 = Speed.1 
       CCPR1L = Speed >> 2
    GOTO Main
    There are some useless variables in there because I commented most of the code out. I'm going to slowly try to incorperate the rest in now since I know this basic works. One thing I just noticed is that when I pull the pot wiper wire out of AN5 the DC goes back to 50%, not sure why but I will figure it out. Thanks again and I hope to here from you soon because this is driving me nuts. I know it's something simple.

  4. #4
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    Off hand I do not see anything wrong with the logic, so check hardware.

    Can you add to your code a quick debug out put---serot to hyperterm the values of Speed and AnalogLow/High or the ADC value of that pin?

    The ADC with out the pot could float to mid range.

    Along with the debug, check the voltages at the ADC pins(sure you have done this,basic trouble shooting).

    Hard code Duty a a give value to check the output(if you have a spare pin --- add some where in the main loop--- if pin? then Duty = ?.

    I know this is not much help but a the moment it is all I can suggest
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  5. #5
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    Thumbs up

    It's ok mackrackit any help is better than none. Here's where I'm at as of now. I have encorperated the rest of the code back into the main now. I've left out the section where I figure out the seeking value and hard coded it. I've also given position a hard coded value as with nothing attached to the pin I will get garbage on the pin. I still have a pot tied to AN5 which does change the DC as I move it up and down. If you look below there are 6 lines in the "timeTomove" sub, if I uncomment the first four only I get no output. If I uncomment out the bottom two I get a couple of pulses on the output (Maybe 2 of 3) but after that the signal drops out. Any ideas? I will continue to work on this, and thank you for the help so far.

    '	PIC Defines Specific to PIC Basic Pro                                  '
       ' 1. Use internal system clock
       ' 2. Turn watchdog timer on
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, WDT_OFF
       ' 3. Power on time on
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, PWRT_ON
       ' 4. Turning off the master clear input
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, MCLR_OFF
       ' 5. Brown out detect on
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, BOD_ON
       ' 6. Data EE Read protect is off
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, CPD_OFF
       ' 7. Code protect is off
    '	Hardware Defines Specific to PIC Basic Pro                             '
    	define ADC_BITS 10          'Set A/D coverter to use 10 bits
       define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50      'Set A/D sample time as 50us
       DEFINE OSC 8                'Change clock speed to 8Mhz
    '	Define Program Variables                                               '
       R VAR BYTE
       ScaledX VAR BYTE
       ScaledY VAR BYTE
       ShortX VAR BYTE
       ShortY VAR BYTE
       Slope VAR WORD
       AnalogLow VAR WORD          'Digital value for an analog low signal
       AnalogHigh VAR WORD         'Digital value for an analog high signal
       CurrentSpeed VAR WORD
       ExtLimit VAR WORD           'Stored value of the extend limit setting
       JoyX VAR WORD
       JoyY VAR WORD
       RetLimit VAR WORD           'Stored value of the retract limit setting
       Position VAR WORD           'Analog value of the internal potentiometer
       Seeking VAR WORD
       Speed VAR WORD
    '	Define I/O and EEPROM Definitions                                      '
       data @0,word 768            'Set default extend limit
       data @2,word 256            'Set default retract limit    
       AnalogHigh = 768            'Set analog high signal level 
       AnalogLow = 256             'Set analog low signal level
    '   READ 1, RetLimit.Highbyte
    '   READ 0, RetLimit.Lowbyte
    '   READ 3, ExtLimit.Highbyte
    '   READ 2, ExtLimit.Lowbyte
    '	Initialise PIC Hardware                                                '
       CMCON0 = 7                  'Turn comparators off
    	ADCON0.7 = 1                'Set A/D Values to be right justified
       ADCON0.0 = 1                'Turn on A/D Converter
       ANSEL = %00110111           'Turn on select analog registers
    	TRISA = %00001111           'Turn on select register inputs
    	TRISC = %00111111           'Turn on select register inputs
       PR2 = 249
       CCP1CON = %11001100  
       CCPR1L = 0 
       PIR1.1 = 0
       T2CON.0 = 0
       T2CON.1 = 0
       T2CON.2 = 1
       WHILE (PIR1.1 = 0)
       TRISC = %00000011 
    '   Start of Main Program                                                 '
       ADCIN 1, JoyX
       JoyX.LowByte = ADRESL
       JoyX.HighByte = ADRESH
       ADCIN 0, JoyY
       JoyY.LowByte = ADRESL
       JoyY.HighByte = ADRESH 
       ShortX = JoyX / 4
       ShortY = JoyY / 4
       Seeking = 400
       GOTO TimeToMove
       ADCIN 2, Position
       Position.LowByte = ADRESL
       Position.HighByte = ADRESH
    Position = 300
       If (Position < Seeking + 10) OR (Position > Seeking - 10) THEN
    '      DUTY = 0
    '      CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
    '      CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
    '      CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2      
          IF (Position > Seeking + 10) THEN
    '         CCP1CON.7 = 1
             GOSUB GETSpeed
          IF (Position < Seeking - 10) THEN
    '         CCP1CON.7 = 0
             GOSUB GetSpeed
    GOTO Main
       ADCIN 5, Speed
       Speed.lowbyte = ADRESL  
       Speed.highbyte = ADRESH    
       IF (Speed > AnalogLow) & (Speed < AnalogHigh) THEN
          DUTY = 617
          CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
          CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
          CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2
       IF (Speed < AnalogLow) THEN
          DUTY = 400
          CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
          CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
          CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2
       IF (Speed > AnalogHigh) THEN
          DUTY = 850
          CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
          CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
          CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2

  6. #6
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    After DUTY gets a value in the main part of the program you have DUTY=0 in timeTOmove.

    The code you have working writes to the high and low byte for Speed the goes straight to CCP1CON.4 and CCP1CON.5 with the low and high byte of speed.

    In the one that is not working DUTY has 0 written to it before CCP1CON.4 and CCP1CON.5.
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  7. #7
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    The part of the code I last posted that has 0 being put into DUTY is there to stop the motor from running. The position is between the two required points so I want to stop motion. The other two if statments is is the motor is not in the correct position then it needs to move. To do that you change the CCP1CON.7 pin to either a 1 or 0 for full H-bridge mode, and use the standard duty cycle. It's just a way so I do not have to shut down the PWM and leave it running forever.

    I will be working on this all day today, and try to give an update as I progress. If you have anything at all please let me know, I'm starting to run out of ideas. Thanks again.

  8. #8
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    mmm, something spring to mind now form your first post, you said it was suppose to produce 8KHz but, in real-world, it produce 4KHz.

    DEFINE OSC 8 don't change the internal OSC speed, it's more a compiler directive to match PAUSE, PAUSEus and all other timed stuff with the real OSC speed.

    POR value for the internal osc is 4 MHZ, to change it to 8 MHZ you want to use

    OSCCON = %01110000    ' this set the internal osc to 8MHz
    for now i can't check the whole thing here, but let us know if the above fix something. At very least, you should have the right PWM frequency.


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  9. #9
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    Thank you Mister_e, that did help out. The running frequency is now 8KHz. I ran a small bit of code below.

    '	PIC Defines Specific to PIC Basic Pro                                  '
       ' 1. Use internal system clock
       ' 2. Turn watchdog timer on
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, WDT_OFF
       ' 3. Power on time on
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, PWRT_ON
       ' 4. Turning off the master clear input
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, MCLR_OFF
       ' 5. Brown out detect on
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, BOD_ON
       ' 6. Data EE Read protect is off
       @ DEVICE PIC16F684, CPD_OFF
       ' 7. Code protect is off
    '	Hardware Defines Specific to PIC Basic Pro                             '
    	define ADC_BITS 10          'Set A/D coverter to use 10 bits
       define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50      'Set A/D sample time as 50us
       DEFINE OSC 8                'Change clock speed to 8Mhz
       OSCCON = %01110000          'Change internal osc to 8MHz
    '	Define Program Variables                                               '
       R VAR BYTE
       ScaledX VAR BYTE
       ScaledY VAR BYTE
       ShortX VAR BYTE
       ShortY VAR BYTE
       Slope VAR WORD
       AnalogLow VAR WORD          'Digital value for an analog low signal
       AnalogHigh VAR WORD         'Digital value for an analog high signal
       CurrentSpeed VAR WORD
       ExtLimit VAR WORD           'Stored value of the extend limit setting
       JoyX VAR WORD
       JoyY VAR WORD
       RetLimit VAR WORD           'Stored value of the retract limit setting
       Position VAR WORD           'Analog value of the internal potentiometer
       Seeking VAR WORD
       Speed VAR WORD
    '	Define I/O and EEPROM Definitions                                      '
       data @0,word 768            'Set default extend limit
       data @2,word 256            'Set default retract limit    
       AnalogHigh = 768            'Set analog high signal level 
       AnalogLow = 256             'Set analog low signal level
       ExtLimit = 750
       Retlimit = 50
    '	Initialise PIC Hardware                                                '
       CMCON0 = 7                  'Turn comparators off
    	ADCON0.7 = 1                'Set A/D Values to be right justified
       ADCON0.0 = 1                'Turn on A/D Converter
       ANSEL = %00110111           'Turn on select analog registers
    	TRISA = %00001111           'Turn on select register inputs
    	TRISC = %00111111           'Turn on select register inputs
       PR2 = 249
       CCP1CON = %11001100  
       CCPR1L = 0 
       PIR1.1 = 0
       T2CON.0 = 0
       T2CON.1 = 0
       T2CON.2 = 1
       WHILE (PIR1.1 = 0)
       TRISC = %00000011 
    '   Start of Main Program                                                 '
       CCP1CON.7 = 1
       DUTY = 300
       CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
       CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
       CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2
       PAUSE 1000
       DUTY = 0
       CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
       CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
       CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2
       PAUSE 200
       CCP1CON.7 = 0
       DUTY = 300
       CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
       CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
       CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2
       PAUSE 1000
       DUTY = 0
       CCP1CON.4 = DUTY.0
       CCP1CON.5 = DUTY.1 
       CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2
       PAUSE 200   
    This ran a few times on the motor back and forth, and then ruined one of the driver chips on the board shorting my pcb out. This is an update of where I am at the moment. I starting trouble shooting on it now, so hopefully if anyone finds a solution so will I. One of the things that might be hurting me is a electro cap on the 5V rail (I know duh) or a very high uF cap on the +12V rail for the 2 H-bridges running DC brush motors. (Again, I can't believe I forgot these) I'm also attaching the schematic as this might help some see something in the hardware. I really appreciate all of the help so far guys. Thank you

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  10. #10
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    Seems you forgot the back EMF diode in your H-Bridge driver.

    470 Ohm seems a bit bit high for a gate resistor... if even really needed...

    How many amp you need to drive?

    Did you also tried with a resistive load?

    I'll look the whole thing later, sure i missed something else.

    Fortunately, someone else may beat me to the punch

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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  11. #11
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    Thank you mister_e again for your input. I think I might have made some headway on this project. Things I have chaged from last sch:

    1. Removed and placed jumpers instead of the 470ohm gate resistors.

    2. Place a 25V 470uF elect Capacitor for the 12V on the motor.

    3. Placed 1uF 50V Ceramic caps on the 12V power for the driver chips, and across the H-Bridge 12V.

    These seem to have cleaned the signals up a lot. I know can run the test code and a have the motor run back and forth forever. The load of each of the 2 motors is 5A each, I use 100uF for each 1A as a rule of thumb that I had forgotten.

    The Back emf diodes are included in the mosfets, and I also have TVS to help with these problems. If you have anything else please free to let me know. I will try to keep everyone updated.

    Thank you,

  12. #12
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    yeah but usually those internal diode are just simply too slow...

    I think we don't use the same rules of thumbs 1000uF/Amp here... maybe i'm wrong?

    When you said.. Place a 25V 470uF elect Capacitor for the 12V on the motor.
    you mean in parallel with the motor??? not sure if you really need it. And.. mmm, if it's not a not-polarized type, you may have some problem one day or another... If it's only on the Vdd rails then.. that's ok.

    Across the driver i would suggest 10-47uF tantalum + 0.1 uF ceramic.

    Enjoy! and great to know it solve most of the problem

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

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